Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1614 The Exhibition Ends

At around 12:30 noon, after enjoying lunch nearby, Ye Tian, ​​Betty, David and Jason rushed to the Metropolitan Museum on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

At this time, the Bishop of Kent and his entourage were still on their way, heading towards Manhattan.

Raphael's Madonna and Michelangelo's Lamentation, two of the top works of art on public display at the Met, wrapped up their final morning showings.

The ten-day public exhibition has come to an end.

Even so, when Ye Tian and the others arrived at the Metropolitan Museum, they still saw a lot of visitors who came from all over the place to come to the museum to appreciate these two top works of art.

These tourists from all over the world, some gathered outside the Metropolitan Museum, some gathered in front of the closed independent exhibition hall, talking in groups of three or four in low voices.

It can be seen that the eyes of each of them are full of regret, and there is also a bit of remorse.

They regretted that they came too late and missed these two masterpieces of the three masters of Renaissance art. No one will know in the future if there is such a good opportunity!

If I want to see these two top-level works of art, I can only go to the Vatican, and it depends on whether the Vatican will display them publicly.

As soon as Ye Tian and the others arrived at the entrance of the Metropolitan Museum, Thomas came out with several high-level members of the Metropolitan Museum, and everyone had bright smiles on their faces.

Through this public exhibition, the Metropolitan Museum not only made a lot of money, but also attracted countless attentions, and greatly enhanced the status and influence of the museum!

Faced with this situation, can the senior management of the Metropolitan Museum not be excited and happy?

After greeting each other and exchanging a few pleasantries, Thomas led Ye Tian and the others into the Metropolitan Museum and walked towards the independent exhibition hall on the second floor.

During the march, everyone kept laughing and chatting, and the central topics were naturally Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ".

"Steven, this exhibition is absolutely unprecedented. During these ten days, as long as our museum opens, the independent exhibition hall upstairs will always be full of visitors from all over the world.

It is a pity that the exhibition time is too short, only ten days, and these two masterpieces of the three masters of Renaissance art will leave the Metropolitan Museum and be taken away by the Bishop of Kent and others.

Many people are doomed to miss these two top-level works of art and feel the great art of Raphael and Michelangelo. At this time, how I hope they will stay in the Metropolitan Museum forever!

Look at the enthusiastic visitors around, many of them traveled thousands of miles to New York just to appreciate these two paintings, unfortunately, today they are going to return disappointed.”

As he spoke, Thomas pointed to the many visitors in the museum, his words were full of regret and a bit of reluctance.

The same goes for the rest of the Metropolitan Museum executives, their eyes also full of regret.

Those are the masterpieces of Raphael and Michelangelo. They are treasures in any museum. Who would miss them?

Ye Tian looked at the visitors and tourists around him, then smiled and said:

"I also know that this is a regrettable thing, but the time of the public exhibition is limited, it is impossible to satisfy everyone, some visitors must miss this opportunity,

I can only leave with regret!

Now that I have reached an agreement with the Vatican, and the Pope has also fulfilled his promise to go to Boston to officiate my wedding with Betty and send her best wishes to Betty, then I can’t go back on my word and get fat.”

Hearing this, Thomas and the rest of the Metropolitan Museum executives couldn't help but nodded.

While talking, the group of them had already walked up the stairs and arrived at the entrance of the independent exhibition hall.

Just like the situation outside the gate of the museum, there are also a lot of hopeful visitors gathered here, looking at the closed independent exhibition halls one by one, full of regret.

The arrival of Ye Tian and the others immediately set off a commotion here.

Everyone at the scene turned their heads to look at them, and some guys even started to ask questions loudly.

"Steven, can you let the Metropolitan Museum open this independent exhibition hall, so that everyone can go in and enjoy Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ"?"

"That's right, Steven, let the Metropolitan Museum open this independent exhibition hall and continue the exhibition, and you can also see how many visitors gathered here on a whim.

I don't know about others, but the reason why we came to Manhattan from North Carolina is to come for these two top-level works of art. It would be a pity if we couldn't see them! "

Amidst the noise, many people requested to reopen the exhibition, so that they could go in and appreciate the two masterpieces of the three masters of Renaissance art, and avoid leaving huge regrets!

Ye Tian quickly glanced at the visitors gathered at the entrance of the exhibition hall, then stretched out his hands and pressed down gently, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

Seeing his actions, the scene immediately fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said loudly with a smile on his face:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Steven, it's a pleasure to meet you here, and thank you very much for coming to visit these two priceless and top-notch works of art.

I understand everyone's feelings very well, and I hope that I can meet everyone's wishes and requirements, so that every visitor who comes here can enjoy these two paintings and leave with satisfaction.

However, the current situation is a bit special. Everyone must know that the Pope's visit to the United States is coming to an end, and he will leave the United States tomorrow afternoon and return to Rome, Italy.

According to the agreement I reached with the Vatican, before His Majesty the Pope leaves the United States, these two paintings must be handed over to representatives of the Vatican for them to take back to Rome.

The Bishop of Kent, who is in charge of receiving these two outstanding paintings from the Vatican, is on his way to Manhattan at this time. It is estimated that they will be able to arrive at the Metropolitan Museum in a short time.

When the Bishop of Kent arrives here, we will go through the handover procedures. At that time, these two top-level works of art will no longer belong to me. From then on, they will return to the Vatican.

It is precisely because of this that the exhibition activities have just stopped. In fact, the original scheduled public exhibition time is only ten days. By twelve noon today, the exhibition has officially ended.

Seeing that everyone is so enthusiastic and eager to appreciate Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ", then I can't let everyone come here in high spirits and return disappointed!

Please be a little patient, first go to appreciate the other antique works of art in the Metropolitan Museum, wait patiently for a while, maybe things will turn around and everyone will get what they want.

After completing the handover procedures, I will make a request to the Pope and the Bishop of Kent to try to reopen this independent exhibition hall and continue the exhibition until today. I believe they will not refuse.

In this way, everyone can enter this independent exhibition room, stand in front of those two outstanding paintings, admire the great art of Raphael and Michelangelo up close, and spend this beautiful day"

"clap clap"

The scene immediately boiled, and there was a burst of thunderous applause, which was very enthusiastic.

Among the applause, there were also many cheers.

"Great job Steven, we're right here in the museum, waiting for this gallery to reopen"

"Well done, Steven, we have your back"

Not only the many visitors at the scene, but also Thomas and the high-level officials of the Metropolitan Museum and experts in antique art appraisal also gave Ye Tian his own applause.

After the applause died down, as the curator of the Metropolitan Museum, Thomas also stood up and said a few words, saying that he would work with Ye Tian to try to extend the exhibition for another half day.

Afterwards, the group of them passed through the crowd and walked into the independent exhibition hall.

Many visitors who gathered at the entrance of the exhibition hall dispersed immediately, took their own actions, visited other areas of the museum, and waited with great anticipation for the reopening of this independent exhibition hall.

In a blink of an eye, it was past one noon.

The late Bishop of Kent and his entourage finally arrived at the Metropolitan Museum and entered this independent exhibition hall.

After entering the exhibition hall and exchanging a few pleasantries, everyone got to the point.

First of all, several top antique art appraisal experts from the Vatican came forward to carefully appraise the two outstanding paintings, Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ".

Needless to say, the results of the appraisal show that there is nothing wrong with the two paintings. They are the outstanding works of two Renaissance art masters, and their value is immeasurable!

Immediately afterwards, under the witness of the lawyers of both parties, and in front of the cameras of the two live broadcast groups of NBC TV and Italian National TV, Ye Tian and Bishop Kent went through the handover formalities on the spot.

As they signed their names on the relevant documents, after more than two hundred years, Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ" finally returned to the Vatican!

"clap clap"

There was a thunderous applause in the exhibition hall, which resounded throughout the Metropolitan Museum.

At the same time, warm applause erupted in front of many televisions.

Italy in particular was almost completely overwhelmed by the torrential applause and cheers. Everyone was applauding and cheering loudly. Everyone was very excited!

After the applause fell, Ye Tian immediately proposed in public that the public exhibition should be postponed for another half a day to satisfy the visitors who came from afar, so that they can appreciate these two top-level works of art up close!

Hearing this request, Kent immediately called the Pope for instructions, and the answer he got was naturally yes.

The exhibition hall is reopened, and this public exhibition will be postponed for another half day until today!

When the news came out, thunderous applause and cheers resounded in the Metropolitan Museum of Art again.

Amidst the laughter, Ye Tian and Betty drifted away and left the Metropolitan Museum.

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