Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1622 Looting Nice

When the first rays of sunlight in the morning penetrated the night and appeared in the sky, Ye Tian and Betty were already sitting on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows as promised, waiting for the red sun to rise from where the sea and the sky meet.

They've been sitting here every morning for the past three days, doing the same thing over and over again, never seeming to get tired of it!

At this time, they were leaning on each other, wrapped in a blanket, staring at the distant sea through the glass window, quietly and intoxicatedly admiring the beauty of the sunrise on the Mediterranean Sea.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze completely, staying in this extremely romantic moment.

However, the sky that is gradually brightening, the rays of light penetrating the night on the horizon, the fiery red clouds where the sea meets the sky, and the golden sea with waves and so on.

All of these clearly tell people that time is still flowing and will never stop!

As time goes by, the red color at the junction of the sea and the sky becomes more and more intense, and the endless blue Mediterranean Sea also changes color, turning into a golden ocean, sparkling!

Finally, the first ray of sunlight jumped out of the sea, passed through the fiery red clouds and the golden sea, and directly shone into the bedroom, onto the faces of Ye Tian and Betty.

The night faded away, and it was a brand new day, the sun was shining brightly.

"Wow! It's so beautiful, I really want to be with you forever, sit here and enjoy this picturesque beauty, what a romantic thing that is!"

Betty muttered to herself, her eyes full of fascination, and her fair face was filled with the light of happiness.

Ye Tian turned his head and kissed his wife in his arms lightly, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"Honey, we can come to Nice anytime you want, live in this five-star hotel, this presidential suite, sit here and enjoy the sunrise over the Mediterranean!

If you really like Nice and the Côte d'Azur, we can buy a villa with the best location here and come here often for vacation, sitting on the picturesque Mediterranean Sea"

"Thank you, dear, let me think about whether it is necessary for us to buy a villa here for vacation"

Betty turned her head and said softly, and kissed Ye Tian lightly.

Next, the two of them still sat hugging each other, whispering in low voices, while continuing to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise over the Mediterranean Sea.

It was already the fourth day after arriving in Nice. In this beautiful seaside city, Ye Tian and Betty were enjoying their romantic honeymoon vacation to the fullest.

In the past three days, they have sailed out to sea, swam in the Mediterranean Sea on a top yacht, played and swam in the ocean, and fully integrated themselves into the blue sea!

They also once lay on the beach of Angel Bay, bathed in the warm sunshine of the Mediterranean Sea, let the sea breeze blow gently, and spent an extremely pleasant afternoon.

In the evening, in the afterglow of the setting sun, they walked hand in hand on the Promenade des Anglais, rubbing each other's ears and whispering softly, until dusk fell and the lights came on!

On the high castle hill in Nice, they also left their footprints and figures!

They stood hand in hand on the top of the castle hill, overlooking the picturesque blue coast and the boundless Mediterranean Sea, Cape Nice, and the pair of angel wings that are about to fly!

At this moment, Ye Tian and Betty in Nice have completely put aside all ordinary things and are enjoying their romantic honeymoon to the fullest.

Enjoy the best time of your life, worry-free!

The round of red sun in the sky has completely jumped out of the sea, radiating thousands of rays of light, illuminating the whole world.

Ye Tian and Betty stood up hand in hand, the blanket draped over their shoulders slipped down gently and landed on the sofa without a sound.

But they didn't notice it, the two hugged each other, basking in the warm sunshine comfortably, allowing this warmth to permeate into their hearts from their faces and bodies!

The magnificent sunrise on the sea is over, but the sweet life has just begun!

Time soon came to ten o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian and Betty packed up, then left the hotel where they were staying, and started today's sightseeing tour.

After admiring the beautiful natural scenery and swimming in the azure Mediterranean, today it is time to visit the cultural landscape of the city of Nice and experience the customs and customs here.

After leaving the hotel, Ye Tian and Betty strolled along a narrow old street next to the hotel, talking and laughing, and walked towards the center of the old city of Nice.

Cole, Taylor and Lisa, and the rest of the security guards scattered around to protect them and follow them along.

The speed of their group was not fast, and everyone walked while admiring the surrounding scenery and the ancient buildings on both sides of the street.

Like many times in the past, Ye Tian once again took on the role of explaining, introducing the history and culture of the city of Nice to Betty and the others.

"Nice was originally built by the Greeks, later became a colony of the Roman Empire, and then changed hands several times between France and Italy, until 1860, when it was separated from Italian rule.

Therefore, the old town of Nice is full of ancient buildings full of Italian style, and the old town of Nice is well protected, and it still retains the appearance of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which is quite rare!

You can see that these Italian-style buildings of the 17th and 18th centuries are brightly colored, enthusiastic and unrestrained, and have a very strong visual effect. Compared with other cities in France, they have a different taste.

The old city of Nice is built on the hillside, and every old street and alley twists and turns with the hills. Those characteristic shops hidden in the alleys, century-old restaurants and bars always bring infinite surprises to tourists,… "

With Ye Tian's introduction, Betty and the others got a better understanding of the seaside city of Nice, and were fascinated by the city's beautiful scenery and long history.

Soon, everyone left the old street next to the hotel and turned onto another old street.

Not far in front of this old street is the commercial center of Nice for hundreds of years and also a main pedestrian street in the old city of Nice, Plaza Sarea.

Compared with the old street before, this street is much more lively and somewhat crowded. Pedestrians and tourists on the street are basically heading in one direction, which is the Sarea Square ahead!

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Sarea Square is a famous pedestrian street. There is a market on Sarea Square. It is the most famous and beautiful market in Nice. It is another city card of Nice.

Seven days a week, the content of the Sarea Square Market is different. Sunday is a stamp and second-hand book market, Monday is an antique market, and Tuesday to Saturday is a market of fruits, vegetables, seafood, etc.

As long as you choose the right time, come to Place Sarea to visit the market here, you may be able to gain something, buy your favorite items, or buy a lot of specialties produced in Nice and surrounding areas.

Today is Monday, which happens to be the fixed antique market day in Sarea Square. This is why I bring you to the market in Sarea Square. I hope I can gain something from this market today"

Hearing this, the eyes of each of Betty and the others suddenly lit up, excitement flashed across their faces, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

"I said why did Steven come to Sarea Square! It turned out that he planned to rob the antique market here. It seems that the antique dealers in Nice are going to be in bad luck. I hope God bless them!"

While secretly excited, Betty and the others had begun to mourn for the antique dealers in Nice.

What will happen to the antique dealers in Nice next?

Then there is no need to ask! It will definitely be ransacked by Steven, just like he ransacked the Saint-Ouen Antique Market in Paris and Notting Hill Antique Market in London!

When Steven leaves the Sarea Square Market, there will be mourners and dead bodies everywhere. For a long time to come, this antique market will not be able to relax!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Although the antique market in Place de la Sarea is not as famous as the antique market in Saint-Ouen in Paris, there are many good things here. You must know that Nice is a famous gathering center for the world's richest people.

As early as before World War II, this place was one of the seaside resorts of European royal families and nobles. Those royal families and nobles from European countries brought many top-level antique works of art.

Entering modern times, a large number of wealthy people from all over the world come to Nice for vacation, and they bring many top-level antique works of art, which greatly enriches the local antique art market in Nice.

In addition, Nice is also a well-known sanctuary for the elderly. After retirement, many elderly people in Europe and the United States will choose to come to Nice for retirement. They also brought a lot of antiques and artworks.

When these retired old people pass away in Nice, most of the antique artworks they once owned will flow into the antique art market, and some old people may have sold everything during their lifetime.

Therefore, I am full of expectations for the antique market in Nice's Sarea Square, as well as the large and small antique shops and galleries in Nice, and I have wanted to come here a long time ago.

I have a strong premonition that the antique market at the Place de la Sarea will definitely bring me a huge surprise today, even no less than the harvest at the Saint-Ouen antique market in Paris! "

"Wow! It's no less than the harvest at the Saint-Ouen Antique Market in Paris. It's too exaggerated, and it's so exciting!"

Betty and the others all exclaimed in a low voice, and everyone was very excited.

While talking, the group of them had already reached the end of the street, and a few meters ahead was Sarea Square, full of people and very lively!

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly saw a familiar figure, mixed in with a group of tourists, waved lightly to this side, and then quickly put it down.

The guy waving was none other than that boy Bowie.

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