Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1617 Destruction of corpses and traces

After signing non-disclosure agreements with Professor Paul and Kane one by one, Ye Tian took Betty out of the building of the School of General Education and left Columbia University!

The one who left with them was David who had just arrived at Columbia University. It was Ye Tian who called him to come to Columbia University in order to sign a non-disclosure agreement!

In order for Professor Paul and the others to sign the confidentiality agreement and not disclose information about the 'City of the Sea' and Atlantis to the outside world, Ye Tian had to make concessions and agreed to several of their requests!

He promised these famous historians that if he organizes a team to explore the 'City of the Sea' and Atlantis in the future, he will definitely cooperate with them to form a joint exploration team!

Regarding the cooperation model, the two parties also reached a consensus without any dispute.

Just like the previous cooperation mode of exploring Lima's treasures, in the joint exploration operation, no matter how many gold, silver treasures and antique works of art are found, they belong to Ye Tian, ​​and no one else can covet them!

Professor Paul and Kane can share or jointly enjoy the academic research results related to the "City of the Sea" and Atlantis, as well as the huge fame and fortune derived from it!

For this situation, when Professor Paul said that the city of the sea has a close relationship with Atlantis, Ye Tian had already thought of it, and he was not surprised at all!

As a historian, it is such a huge temptation to discover the disappearing continent "Atlantis". As long as you are not a fool, who would let go of such a god-given opportunity?

Obviously, these famous experts and scholars at Columbia University can never be idiots, on the contrary, they are all extremely smart people!

If they hadn't known about it, Ye Tian must still have secret information in his hands, and they might even leave Ye Tian and the brave and fearless exploration company and go directly to Morocco to explore Atlantis!

It's a pity that, no matter how urgent they were in asking, or even swearing, Ye Tian still didn't let go, and didn't reveal any more valuable information!

Under such circumstances, they could only choose to compromise, die down, and reluctantly signed their respective names on the several non-disclosure agreements presented by David.

When they left Columbia University, Ye Tian and Betty were still in shock, as if they were daydreaming, feeling unreal!

Not only them, David, who arrived at Columbia University after receiving Ye Tian's call, was even more shocked, almost speechless from ear to ear!

It wasn't until Ye Tian's convoy drove out of Columbia University that the three of them were awakened by a sudden wailing siren from the car window.

After waking up, Ye Tian immediately said through the wireless invisible earphone:

"Matisse, inform the guys, go to the underground vault of Sotheby's auction house, I have something to deal with there!"

The golden crown salvaged from the bottom of the English Channel has been stored in the underground vault of Sotheby's auction house since it was safely transported to New York.

Because of the consistently good cooperative relationship with Sotheby's auction house, Ye Tian always thought it was very safe to store the golden crown in Sotheby's underground vault, so there was no need to worry!

However, after confirming that the golden crown was related to the disappearing continent 'Atlantis', he suddenly felt that the underground vault of Sotheby's Auction House was not so safe anymore!

There is no other reason, because this golden crown is too important.

It's important enough to shake the world, and it's important enough to drive nearly everyone treacherous and mad about it, even those old friends at Sotheby's!

Under such circumstances, Ye Tian could never believe in the invisible, intangible, and unreliable human nature. He only chose to believe in himself!

"Okay, Steven"

Matisse's voice came through the earphones, and he acted immediately.

Although he didn't know the reason why Ye Tian suddenly went to the underground vault of Sotheby's auction house, Mathis still faithfully carried out the order without asking any more questions!

In his opinion, the autumn auction season in New York is in full swing at this time, and it is normal for Ye Tian to go to the vault where antiques are stored, perhaps to pick up a certain antique artwork there, and then send it to the auction.

Soon, the convoy drove up Central Park West Avenue, headed straight for midtown Manhattan, and headed for the Sotheby's auction house building.

When the motorcade reached the middle section of Central Park West Avenue, when they passed a well-known sculpture studio in Manhattan, Ye Tian suddenly stopped the motorcade and asked the motorcade to stop on the side of the road and wait for a while.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the car door and got out of the car alone, and quickly walked into the sculpture studio.

In just three or five minutes, he was out of the sculpting studio and back in the Paramount Predator car.

At this time, in his hand, there was an exquisite and small metal box, red and black, with beautiful patterns engraved on the outside, quite artistic.

Inside that small metal box was a set of top-quality ivory carving tools.

In order to get this set of tooth carving tools, Ye Tian wrote a check for 10,000 US dollars on the spot in the carving studio, and handed it to a young beautiful engraver who was the former owner of this set of tooth carving tools.

The other party sold this set of tooth carving tools to Ye Tian immediately without the slightest hesitation, no nostalgia or reluctance.

Ten thousand dollars can buy three or four sets of identical tooth carving tools, and there are still some leftovers, only a fool would refuse!

The convoy started again and continued on its way to Midtown Manhattan.

In about fifteen minutes, Ye Tian's motorcade arrived at the Sotheby's Auction House building. After some necessary inspections, they drove into the underground parking garage!

When the convoy stopped in the underground parking garage, Ye Tian took Betty and David, and under the guard of Matisse and the others, walked straight into the Sotheby's auction house building.

Ten minutes later, Ye Tian was standing in front of a private vault that he had rented, still alone, with that top-notch tooth carving tool in his hand.

As for Betty and David, they were sitting in the reception room outside the vault area.

While standing still at the door, Ye Tian has secretly turned on the perspective, looking through the thick vault door, and scanned the situation inside thoroughly, not missing a single corner.

After confirming that there was no problem and that it was very safe, he stepped forward to open the private vault.

After a series of cumbersome procedures, he opened the heavy and abnormal private vault door just now, and the situation inside the vault was revealed immediately.

Inside the vault, there are all kinds of dazzling gold and silver treasures, jewels and diamonds, and a large number of valuable antique works of art, which makes people dizzy!

If it were someone else, the moment they opened the door of the vault and saw the situation inside, they would definitely be stunned, stunned, and even crazy about it!

But for Ye Tian, ​​he has long been used to these treasures, and it is difficult to make him feel excited again, not to mention that he has secretly seen through them before and knows the situation here like the back of his hand.

He casually glanced at the situation inside, then stepped into the safe, went straight to the innermost row of medium-sized safes, and stood in front of one of the safes.

What is contained in this safe is the golden crown, which is also the purpose of his coming here.

Soon, the safe was opened, and Ye Tian reached out and took out the red sandalwood box containing the golden crown, turned around and placed it on the table in the middle of the safe!

Immediately afterwards, he opened the red sandalwood box again, gently uncovered the piece of dark green silk, carefully took out the golden crown covered under it, held it in both hands, and began to admire it.

Just like the first time I saw it in the English Channel, this golden crown is still so dazzling, and the huge Fancy Vivid blue diamond on the top of the crown is still so pure and fascinating!

The diamonds and gemstones used to decorate the crown are still crystal clear and dazzling, and under the illumination of the lights, they are extremely dazzling and radiate beautiful light.

After admiring the appearance of the crown, Ye Tian looked inside the crown, and looked at the line of ancient Arabic characters engraved inside the crown!

At this time, this string of ancient Arabic characters is no longer mysterious in his eyes. He clearly knows what this string of characters means and what secrets may be hidden behind it!

As for the specific meaning of the numbers behind this string of Arabic characters, it is unknown!

But Ye Tian is very sure that they are absolutely meaningless, as long as he finds the 'City of the Sea', he will definitely be able to decipher the meaning of these numbers.

Ye Tian looked at those numbers carefully, and firmly wrote down each number and engraved it deep in his mind, so that he would never forget it.

Immediately afterwards, he put the golden crown back on the table, opened the metal box containing the ivory carving tools, and took out a small electric grinder from it.

That's right, he just wanted to destroy the corpse!

He wants to completely erase the number engraved in the golden crown, behind the line of Arabic characters of 'City of the Sea', leaving none behind!

In this way, although he destroyed a priceless top-level antique cultural relic with his own hands and greatly reduced its value, once it gets out, it will definitely attract countless accusations and even resentment!

However, he managed to keep a huge secret about Atlantis. This is the most important thing, and nothing else is worth mentioning!

From then on, only he knew what was behind the line of ancient Arabic characters "City of the Sea", and he was the only one who knew those numbers.

Even if someone steals or obtains this golden crown through other means, they will not be able to know the huge secret hidden behind it!

"The city of the sea belongs to me! Atlantis also belongs to my buddies! Don't covet anyone else!"

Ye Tian muttered softly triumphantly, and directly turned on the switch of the small electric grinder.


There was a sound of motor turning in the vault, shattering the tranquility here.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian directly pressed the grinding head of the electric grinder to the numbers in the golden crown, and began to destroy the corpse!

:. :

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