Different from western-style weddings held in China, at Ye Tian and Betty's wedding, there was no master of ceremonies or host who was specifically responsible for mobilizing the atmosphere of the audience and was obviously overly passionate.

The only officiant of their wedding was the pope who presided over the wedding. This is definitely the most important wedding officiant in the entire western world, and there is no one like him!

On top of this wedding, there was no bride and groom talent show, or best man and bridesmaid talent show, or any other gibberish game sessions.

In comparison, weddings held in Western churches are generally more solemn and sacred, with more emphasis on etiquette and less entertainment.

Of course, this is not to say that there is no entertainment at all in Western weddings, that would be too rigid and boring!

After the wedding ceremony is over and all the guests leave the church and return to the hotel, it is the real time for entertainment. The next grand banquet and evening party, people can have fun!

Under the leadership of the staff of the wedding planning company, Ye Tian and the others quickly came to the arch leading to the church hall, and stopped here!

As soon as they came here, Ye Tian and the others clearly heard a burst of warm applause and excited cheers coming from the church!

No need to ask, His Excellency the Pope has appeared.

He had already finished his preparations, left his lounge, entered the church hall through another door, and stepped onto the stage where the ceremony was held and the oath was held, which was why he attracted applause and cheers.

The results seen through the dark perspective also proved Ye Tian's judgment.

After withdrawing his gaze and ending the perspective, Ye Tian turned his head to look at the three guys behind him, that is, his three best men, Dongzi, Lin Feiyang, and Jason.

These three guys have already lined up, each of them is very excited, their eyes are shining brightly, and they wish they could enter the church immediately.

After making sure that these three guys had no problems and would not suffer from stage fright, Ye Tian turned around and let out a sigh of relief, feeling a little relieved.

Immediately afterwards, the walkie-talkie in the hands of the staff of the wedding planning company rang, informing Ye Tian that he could enter the church.

After receiving the news, a member of the wedding planning company standing next to the arch immediately stretched out his hand and opened the door leading to happiness, and whispered to Ye Tian:

"Mr. Steven, you can enter the arena. After entering, you can go directly to the ceremony stage. After you stand still on the ceremony stage, the three best men will enter the arena."

"Okay, I know"

Ye Tian nodded in response, then stepped out and walked straight into the church hall.

The next moment, he appeared in front of all the wedding guests in the church, and also appeared on the live screen of NBC TV station. He looked handsome and full of energy!

"clap clap"

Thunderous applause rang out again, extremely enthusiastic, resounding through the entire Old South Church, and also resounding through all live broadcast terminals.

All the guests who were invited to Laonan Church to attend the wedding, as well as many people on the live broadcast, gave Ye Tian their own applause.

Especially the family members sitting in the first and second rows, as well as Betty's many relatives and friends, were extremely excited. Everyone was applauding wildly, and their palms were probably red.

The first time he entered the church, Ye Tian raised his eyes and saw the Pope standing on the ceremony stage, looking at him with a smile on his face!

At this time the pope,

Dress very formally and dignifiedly.

He was wearing a white cassock, a short red scapular, a white cap, a golden cross on his chest, his hands crossed in front of his belly, and a warm smile on his face.

Anyone who knows something about the costumes and etiquette of the Holy See in the Vatican will immediately understand many things when they see the Pope's attire.

Obviously, for today's wedding, the Holy See of the Vatican and the Pope himself still paid more attention to it, and did not plan to deal with it hastily.

There is no other reason, because the pope's current attire usually only appears on some relatively important occasions, and it can't be worn on any occasion!

You must know that it is the pope who asks Ye Tian now, not Ye Tian who asks him.

Whether it was aimed at the two top artworks of Raphael and Michelangelo, or at the religious relics in the treasure of the Knights Templar, neither the Vatican nor the Pope dared to fool Ye Tian at will.

At the same time, they also knew very well in their hearts that if they wanted to fool Ye Tian, ​​it would be a fool's dream.

That being the case, why bother to trouble yourself and destroy the relationship between the two parties!

Seeing the Pope, Ye Tian also smiled and nodded slightly at the Pope.

The Pope also responded and nodded at him.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian turned his head to look at the family members sitting in the front row, at all the relatives and friends in the church who came to the wedding, and nodded to everyone.

It can be seen that the mother sitting in the first row couldn't control her emotions and cried excitedly.

Tears flowed down her cheeks, but there was a bright smile on her face, and her eyes were full of happiness!

The rest of the family is the same, everyone has a bright smile on their face, and everyone's eyes are full of love and happiness.

Ye Tian took a deep look at his mother and all the family members, then continued to move forward, towards the ceremony stage in front of him!

In two or three steps, he had already stepped onto the stage, came in front of the Pope, stood opposite the Pope, and turned sideways to all the wedding guests present.

After standing still on the stage, he immediately said loudly with a smile on his face:

"Thank you again, Your Majesty, for coming all the way to Boston to officiate Betty and me. You are such a generous and merciful priest!"

Saying that, Ye Tian bowed slightly to the Pope, acting very decently.

"Steven, it is my honor to preside over the wedding of you two lovers who love each other and to send you good wishes, and it is also my responsibility and obligation as a priest"

The pope responded softly, and shook hands with Ye Tian.

Afterwards, the two of them exchanged a few more words, then turned around together, and looked towards the door of Old South Church through the main aisle full of flowers in the center of the church.

During this period, Dongzi and Jason came out from behind, walked quickly onto the ceremony stage, lined up and stood behind Ye Tianbian, also looking at the direction of the church door.

In addition, Evelyn and the others, as well as Wang Weiwei and Alice, have also returned to the guest area in the church and sat down in their respective seats!

Suddenly, a beautiful melody came out of the speaker, like a clear mountain spring, began to flow in this ancient Gothic revival church, and flowed into everyone's ears and hearts!

Everyone is familiar with the melody of the music. This is the famous wedding march, which is a wonderful piece of music that accompanies countless couples into their marriage. It comes from the famous musician Wagner!

At the same time as the wedding march sounded, all the guests in the church who came to watch the ceremony, as well as the staff and security personnel, all turned their heads to look at the door of the church.

Without exception, the eyes of each of them are full of curiosity and anticipation!

The same is true for the people standing in front of the countless live broadcast terminals, all holding their breath, staring at the door of the Old South Church, expecting to see Betty who walked into the church through that gate.

The prelude passed, and when the melodious singing sounded, the door of the Old South Church finally opened slowly.

The bright autumn sun of Boston shone directly into the old church through the two open doors, bringing light to the place.

Immediately afterwards, Matthew took a beautiful and incomparable angel by the hand, bathed in bright sunshine, and walked slowly into the Old South Church.

This beautiful angel in a white wedding dress walked slowly to the ceremony stage along the road of flowers, following the beautiful notes of the wedding march and the charming petals of various colors.

Undoubtedly, this extremely beautiful angel who seemed to come from the sun was Betty.

The moment she walked into Laonan Church, there was a burst of exclamation in the church and in front of countless live broadcast terminals, one after another, endlessly!

"Wow! Betty is so beautiful, almost like an angel!"

"Oh my god! This is a goddess! I have to say, God really cares for this bastard Steven. Money, beauty, career and love, he lacks everything, and what he has is the best!"

Amidst people's exclamations, Ye Tian, ​​who was standing on the ceremony stage, stared obsessively at Betty who was walking towards him, never moving his eyes away for a moment, his eyes were full of love!

This is my woman, my angel, and belongs to me alone!

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