Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1606 Ocean of Flowers

Near ten thirty in the morning, the wedding ceremony is about to begin.

All the guests who attended the wedding had arrived and sat down on the seats with their names written on them, chatting excitedly in low voices while looking forward to the official start of this grand wedding.

When everyone was seated and no one was walking back and forth in the church, the staff of the wedding planning company immediately dispatched and quickly started the final arrangements before the wedding.

They quickly sprinkled the flowers and petals symbolizing love all over the stage where the ceremony was held and the oath was held, the main passage leading from the stage to the door of the church, and other open spaces!

At the same time, they moved out eight rainbow arches made of flowers of various colors and placed them on the main aisle, with one every few meters from the stage to the church entrance.

And on the stage where the ceremony was held and the oath was held, there was a huge arch of flowers and some extremely beautiful garlands!

Regardless of these petals or flowers, as well as the rainbow arch, the flowers used are just picked this morning, and they are the top flowers, extremely fresh and delicate!

There are red roses and white roses that symbolize love, white lilies that symbolize a hundred years of harmony, tulips that represent true love, and Phalaenopsis that symbolize elegance and purity.

Following the actions of the staff of the wedding planning company, the interior of Laonan Church soon became a sea of ​​flowers, full of fragrance and fragrance!

Many wedding guests in the church, as well as countless audiences in front of the live broadcast, couldn't help being shocked when they saw this beautiful scene, and they all gasped in admiration!

Especially the countless women on the live and live broadcast end, when they saw this sea of ​​flowers, they fell into a state of obsession in an instant, and everyone looked ecstatic.

"Wow! This is so beautiful, I also want to hold a wedding ceremony in this sea of ​​flowers, it must be extremely romantic, dreamlike, and unforgettable!"

"Although I don't like Steven, a greedy guy, I have to admit that this guy is very romantic and generous, and is worthy of a woman's entrustment for life!"

Just when people were talking about it, Ye Tian and Betty were in their respective lounges, making the final preparations for the wedding, preparing to enter the palace of marriage and spend the rest of their lives together!

At this time, Ye Tian had already put on his wedding dress, stood in front of the full-length mirror with a smile on his face, looked at himself in the mirror, and secretly bid farewell to his single self!

Beside him, Henry and his assistant were checking and adjusting his dress. The two checked very carefully and meticulously, trying to show Ye Tian's most perfect side.

Of course, Henry also has another idea.

He wanted to take this opportunity to show everyone the superb skills of Anderson \u0026 Shepherd's tailors and declare their unique position in the field of advanced custom suits.

At a later position, the mother and sister-in-law separated from each other, watching Ye Tian quietly, their eyes were full of love, appreciation, and endless pride!

The mother's eye circles were even a little red. When she thought that her son, whom she had raised for 20 or 30 years, was about to start a family and start a small family of her own, she was inevitably a little excited!

On the other side, Jason and Dongzi, who are the best men, each wore a set of high-end custom-made dresses. Everyone was very excited and energetic, and they were waiting for the wedding ceremony to begin!

Besides the two of them, there was a best man in the lounge, and he was a twenty-four or five-year-old Chinese boy, who was also wearing a haute couture dress, quite handsome!

This guy is none other than Lin Feiyang, the son of Uncle Lin in San Francisco. He is currently studying in Los Angeles and is a graduate student at Caltech.

When Ye Tian was in high school in San Francisco, this kid was in elementary school. He was his little follower, and the relationship between the two was very good!

Considering that Lin Feiyang lives in the United States and has a special situation, out of his protection, Ye Tian did not let him appear in public before being exposed to the cameras of media reporters.

Not only Lin Feiyang, but Uncle Lin's couple also received the same treatment. They had never appeared in public since they came to Boston, and the media reporters didn't know their identities at all.

At this time, Uncle Lin's family was sitting in Laonan Church with their father and uncle, chatting and waiting for the wedding to start!

While talking, Henry and the others have completed the inspection.

"Steven, everything is perfect, there are no problems, and then you can walk out of this lounge in the most perfect state and walk onto the wedding stage!"

Henry said with a smile, with some complacency in his words and eyes, and he indeed has the capital of complacency.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this person, then nodded with a smile and said

"Thank you very much, Henry, you are the most outstanding tailor I have ever met, I am very satisfied with your service, they are not just haute couture suits, but pieces of art!

You can go to the guest area inside the church and sit down, wait for the wedding to start, and witness the wedding of Betty and me with your own eyes. I will wear a high-end dress made by you to marry the woman I love! "

"Okay Steven, I'm really looking forward to seeing that beautiful moment and honored to be at the wedding ceremony, let's go first, see you later!"

After speaking, Henry took his assistant, turned and left the lounge, and sat in the guest area in front.

The same scene was happening not far away, in Betty's lounge.

However, there were more people around her, almost filling the entire lounge!

Among them are her mother Evelyn, two sisters, and three bridesmaids, namely Sophie, Black Pearl Jennifer, and a best friend who has been playing since childhood.

In addition, the wedding dress queen Vera Wang and her assistant, Alice and her assistant, and two senior makeup artists are also in this lounge.

These top professionals are busy around Betty, trying to dress her up as the most beautiful and moving bride in the world, and then step onto the ceremony stage and enter the palace of marriage!

Lisa, Betty's personal bodyguard, is also in this lounge, following Betty at all times to protect her safety.

Lisa also has another task, which is to take care of Betty's replacement jewelry and make sure those priceless jewelry are safe before they get lost!

In a blink of an eye, it was a quarter past ten in the morning.

The mother and sister-in-law told Ye Tian a few words, then reluctantly left the lounge, went to the front guest area and sat down, waiting for the wedding to officially begin.

As soon as they left, the person in charge of the wedding planning company knocked on the door and walked into the lounge.

"Mr. Steven, the time is almost up, and you will be able to appear in five minutes. We have notified your fiancée Betty! The Pope's side is the same.

My staff will guide you to the ceremony stage. You are already very familiar with the specific process. When the wedding march sounds, Matthew will take Betty into the church! "

"Okay, Howard, I know what to do, thank you for reminding me, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

Ye Tian nodded and said with a smile, his eyes were shining brightly and filled with anticipation.

Afterwards, Howard said a few more precautions, and then left the lounge to go out to do other things.

When he left the lounge, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look at Dongzi, and said to the little guy

"Dongzi, check the wedding ring again. My brother's life's happiness rests on that wedding ring. Don't lose it to me, boy, or I'll never end with you!"

Hearing this, Dongzi immediately reached into the suit and touched the jewelry box in the inner pocket.

After confirming that the jewelry box was still in his pocket, the kid said carelessly

"Brother, don't worry, buddy will never delay your lifelong event, but shouldn't you express it?"

Ye Tian immediately walked up to this kid, helped him tidy up the white silk square scarf in his jacket pocket, and then said with a smile

"As long as you behave decently later, don't embarrass me, then I have everything you want, brother, I can promise you, of course, some things can only be owned after you become an adult!"

Before the words fell, Dongzi cheered excitedly.

"It's great, bro, I knew you were the best, it's too embarrassing to say that!"

Ye Tian gave the kid a blank look, then raised his hand to look at the time, and then said to several people in the lounge

"It's almost time, let's go guys, to the ceremony stage ahead"

After finishing speaking, he patted Dongzi on the shoulder lightly, then turned around and walked towards the door of the lounge.

The three of Dongzi and Jason followed immediately, and walked out of the lounge together. Everyone was so excited, their eyes were shining brightly!

Outside the door, two staff members from the wedding planning company were waiting here, as well as Cole and three armed security personnel.

"Cole, keep two guys guarding this lounge and don't let anyone in without my permission until the wedding is over"

Ye Tian gave Cole a few words, and then walked forward with the staff of the wedding planning company.

A few meters ahead, there is the archway into the church hall.

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