Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1619 Cote d'Azur

Nice, a city in southeastern France, is located in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region and is the capital and largest city of the Alpes-Maritimes.

The city is bordered by the Alps in the north and the blue Mediterranean Sea in the south.

In the whole of France, Nice is the second largest city after Paris, and it is also one of the most charming seaside resorts in Europe and the world.

Every year, more than 4 million tourists come to Nice from all over the world, which is nearly 10 times the population of the city itself.

In terms of natural scenery, Nice is even more beautiful and desirable than the "Romantic City" Paris, and this beautiful city on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea is cleaner, unlike Paris, which is full of shit!

Nice has a typical Mediterranean climate and is warm all year round. The blue Mediterranean Sea and the majestic Alps are the city's eternal landmarks.

In addition to the beautiful and charming scenery, there are many attractive places here.

Such as the sacred history and culture of ancient Rome, the romantic fragrance from Provence lavender fields, and exotic Mediterranean cuisine, etc.

No matter from which angle, Nice is the absolute holiday paradise in the hearts of French people.

For Ye Tian and Betty who came all the way from New York, this is also an ideal resort, and it is the first stop of their honeymoon trip.

Like most cities in France, the best tourist season in Nice is from June to October.

On this day in mid-October, a top-notch private jet with graceful shape and smooth lines roared from the northwest sky and landed on the runway of Nice Côte d'Azur Airport.

This is a top-of-the-line Bombardier Global Express 8000, which just flew from New York in the bleak autumn wind to the sunny and pleasant Cote d'Azur in Nice.

It was Ye Tian and Betty, who came to Nice for their honeymoon, and their entourage on this top-level private jet!

When the Bombardier Global Express 8000 came to a complete stop on the runway dedicated to private jets, the doors of the plane opened and the gangway fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Cole led a few security personnel out of the cabin first, walked down the gangway to the runway, quickly pulled up a cordon, and stared at the surroundings vigilantly!

This is France, and there are probably a lot of French people who hate Ye Tianhen. Can you be careful?

After confirming the safety of the scene, Cole immediately gave a notice.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and Betty appeared at the cabin door hand in hand.

At this time, Ye Tian was wearing casual clothes and light-colored sunglasses, and Betty was also wearing light-colored sunglasses and a light gray linen dress, swaying gently under the sea breeze!

Both of their expressions are very relaxed and carefree, both of them have charming smiles on their faces, and their eyes behind light-colored sunglasses are full of happiness and anticipation.

After arriving at the door of the cabin, Ye Tian paused for a while, looked at the environment of the airport, then took Betty's hand, walked down the gangway, and landed on the runway.

While standing still on the ground, he quickly scanned his surroundings, then opened his arms to both sides of his body, and said in a joking voice:

"France, my buddy is back again. I don't know what surprise you will bring me this time? I hope it will be another huge treasure, and I am very much looking forward to it"


There was hearty laughter at the scene,

Everyone around Betty and Cole laughed.

At the same time, each of them is full of anticipation and excitement. Who doesn't like treasures?

Before the laughter fell, a shuttle bus came quickly from a distance, and it didn't stop until it reached everyone's side.

As soon as the ferry stopped, an old friend got off the bus. It was Antoine, the famous French lawyer who served Ye Tian before, and his assistant lawyer!

Although I came to Nice, France this time for my honeymoon, for the sake of safety, Ye Tian called Antoine as early as yesterday evening and asked him to come to Nice to pick up the plane.

In the next period of time, Antoine will always be by Ye Tian's side, helping to deal with all legal affairs encountered in France, resisting all kinds of open swords and dark arrows, until they leave France!

When Ye Tian and the others arrive in the next country, they will be replaced by a top lawyer in that country to deal with the legal problems that may be encountered next. There is no gap at all, seamless connection!

What's more, Ye Tian and the others came to Nice on this trip, just like their previous trips, they also brought a lot of weapons and ammunition, and they would definitely need a lawyer to report in advance and assist in customs clearance, otherwise they would never even think about leaving the airport.

In addition, Antoine and the other top lawyers, together with several security personnel who left New York and flew to Nice last night, are responsible for calling the front stop, renting a car, and inquiring about the local situation.

After getting off the car, An Tuowan walked quickly to Ye Tian and Betty, and greeted them with a smile.

"Good morning, Steven, nice to meet you, welcome to France again, and it is a great honor to provide you with legal services again, I wish you and Betty a happy and happy wedding"

"Antoine, good morning, thank you for your well wishes, and I am very happy to see you again, in this beautiful city on the Mediterranean coast, on this beautiful morning!"

Ye Tian shook hands with An Tuowan and was polite.

Next, Antoine greeted Betty again, and Ye Tian also introduced Cole and the others to Antoine and his assistant lawyer.

During the last trip to Europe, Cole and the others stayed in New York, so they didn't know Antoine.

After everyone got to know each other and greeted each other, Cole and the others moved and began to carry the luggage that everyone brought, as well as those unusually heavy metal suitcases full of guns and ammunition!

In just a few minutes, everyone's luggage had been transferred. Ye Tian and the others immediately boarded the shuttle bus and headed straight to the terminal of Nice Airport, ready to undergo customs inspection!

When they left the runway, the silver-gray Bombardier Global Express 8000 began to turn around slowly and taxied to a private aircraft hangar not far ahead.

In the blink of an eye, more than forty minutes have passed.

After completing the customs clearance inspection, Ye Tian and the others pushed their luggage out of the international arrival passageway of the terminal building under the escort of several nervous airport security personnel.

There is no other reason why these airport security personnel are so nervous, it is all because of the large number of weapons and ammunition that Ye Tian and the others carry.

The quantity of those weapons and ammunition is enough to fight a small war. Can the Nice Côte d'Azur Airport not be nervous about it? It's the same for any other airport!

It was precisely because of the batch of weapons and ammunition they brought that Ye Tian and the others took so long to clear the level, and they didn't come out until now!

Even though Antoine had already reported it, the customs at Nice Airport still inspected it very carefully.

Not only did they check Ye Tian and Cole's EU gun licenses, every gun, they even wanted to check every bullet, hoping to find some loopholes, and then blast away these American bastards.

Unfortunately, the customs officers at the airport failed to do so.

Whether it is Ye Tian's EU gun license or the weapons and ammunition, there is no problem, everything is legal and can be brought into France!

Moreover, under the on-site supervision of Antoine and his assistant lawyer, even if the customs officers wanted to play some tricks, Yin Yetian and the others couldn't do it at all, unless they didn't want their jobs anymore.

As soon as they came out of the international arrival channel, Ye Tian and the others saw two security personnel who came to greet them, and several other security personnel were in the car outside.

At the same time, the appearance of their group also caused a commotion at Nice Côte d'Azur Airport.

The people who came to pick up the plane at the Nice airport, the passengers coming and going, and the many media reporters who stayed at the airport all the year round, all saw Ye Tian and the others coming out of the international arrival passage.

As for Ye Tian, ​​because of the series of sensational events before, he is known to everyone in France, almost everyone knows him, unless they don't use the Internet or watch TV!

Seeing him, people froze for a moment, and some guys even rubbed their eyes in disbelief, then looked over again, wondering if they were dazzled.

Immediately afterwards, the international arrival channel exit was completely boiling.

"Fack! Am I right? Steven, a greedy bastard, has come to France again. Doesn't he know how much the French hate him now? His guts are too fat!"

"Damn it, this bastard has come again. I hope God bless France and Nice. Don't let Nice be ransacked by Steven, a greedy bastard like Paris!"

Amidst the exclamations one after another, Ye Tian and the others had already walked quickly to the exit of the guardrail, and joined the two security personnel who were waiting here to greet them.

After saying hello to these two guys, Ye Tian and the others were about to leave and walked towards the gate of the terminal building.

At this moment, a few discordant voices suddenly came from not far away, speaking English with a strong southern French accent.

"Steven, go back to America, go back to New York, you are not welcome in France, you greedy bastard, treasure thief! We will never let you take any treasure from here!"

"Yeah, go back to damn America, the treasures of Napoleon belong to France, belong to the French people, you should return them to France instead of keeping them to yourself, you bastard"

Following these angry shouts, everyone at the scene looked towards the source of the voices. While many people were curious, they were also secretly excited. There was a good show to watch!

The airport security guards guarding Ye Tian and the others secretly complained, and their nerves tensed instantly, fearing that something unexpected would happen!

Like the others, Ye Tian and the others also turned their heads to look at the source of the voice, to see who was talking nonsense!

At the same time, Cole and the others also became alert, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly.

The targets they focused on were those guys who shouted angrily and protested loudly.

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