Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1624 The Power of Emotion

Following the direction of Ye Tian's finger, Calmet turned his head and looked over.

When he saw the realistic landscape painting, a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

The scenery depicted in that painting is the beauty of the French Riviera, which is familiar to everyone, and everyone here is familiar with it.

To be precise, it is Angel Bay, which is close at hand, with blue sea, blue sky and white sails. It looks very beautiful and truly reproduces the charming scenery of Angel Bay.

From the costumes of the characters in the paintings, the vehicles driving on the street, and the yachts parked in the sea, etc., as long as tourists who have been to Angel Bay can draw a basic judgment at a glance.

This is a landscape oil painting created in recent years, the longest time is no more than ten years, with a very obvious imprint of the times.

As a work of art sold in the antique market, this painting obviously cannot tell the story in terms of age. This is the reason why Calmet was disappointed!

In a blink of an eye, Calmet adjusted his mood, nodded with a smile and said:

"Of course, Steven, you can look at the painting of the French Riviera"

"Okay Calmet"

Ye Tian responded, then walked forward, picked up the small realistic landscape painting from the painting booth, and was about to appreciate it.

It can be seen that Calmet did not pay much attention to this painting.

He didn't even hang the painting up, but just placed it flat on the painting booth, overlapping with several other paintings, which seemed somewhat unprofessional.

The moment he picked up the realistic landscape painting, Ye Tian suddenly pretended to be surprised and said:

"Hey! There is actually a lyrical abstraction painting underneath, which seems to be the scenery of Nice. The buildings and colors on the street look very familiar"

Hearing his words, everyone at the scene looked at the lyrical abstract painting, and Calmet's eyes even lit up, flashing a bit of suspicion.

Is there something mysterious about that lyrical abstract painting? The real purpose of that guy Steven is actually the painting, not the realistic landscape painting in his hand!

But how did that Steven guy know there was such an abstract painting? It was completely covered up before, so you couldn't see it at all!

Thinking of this, Calmet couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, as if he was thinking too much.

After taking a few glances at the lyrical abstract painting, he didn't see any mystery in that painting at all, so he could only look away and look at Ye Tian.

At this time, Ye Tian was admiring the realistic landscape painting in his hand, and didn't pay too much attention to the lyrical abstract painting he just discovered.

This realistic landscape painting can only be said to be a regular and above-standard landscape painting. The artist used his brush to reproduce the picturesque beauty of Nice's Bay of Angels.

If you take this painting as a souvenir of your trip to Nice and take it home and hang it somewhere at home, it should be a very good decoration. The scenery on the painting is very eye-catching!

But if you want to say how high the artistic value of this landscape painting is, it can only be said to be average, and the market value is not that high.

While Ye Tian was admiring the landscape painting, many onlookers gathered around the booth, all excited and curiously looking at the landscape painting in Ye Tian's hand.

There are also some guys with ulterior motives and eager to try,

Prepare to cut off halfway, take advantage of Ye Tian's east wind, and take the opportunity to make a fortune!

However, is Dongfeng so easy to borrow?

I'm afraid that before the east wind blows, they have already fallen into one trap after another, which is hard to guard against, and they are trapped to death!

Although a lot of onlookers gathered at the scene, they were all blocked by Cole and the others. They couldn't get close to Ye Tian and Betty, and couldn't interfere with them.

After appreciating the landscape painting for a while, Ye Tian looked up at Calmet, smiled and said:

"If I'm not mistaken, this realistic landscape painting shouldn't be your work, right? Calmet, most of the paintings here are surrealism, presumably these are your works"

"That's right, Steven, this realistic landscape painting is indeed not my work. I not only paint and sell it myself, but also manage related artworks to support my family!"

Calmet nodded and said, affirming Ye Tian's guess, his words and expressions were somewhat bitter.

As a painter in his fifties or sixties, he still makes a living selling paintings on the street to support his family. If there is no great opportunity, this life will be like this. Can you not feel bitter?

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"Calmet, can you tell me about the situation of this realistic landscape painting and the price of this painting? I want to buy this painting.

We will be leaving Nice soon, and since we are here, of course we will bring some souvenirs back! I can think of no more appropriate souvenir than this.

Angel Bay is the most beautiful scenery in Nice. As long as I see this painting and see Angel Bay in the future, it will remind me of this beautiful memory in Nice! "

Hearing this, Calmet's eyes immediately flashed with joy.

He has a business and is a super rich man with countless money in his pocket.

Without the slightest hesitation, Calmet immediately smiled and said:

"Steven, you have also seen that the scenery depicted in this painting is the beautiful Angel Bay, which is close at hand, so I won't introduce it, you have already visited it.

As far as the painting technique is concerned, the painting technique of this painting is quite proficient and sophisticated, the composition is reasonable, and the color matching is also very harmonious, which perfectly reproduces the beautiful scenery of the Bay of Angels in Nice.

This is a very good tourist souvenir. It is worth taking back for collection to commemorate your trip to Nice. I offer 50,000 euros for this painting. I wonder if you can accept it? "

Obviously, this Nice painter regards Ye Tian as a fat sheep, and is going to slaughter Ye Tian mercilessly and earn a lot of money!

At this moment, he seems to have forgotten that the guy in front of him with a smile on his face and holding the realistic landscape painting is a top expert in antique art appraisal, and he has never opened his eyes!

After giving the quotation, Calmet looked at Ye Tian's face with full expectation, expecting to hear the most pleasant answer.

"Hey! Fifty thousand euros doesn't sound expensive. If I'm not mistaken, this painting should have been created no more than five years ago. Just look at the shapes of the cars and yachts in the painting.

Realist landscape painters whose works can be sold at this price should be well-known. I really want to know, which landscape painter is this work? Maybe we still know each other"

Ye Tian said jokingly, with a bit of teasing in his eyes.

Calmet was dumbfounded and froze on the spot, his old face flushed instantly, his expression was quite embarrassing!

But after all, he made a living in the antique market, dealing with tourists and antique dealers all day long, his face has long been cultivated, and self-sacrifice is the basic quality!

In an instant, his expression returned to normal. As if nothing happened.

At the same time, he also understood that if he wanted to take advantage of the guy in front of him, he was delusional, and there was no possibility at all.

Who heard that the guy in front of him suffered a lot? Not once.

The guys around who were ready to move were immediately discouraged when they heard Ye Tian's words.

Even though it was a few meters away, a few guys still saw that the cars and yachts in that landscape painting, as well as people's clothing, were indeed popular styles now!

What Steven said is absolutely right, this is a painting created in recent years, and the artist is probably unknown and not of much value!

After confirming this point, those guys who were planning to cut off the barbarians completely died down.

After pondering for a moment, Calmet smiled and said:

"Steven, your eyesight is very good. This is indeed a realistic landscape painting created in recent years. It is from a painter friend of mine. His name is Dominique, and he is not well-known.

He also lived in Nice before, and often set up a stall to paint in Sarea Square. He left Nice for Barcelona half a year ago. Before leaving, he gave me some of his paintings and asked me to help them sell them.

The landscape painting in your hand is one of them, and it is a work that the painter friend thinks is very good. The price set is relatively high, so it has not been sold.

Steven, you are a well-known expert in the industry, I won't go around with you, it's just asking for embarrassment, five thousand euros, you only need to pay this price, and you can take this painting away."

When his words fell, Ye Tian immediately continued with a smile on his face:

"Five thousand euros! There is some sincerity in this price, but as far as this painting is concerned, it is still a bit expensive. To be honest, there is a reason why your artist friend is not famous.

I won't comment on your friend's artistic level, it's not polite, let's talk about this realistic landscape oil painting, anyway, it's better than printed matter, isn't it! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and many onlookers all laughed.

Calmet rolled his eyes angrily, but he had no choice but to complain secretly in his heart.

"You bastard is too hurtful. If Dominic is here, he must die with you bastard. Even if he can't beat you, at least he will spit on your face and vent his anger!"

Ye Tian didn't seem to notice the change in Calmet's expression, he continued to smile and said:

“To be honest, five thousand euros is not out of the question, I can accept that price, but you have to take that lyrical abstraction painting, two paintings are sold as a bundle.

If I read correctly, the content depicted in the lyrical abstract painting is also the scenery of Nice, and it is the street scene of the old city of Nice, which looks a bit tasteful.

I plan to hang these two paintings together, although they are different in style, they reflect the beauty of Nice together, one is the beautiful Bay of Angels, and the other is the old city of Nice"

As he said that, Ye Tian pointed to the lyrical abstraction painting on the art booth, and his tone was very relaxed, without any flaws.

That lyrical abstraction depicts Old Nice at dusk.

The sun was setting, and the streets of the old city of Nice were very quiet, and there were almost no traces of people.

There are only a pair of mother and daughter in the painting, bathing in the afterglow of the setting sun, walking in the colorful alleys of the old city full of flowers!

They turned their backs to the audience, leaving only two backs, one tall and one short, for the off-screen audience.

Through the abstract silhouette of the human body, it can be seen that the young mother is holding her daughter's hand and looking down at her child sideways!

The little girl raised her head and stared at her mother, as if she was telling her something.

The characters in the painting are very vague, and the outlines are only outlined with lines, but the simple movements of the mother and daughter show endless love and give people a warm feeling.

At this moment, the ancient buildings on the streets of the old city seem to have emotions, both in color and lines, have become much softer!

And this is exactly what lyrical abstraction wants to express, this is the 'power of emotion'.

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