Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1616 The Legend of Atlantis

The excited white man in his fifties is also a professor at Columbia University's School of History. His research direction is the history of Arabia in the Middle East and he is also an expert in Arabic.

Hearing his words, everyone in this small reception room had a look of surprise in their eyes. Could it be that there is some major discovery?

After his words fell, Ye Tian immediately pointed to a single sofa next to him, and said with a smile:

"Please sit down first, Professor Paul, let's sit down and talk slowly"

Professor Paul nodded lightly, then walked to the single sofa and sat down, the expression on his face still full of excitement.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian asked curiously:

"Professor Paul, tell me about the results of your research and interpretation. What does the string of mysterious Arabic words mean? What secrets are hidden behind it? I am very curious.

To be honest, in order to decipher that string of mysterious Arabic words, I almost rummaged through the Arabic dictionary, but found nothing, and I never figured out the meaning of that string of words.

In desperation, I contacted you through Professor Kane, asking for your help in deciphering the string of text. Unexpectedly, you successfully deciphered the string of text in just two days, I admire you! "

Hearing Ye Tian's compliments, the professor of Middle East and Arab history at Columbia University couldn't help showing a bit of complacency in his eyes!

Everyone loves to hear compliments, whether they are Chinese or foreigners, they are all the same, and this Professor Paul in front of him is no exception!

"Of course, I am not free as a Middle East Arab historian and Arabic expert. Isn't it easy to decipher Arabic?"

After secretly complacent, Professor Paul smiled and said:

"Steven, it's normal that you can't decipher that string of mysterious Arabic, because it's ancient Arabic, and it's a very uncommon place name, few people know it at all.

Old Arabic refers to the script used from the Umayyad dynasty to the Abbasid dynasty, that is, from the seventh century AD to the ninth century AD, and was mainly used in writing, as opposed to spoken language.

This string of mysterious characters is ancient Arabic, which cannot be found in modern Arabic dictionaries. Except for some experts who study Arabic characters, almost no one knows these classical characters.

Moreover, this string of mysterious characters is the name of an ancient city. That city only exists in ancient legends, and few people know about it. Its name has never even appeared in any classics.

According to legend, the ancient city was located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, in today's Morocco, very close to the famous city of Casablanca, but no one knows the exact location.

As early as hundreds of years ago, that city seemed to have evaporated, and suddenly disappeared, leaving only some mysterious legends. As time goes by, no one knows those legends!

Because of this, this string of mysterious Arabic texts is difficult to decipher. We combined some ancient Arabic classics and legends, carefully studied and deliberated, and finally came to this result."

"Wow! It turns out that it is ancient Arabic, and it has never appeared in any classics. No wonder I searched the Arabic dictionary and couldn't find it. It was a waste of effort to co-author it."

Ye Tian suddenly said, and shook his head slightly.

Professor Paul took a deep look at him, and then continued:


If I'm not mistaken, this string of mysterious ancient Arabic should come from the golden crown you found in the English Channel, right? It is the words engraved inside the crown.

After discovering the golden crown, you only showed the appearance, the golden crown is very exquisite, luxurious, breathtaking, obviously a top-level antique artifact of great value.

However, you have kept secret the Arabic words engraved inside the golden crown, and never disclosed any relevant information until you took out this mysterious string of ancient Arabic words.

Behind this string of mysterious ancient Arabic, is there any other text or digital information? If there is, Steven, can you show me the words or numbers? "

After finishing speaking, Professor Paul stared closely at Ye Tian's face, his eyes full of expectation, expecting to hear the best answer.

Ye Tian looked at this Middle Eastern Arab historian, and said to himself:

"You guessed it right, buddy, after that ancient Arabic place name, there is indeed a string of numbers, but I'm very sorry, that belongs to my secret, and I can't tell anyone else"

Even though he thought so in his heart, what Ye Tian said was another set of words.

"Professor Paul, you haven't mentioned the name of that ancient city yet. According to the legends circulating in the Arab region of the Middle East, where is that ancient city located in Casablanca? How far is it?

More importantly, what huge secret is hidden behind that legendary ancient city? It can make you very excited, and I really want to know this information"

Ye Tian avoided Paul's question, but threw out the question he most wanted to know the answer to. This was the purpose of hiring Professor Paul to decipher the string of mysterious words.

If it's just to get a legendary ancient place name, why bother to go through all the trouble? It's full enough!

Hearing these questions from Ye Tian, ​​Betty and Professor Kane all looked at Professor Paul, everyone's eyes were full of curiosity, and they also wanted to know the answers to these questions.

"What a cunning bastard, he didn't even say a word, it's too hateful! It's useless for me to devote so much energy and mind to study that string of mysterious ancient Arabic."

Professor Paul secretly complained a few words, and then stated his research results.

"How to pronounce the string of mysterious ancient Arabic characters is now impossible to verify, and even I, an expert in Arabic, can't pronounce the string of characters accurately.

I can only understand its connotation, the string of text means 'City of the Sea', that is to say, the ancient city that was originally located near Casablanca was called the City of the Sea"

"It turned out to be the city of the sea. The name sounds very good, and it is quite bold!"

Ye Tian suddenly said, and nodded slightly.

After a short pause, Professor Paul continued:

"The exact location of the City of the Sea is unknown, but according to the relevant legends circulating in the Arab region of North Africa, it should be in the northeast of Casablanca, not too far away.

Starting from Casablanca, along the coastline to the northeast, not far away is Rabat, the capital of Morocco, and continuing to extend northeast along the Atlantic coastline, it is the Strait of Gibraltar.

Everyone nodded unanimously, and they all had a good understanding of these geographical knowledge.

Without the slightest pause, Professor Paul continued to explain, and his tone and expression became more and more excited.

"I don't know if you have read the famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato's work, "Dialogue", when it mentioned the legend of Atlantis, it also mentioned the city of the sea.

Plato described in his writings that the island of Atlantis is located on the 'Pillars of Hercules', which is outside the Strait of Gibraltar today, which means the 'true sea', namely the Atlantic Ocean.

In addition to pointing out the specific location of Atlantis, Plato also gave a brief description of the city of Atlantis, including the name of the city of the sea.

This legendary city of the sea located near Casablanca highly overlaps with the city of the sea mentioned by Plato in the Dialogues, both in name and geographical location.

In addition, a disciple of Socrates and a cousin of Plato, Korisias has emphasized the authenticity of Atlantis three times, based on the famous ancient Greek poet Sauron.

Sauron was one of the seven sages of ancient Greece and was known for his wisdom. During a trip to Egypt, he once heard an old Egyptian priest mention Atlantis and praised him very much.

Curicias learned from Sauron that Atlantis is a highly civilized continent with a very large sphere of influence, including the Atlantic coast of North Africa.

In the legend about the city of the sea in the Arabian region of North Africa, this mysterious and ancient city seems to be very different from other cities in the same region, and it seems out of place!

Perhaps it is precisely because of the difference between the two civilizations that the city of the sea has always been in a forgotten corner. It has never appeared in any Arabic classics and only exists in legends.

Even the sudden disappearance of the city of the sea was due to the conflict between two civilizations. In the Middle Ages, neither Europe nor the Arab region of North Africa could tolerate the existence of aliens!

Speaking of this, everyone sitting here must have understood that the city "City of the Sea" pointed to by this string of ancient Arabic words is likely to be related to the disappearing continent "Atlantis".

If this conjecture is confirmed, it will definitely cause a huge sensation all over the world. If you follow this clue to explore, if you really find Atlantis, the scene..."

Speaking of this, Professor Paul raised his eyes unconsciously, and looked straight at the blue sky outside the window, with an expression of fascination, and even a crazy light flashed in his eyes.

As for the other people in the reception room, they were completely dumbfounded at this moment, and they all sat dumbfounded in their respective seats, their eyes full of disbelief and madness.

Like everyone else, Ye Tian's situation is not much better, his eyes are wide open, and both eyeballs are about to fly out!

It took a long while before he woke up from the huge shock.

"My God! It's actually the city of the sea mentioned by Plato in the "Dialogues", and it's the lost continent 'Atlantis'. This is simply crazy!"

Following Ye Tian's emotion, the rest of the people at the scene were all awakened.

Immediately afterwards, the small reception room was completely blown up, and exclamations rang out.

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