Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1615 Mysterious Arabic

Columbia University, in a small reception room in the School of General Education.

While drinking mellow coffee, Ye Tian chatted with Professor Kane and Professor Douglas while watching the live program on the big-screen TV in front of him.

On a double sofa not far away, Betty was sitting with Professor Melissa, chatting intimately in a low voice, and watching live TV programs from time to time.

The program being broadcast on the big-screen TV is a live broadcast of the Pope and his entourage ending their ten-day visit and preparing to leave the United States and return to Rome, Italy by plane.

The pope and his entourage had just finished their visit to Philadelphia, so they were at Philadelphia International Airport, where they were preparing to take off on a direct flight to Rome, Italy.

And the Bishop of Kent, who rushed back to Manhattan yesterday and received the two outstanding paintings of Raphael and Michelangelo, has already left the United States one step ahead!

Early this morning, they took a chartered flight from JFK International Airport in New York and returned to the Vatican!

Leaving the United States with him, there are several Vatican clergy headed by Leonardo, and more than a dozen fully armed members of the Swiss Guard!

Of course, there are also Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ", two priceless top works of art.

It would be around four o'clock in the afternoon, and the Pope's convoy had not yet arrived at Philadelphia International Airport, but the Pope's special plane was ready on the airport runway, ready to take off at any time.

"Steven, the wedding between you and Betty was so grand and dreamy. It was the wedding that everyone dreamed of. Even now, thinking about it, I still have an unbelievable feeling.

Here, I would like to thank you and Betty again, for inviting me and Melissa to your wedding, if not for your invitation, we would not have had the opportunity to meet the Pope and shake hands with the Pope"

Professor Kane said with emotion, his words and eyes were full of gratitude, admiration and envy.

As soon as his voice fell, Douglas next to him immediately said:

"Me too, Steven, thank you and Betty for the invitation, before that, I never thought that one day I would be able to meet His Majesty the Pope with my own eyes, and be so close to him!

More importantly, we also shook hands with His Majesty the Pope and received blessings. You don't know that from the moment we shook hands until we returned to New York, Laura was in a state of near madness! "


Ye Tian, ​​Professor Kane, and Betty and Melissa beside them all laughed.

At the same time, both Kane and Melissa nodded sympathetically.

How could they not be in the same state at that time, it felt like a dream, being in the clouds, happiness was almost lost!

After the laughter fell, Ye Tian said politely:

"Kane, Melissa, and Douglas, you are Betty's teachers, my elders and friends, how could you not be invited to my wedding with Betty?

Inviting His Majesty the Pope to preside over our wedding is a coincidence, and the result of doing so has also benefited everyone. This is exactly the result I want."

"Indeed, Steven, everyone who was at your wedding to Betty left happy and honored to be here.

But thinking of those two top artworks you gave away,

I feel pain in the flesh, and you are the lucky guy. If it were someone else, who would be willing? "

Kane nodded with a smile and said a few words with emotion, and there was a bit of admiration in his eyes.

Those are two top works of art worth around one billion dollars! How many people can give them away without batting an eyelid?

Who can play such a shockingly large skill? It is estimated that apart from this extremely lucky guy in front of him, there is no one else in this world!

Others are generous enough even if they have this kind of generosity and heart, but only if they have the outstanding works of Raphael and Michelangelo in their hands!

How many people in this world can own the outstanding paintings of Raphael and Michelangelo at the same time?

Apart from a few of the top museums, such as the Louvre, I am afraid there is not a single one! Not to mention giving them away.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian and the two professors changed the topic.

As for Betty and Melissa, they were whispering on the sofa next to them. Both of them were beaming, and it could be seen that they had a very happy chat, and they even giggled a few times.

"Steven, let's talk about the Golden City. When are you going to Honduras to explore the Golden City? As far as I know, many people have already flocked to the ancient city of Copan in Honduras.

Those guys include professional treasure hunters, treasure hunting companies, and explorers, as well as many locals in Honduras, including the Honduran government, all of whom are heading for the Golden City"

Professor Douglas asked pretending to be curious, and this was what he cared most about.

Ye Tian looked at this famous Latin American historian, then smiled and said:

"I also understand what you said. I chose this season to explore the treasures of the Golden City near the ancient city of Copan. I have to say that those guys are out-and-out idiots!

As far as I know, those idiots who rushed to the vicinity of the ancient city of Copan to explore the treasures of the Golden City, not only failed to find the Golden City, but paid a heavy price, causing countless deaths and injuries.

The current ancient city of Copan is not only violent and stormy, but also turned into a bloody killing field, full of blood and fire. Those greedy idiots seem to be offering sacrifices to the Mayan civilization! "

Kane and Professor Douglas glanced at each other, then nodded in unison, and their expressions became much more dignified.

They have also heard about these situations and know that Ye Tian's words are true!

Without the slightest pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"As for when we will form a team to go to Honduras to explore the legendary Golden City, the specific time has not been determined, but it is definitely not now, we don't want to run to die now!

You also know that Honduras is a country that is poor, backward, and rotten to the root, and has almost no credibility at all. To cooperate with them, you must be mentally prepared to turn your face at any time.

I don't need to hide it from you. Someone from Honduras has already approached me, wanting the hexagram gold scepter head that symbolizes the royal power of the Mayan Empire, but I directly rejected it.

But I didn't say it to death. During the meeting, I made it very clear that we can cooperate with the Honduran government to jointly explore the Golden City, just like exploring the treasures of Lima before.

Specifically how to cooperate, how to distribute the treasures of the Golden City, and other details, have not been discussed yet. Don’t worry about these things, and some time to negotiate slowly.”

Hearing this, Professor Douglas' eyes suddenly lit up, shining like two searchlights.

Before Ye Tian finished speaking, he couldn't wait to grab the conversation.

"Steven, if you are planning to go to Honduras to explore the Golden City, then you must bring our School of History, Columbia University, just like the last tripartite joint exploration of the treasures of Lima.

You are absolutely right that Honduras is a country that is rotten to the core. Not only is it extremely poor, but it is also turbulent, gangsters are rampant, and the murder rate is the highest in the world.

If you're teaming up with Honduras to explore the Golden City, you really have to be on guard against the possibility of them turning against each other at any time, because they really don't have any credibility at all, which is notorious.

However, if our Columbia University School of History joins in, with the huge influence of our university, even if the Honduran government wants to turn its face, it will have more concerns!

Just like when we jointly explored the treasures of Lima before, we have no covetous heart for the large number of gold and silver treasures that may exist in the Golden City. We only do relevant archaeological research and interpret history!

No matter whether it is for you, the Intrepid Exploration Company, or the Honduras government, Columbia University's School of History joins the joint exploration team, there are only advantages and no disadvantages"

Obviously, in the last tripartite joint exploration operation, the famous Latin American historian in front of him and the Columbia University School of History behind him have tasted a huge sweetness!

With the release of some important research results on the treasures of Lima, Columbia University's School of History and Professor Douglas have attracted countless attention and gained huge fame and fortune!

At this time, this kind of god-given opportunity was in front of him again, and it was the more famous Golden City that had been passed down for thousands of years in Central and South America. How could Douglas let go of this opportunity!

Ye Tian knew exactly what Douglas was thinking and what he wanted.

And he doesn't rule out introducing Columbia University for cooperation again. This is a win-win thing, so why refuse?

Ye Tian looked at Professor Douglas and smiled, and was about to speak.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the reception room, which directly interrupted his conversation.

Immediately afterwards, a Caucasian man in his early fifties and wearing glasses directly opened the door and walked into the reception room with an extremely excited expression.

After this man entered the reception room, he looked at Ye Tian excitedly and said before he could gain a firm foothold:

"Steven, we have already deciphered the string of mysterious Arabic text. Behind the string of mysterious text, there is likely to be a huge secret hidden"

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