Those who denounced Ye Tian angrily were a few young men and women, about twenty years old, each of them was carrying a huge backpack on their backs, and they looked like college students who were out on a trip.

They were standing five or six meters away on the right, and everyone had an expression of righteous indignation on their faces, their eyes were full of provocation, and there was also a hint of fear.

The shadow of a man's famous tree! Not only did they know Ye Tian, ​​they also had a certain understanding of him.

They knew that Ye Tian was not only a top expert in antique art appraisal and a professional treasure hunter, but also found many treasures, as well as countless gold and silver treasures and top antique art, such as Napoleon's treasure!

Moreover, he is also an extremely fierce guy who treats human life like nothing. He is famous for being cruel and ruthless. God knows how many people have been sent to hell by his own hands.

Facing such a guy with such a vicious reputation, how could those young students not feel fear and secretly terrified?

If it weren't for their bravery and consideration of face, they would still be here, and I'm afraid they would have slipped away already!

While turning his head to look at these guys, Ye Tian has secretly turned on the perspective, and thoroughly sees through these guys from head to toe, and has a thorough look.

By the way, he also thoroughly examined the other passengers around him, as well as the corners and corners of the Cote d'Azur Airport terminal.

After arranging all the affairs yesterday, he left the company and went to the Guggenheim Museum in New York to admire the modern artworks displayed there, and stayed there for four or five hours!

Appreciating modern artworks and experiencing the charm of art is one aspect, but his main purpose is to improve his own strength and make himself stronger!

By the time he left the Guggenheim Museum in the afternoon, he had successfully achieved his goal, and his own strength had greatly improved again, becoming even stronger!

At this time, the distance from which he saw the light of the antique artwork has increased to 135 meters, that is to say, his control range has reached 135 meters.

In this range, he can control everything and get what he wants!

Those guys who were filled with righteous indignation were just a few ordinary college students from Lyon. Apart from the bravery of the young people, they did not pose any threat.

In the Côte d'Azur terminal, apart from himself and others, as well as the airport security personnel and the French police with live ammunition, Ye Tian didn't find any other guys with guns and ammunition. It's very safe here!

Of course, in the process of seeing through the dark, he saw a lot of exciting and graceful human bodies, and also discovered the secrets hidden by some people, some of which were even very exciting.

After quickly scanning the scene and confirming that there is no danger, Ye Tian then withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective.

Afterwards, he looked at those young college students and said with a smile on his face:

"Good morning, guys, if I say I'm glad to see you here, you probably won't believe it, and I don't believe it myself. To be honest, what you just said just makes me very uncomfortable."


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and many people laughed softly.

As for those young college students from Lyon, their expressions and eyes were a little proud, but also a little embarrassed and apprehensive.

Before they could give a response, Ye Tian continued to say:

"As far as what you said just now, it should be enough to be a personal attack and a slander against me.

If I wanted to, I could have my lawyer take you to court and show you some color! "

"I am Mr. Steven's personal lawyer. My name is Antoine. Mr. Steven is right. What you just said is indeed a personal attack. Many people here have heard it and can testify!"

Antoine stood up at the right time and revealed his identity, intimidating those young students and other onlookers nearby.

Those few college students just wanted to have fun for a while, to have a mouthful.

How could they have imagined that they would face such a situation, they just cursed and denounced a few words, and they were going to be brought to court by that bastard Steven!

A lawsuit against such a cruel and ruthless super-rich man is asking for bad luck. In the end, no matter whether the lawsuit wins or loses, he will never get any benefits!

Thinking of this, the faces of several college students suddenly turned pale, not to mention how ugly, panic flashed in everyone's eyes, and they didn't know what to do!


Many onlookers around couldn't help but gasped, secretly terrified!

He was going to send someone to court if he didn't agree with him. This bastard Steven is too cruel, who can afford it!

Just when people were secretly slandering, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came again and reached the ears of everyone present.

"However, I'm in a good mood today, and I don't bother to argue with you anymore. I can't spoil my good mood just because of your mindless and irrational behavior, it's not worth it at all!

It can be seen that you have deeply misunderstood me, not only you, but also many French people. Now that this happened, I would like to take this opportunity to defend myself.

The main reason why you have deep misunderstandings or hatred towards me is because I took away nearly half of the treasures in Napoleon’s treasure and did not leave them in France.

Here, what I want to say is that you should not treat me as an enemy at all, let alone reject me, but thank me and treat me like a guest, because I deserve it! "

As soon as the voice fell, the scene immediately exploded, and there was a lot of discussion.

"I should thank you and treat you like a guest? Did I hear you right? Stop talking nonsense, you are just daydreaming, unless our brains are flooded!"

"You bastard looted Napoleon's treasure and took away countless priceless top-level antique works of art, and you still want us to thank you. You really think us French are idiots!"

Ye Tian glanced at the people talking around, then raised his hands and pressed down gently, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

Seeing his action, many people immediately stopped discussing and looked at him coldly, wanting to see what fallacies he could say!

When the scene became quieter, Ye Tian immediately said loudly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, you can seriously think about it, if I didn't discover Napoleon's treasure by chance, then who can guarantee whether Napoleon's treasure will have a chance to be seen again?

If the treasure of Napoleon is allowed to continue to be hidden deep underground, with the conditions of that underground chamber, I believe that within a few years, all the paper products in the treasure will completely rot and become worthless.

What a huge loss that would be, whether it is for France, the French people, or the whole world, it is an incomparably great loss, and it is also a huge regret, which cannot be made up at all!

In this way, it is impossible for you to see the two original "Code Napoleon", "Napoleon's Entry into Vienna", let alone the masterpieces of Raphael and Michelangelo, etc.

More importantly, if it weren't for my discovery, you would still be learning the wrong history, taking the fallacy as the truth, as the history of your own country, and being blinded by the wrong history forever.

I discovered the treasure of Napoleon, and the partial history of the French Revolution was able to be rewritten and restored to the truth, so that you can correctly understand the history of your own country. In this regard, should you thank me?

Although the Napoleonic treasure belongs to me, I still left half of the treasure in France through various means, such as the original version of the "Napoleonic Code". What a huge spiritual wealth that is!

In addition, for every piece of antique art in Napoleon's treasure, I will pay the corresponding tax to the French government, which is a very astonishing astronomical figure, and the money will be used in France.

Let me ask, you have already obtained so much, what is there to be dissatisfied with? If you can put aside your prejudices and think about it, I believe you will regain your senses and thank me from the bottom of your heart"

The scene was completely quiet, and everyone around fell silent, lost in thought.

These words do sound somewhat reasonable, and it is difficult to refute them, but why does it feel so awkward!

Co-author, France was ransacked crazily by you bastard, and took away countless valuable treasures. In the end, we still have to thank you bastard. How can he reason?

The faces of those young students who denounced Ye Tian angrily just now were flushed and their expressions were extremely embarrassing. For a moment, they couldn't think of how to refute them!

Ye Tian glanced at the many onlookers at the scene, then smiled and said to the people around him:

"Let's go, let's get out of here and let these friends think slowly. I believe that with their intelligence, they can figure it out soon. If they can't figure it out, then their intelligence must be worrying!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped out with Betty and walked towards the gate of the terminal building.


Cole and the others immediately followed, and these guys couldn't stop laughing as they walked forward.

Following the laughter, many onlookers at the scene came to their senses, staring at Ye Tian's back angrily, their teeth itching with hatred!

Co-authors, we French are mentally retarded! It's so damn hateful, the bloody bastard!

After walking forward not far, when he was about to leave the terminal, several media reporters suddenly ran up from behind and started asking questions loudly from a long distance away.

"Steven, why did you come to Nice this time? Did you find any treasures or top-level antique works of art in Nice? Can you explain?"

Ye Tian didn't even turn his head, and said directly:

"We came to Nice this time not for any treasures or top-notch antique works of art, but for the beautiful city of Nice and the sunny beaches of the Mediterranean Sea.

Of course, it would be great if there is something to be discovered during this trip. I am a professional treasure hunter, and it is absolutely impossible to turn a blind eye to the alluring treasures. See you later, everyone"

Before the words were finished, the group of them had strode out of the airport terminal.

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