Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1620 Smart Sheep

"My dear, that person seems to be Bowie? If I'm not wrong, you should have called him here, right? You two guys are so cunning!"

Betty chuckled and said in a low voice, she also saw Bowie's figure.

During the wedding in Boston, Ye Tian had already told Betty about his relationship with Bowie's former colleague and friend, including of course that Bowie worked for him and cooperated secretly.

"That's right, I called that kid. After you enter Sarea Square later, you'd better pretend that you don't know that guy, and don't take the initiative to say hello to him."

Ye Tian smiled and whispered, and told Betty a few words.

Betty nodded slightly and said nothing more.

However, she felt even more sympathetic to the many antique dealers in Sarea Square. Who can stand up to such calculations? Those guys are bound to suffer bad luck today, and no one can save them!

After instructing Betty, Ye Tian said to the people around him:

"Be careful, everyone. Like other cities in France, there are many thieves. Because of the large number of tourists from all over the world, the thieves in Nice are even more rampant."

As he said that, Ye Tian had secretly turned on the perspective, glanced at a few guys nearby, and saw them clearly in an instant.

It was seven or eight guys in their twenties, black, white, and Arab, some of them should be in a group, gesturing to each other, and there were also lone wolves who ran alone.

They stood scattered on the edge of Sarea Square, everyone's eyeballs were rolling around, and they kept scanning the many tourists around, looking for a suitable target!

Without exception, those guys all carried daggers, but fortunately, they had no guns.

Maybe it's because they know Ye Tian, ​​those guys are far away from here, they don't dare to get close at all, let alone try to make plans with Ye Tian and the others, unless they get bored of life!

"Understood, Steven, those guys are just a bunch of thugs, don't worry about them at all"

Cole and the others nodded in unison, and glanced at the thieves, their eyes full of warning.

The few of them have been battle-tested. As soon as they arrived at Sarea Square, they immediately spotted those sneaky thieves with twinkling eyes, and secretly raised their guard!

Afterwards, Ye Tian and the others walked into Sarea Square, ready to start today's mopping up operation.

After walking a few steps, Ye Tian saw a few tourists from China chatting and chatting in Wu Nong's soft language. Everyone was very excited!

These guys are all young people in their twenties, both men and women. Judging from their brand-name clothes, they all have pretty good family conditions, otherwise they would not have traveled to Nice, France.

However, these guys didn't know that it was because of their brand-name clothes and Chinese faces that they had already become fat sheep in the eyes of many thieves in the square!

In many places in Europe, the Chinese have replaced the Japanese and have become fat sheep and favorite targets for almost all thieves, and the thieves here in Nice are no exception!

When walking past these young compatriots, Ye Tian stopped suddenly, interrupted the conversation of these guys, smiled and whispered in Mandarin:

"Guys, be more careful. The law and order here is no better than in China. Don't be so serious. Move your backpacks to your chest, or put them where you can see them.

Take care of each other.

Another point, don’t go to too remote streets because of curiosity, just to remind you, you have become fat sheep in the eyes of many thieves in Sarea Square, and they are just waiting for the knife! "

After finishing speaking, he took Betty to move forward and walked to an art booth a few meters away.

Those guys from China froze in place, everyone looked terrified and even a little bit at a loss.

Especially the girls, their eyes were a little moist in an instant, obviously frightened by Ye Tian's words.

After being stunned for about two or three seconds, these guys just reacted and regained their sobriety.

Immediately afterwards, they hurriedly moved their respective backpacks to their chests, carried them in reverse, and looked around in panic, eyes full of fear, trying to find those damned thieves.

But how could they find out who the thieves were? Those guys didn't have engravings on their faces, and there were so many tourists in the square, it was even more difficult to identify them!

After scanning the surroundings in vain, they remembered that someone reminded them just now, and they spoke Mandarin with a perfect accent, obviously they were from compatriots in China.

Immediately afterwards, these guys looked at Ye Tian's back.

Almost immediately, they recognized Ye Tian.

"I'm going! I'm not mistaken? The buddy who reminded us just now is actually Ye Tian. I read the news the day before yesterday, and I knew he was in Nice for vacation. I didn't expect to run into him here. What a coincidence!"

A buddy exclaimed, his expression was quite excited, and he seemed to have forgotten the situation of several of them.

"That's right, that's Ye Tian, ​​the blond beauty next to her is his wife Betty, when they got married before, Betty's photos appeared on the covers of almost all fashion magazines, I know her!

The haute couture wedding dress she wore at that time, as well as the dazzling jewelry, especially the 'Betty's Blue' diamond ring, were the treasures that all women dreamed of! "

A beautiful woman nodded very positively and said, her eyes are full of stars.

However, the focus of her attention is obviously not Ye Tian, ​​but Betty.

"See? Those burly men around Ye Tian and Betty should be their bodyguards, and I'm sure that each of those bodyguards is carrying a weapon!

According to legend, every time that guy Ye Tian goes out, he hugs each other like this, and the battle is even bigger than this, including himself, each of them is armed "

"Great! Since it was Ye Tian who reminded us, let's follow Ye Tian. With the great deterrent power of Ye Tian and his bodyguards, I believe no one will dare to attack us!"

"Okay, I agree with this idea. Not only are Ye Tian and the others safe and sound, but you can also take a few photos of them. It kills two birds with one stone, and let those nasty thieves die by the way!"

After the words fell, these guys hurriedly followed up, all of them excited.

Especially those few girls, all beaming with joy, holding mobile phones and DSLRs in their hands, there is still a little fear there, proper groupies!

Ye Tian didn't expect it, just because he said a few more words and reminded these guys, he had a few tails behind his buttocks, and followed them until they returned to the hotel.

Regarding the sudden addition of these tails, he could only smile helplessly, and then let those guys follow, which was considered a good deed.

As for the thieves in the square, seeing those fat sheep following a tiger and preparing to seek the tiger's protection, they all wailed secretly, completely desperate!

Each of them knew very well that those fat sheep had slipped away from their mouths, and there was no hope of succeeding again!

If the other party is an ordinary person, I can go up to show off my muscles, secretly warn and threaten, let the other party not meddle in their own business, and even show the other party a little bit of power!

But are those bloody American bastards normal people? Everyone is a beast, especially that bastard Steven, who can eat people without spit out bones, who can afford it!

Faced with this situation, the many thieves in Sarea Square could only stop their efforts, shift their targets, and continue to search the square, looking for suitable targets!

At this time, Ye Tian and the others had come to a painting stall at the entrance of the antique market, standing behind the painter who was painting, quietly admiring.

Many people in Sarea Square have spotted Ye Tian and the others and recognized their identities.

Because of the appearance of Ye Tian and the others, there was a commotion in the entire Sarea Square, and people's discussions could be heard everywhere in the area at the entrance of the antique market.

"I'm going! Why did the bastard Steven come here? Today is the antique market. Obviously, this guy is here for the antique market. There is a good show today!"

"Wow! May God bless the antique dealers on Place Sarea, don't let them be ransacked by Steven, a greedy bastard like the antique dealers in Saint-Ouen in Paris, that would be too miserable!"

While people were discussing in low voices, they all looked at Ye Tian curiously, ready to see what shocking things he could do next!

Some of them, who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, are even more excited, planning to follow the whole process and watch an extremely exciting show!

The news that Ye Tian and the others appeared at the antique market was like a hurricane, and it spread throughout the Sarea Square in a blink of an eye, reaching everyone's ears.

Of course, it also includes the antique dealers who do business here.

The moment they heard the news, the faces of all the antique dealers in the square changed, and they became very ugly. Everyone had an ominous premonition!

At the same time, the painter who was painting at the entrance of the antique market finally put down his brush, turned to look at Ye Tian, ​​and said with a smile:

"Good morning, Mr. Steven. My name is Calmet. It's a pleasure to meet you here. How about these paintings of mine? Can they catch your eyes? Please comment!"

As he spoke, the artist pointed to the many paintings on the booth and the painting that was about to be completed on the easel.

Ye Tian shook hands with the painter, and greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning, Mr. Calmet, I'm Steven, nice to meet you, I can't comment on it, these paintings of yours look very good and have some feeling.

But I'm not very interested in surrealist paintings. I'm a little interested in the realistic oil painting depicting the scenery of the Cote d'Azur. Can you take a look? "

As he spoke, Ye Tian pointed to a realistic landscape painting on the painting booth.

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