Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1628 The Ghost Under the Sword

The German rich man and the Japanese were both the same, their brows were furrowed, their expressions changed rapidly, obviously engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

After pondering for a moment, the Japanese couldn't hold back at first.

He took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then turned to the antique stall owner, gritted his teeth and nodded, saying:

"Okay, sir, I am willing to pay 150,000 euros to buy this baroque style gilt copper clock"

Hearing this, Ye Tian's eyes immediately flashed with joy.

"Okay! This idiot from Japan finally took the bait, buy a modern handicraft for 150,000 euros, and cry while holding the clock."

While secretly cheering, he looked at the German rich man again.

If this idiot also joins in and competes with that Japanese, it will be perfect, the scene will be more exciting, and the result will be even more tragic!

The owner of the antique stall was so happy that he wanted to rush forward, hugging the shiny golden Japanese and kissing him hard. He is really an extremely stupid money-giving boy!

However, after all, he has been in the antique market for many years, and he knows clearly in his heart that it is not the time to celebrate, let alone show his feet, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted!

He tried his best to restrain his excitement, pretending to calmly nodded at the Japanese, and then looked at Ye Tian and the German rich man!

Ye Tian didn't give any indication, let alone participate in the bidding.

He just looked at the Japanese man with a smile on his face, and then turned his head to look at the German rich man, making it impossible to guess his real thoughts.

As for the rich man from Germany, he stared closely at the change in Ye Tian's expression, as if he wanted to read something from his face and use it as a reference for his own decision.

It's a pity that the pair of light-colored sunglasses on Ye Tian's face perfectly concealed the changes in his eyes, but his face was always filled with a smile, unchanged!

Not finding anything, the German rich man fell into deep thought, and he even had an ominous premonition.

However, after some thinking, greed finally defeated reason.

"One hundred and fifty-five thousand euros, I want this baroque style gilt copper clock"

The German gritted his molars and made his offer.

Before he finished speaking, he had already looked at Ye Tian again, wanting to see what reaction Ye Tian would give.

Unfortunately, what he saw was still a smiling face, no different from before.

At this time, Ye Tian was already happy in his heart.

"Okay! This German idiot is over too, just wait and see the good show, the ending must be very exciting!"

Following the quotation from the rich German man, Ye Tian's trap was more than half successful. The next step is to see who is more unlucky among these two idiots, and finally wins this gold-plated copper clock.

Around this baroque-style gold-plated copper clock, the competition began between the German rich man and the Japanese, but Ye Tian became a bystander, standing aside and watching the excitement with great interest.

After several rounds of bidding, the Japanese finally won, and successfully won this Baroque-style gilt-bronze desk clock at a price of 185,000 euros.

Just as he shook hands with the antique stall owner and concluded the antique deal, the attention of the people at the scene was not on them, but on Ye Tian.

Several insiders in the antique industry in the crowd of onlookers have already reacted at this time.

There is no doubt that this is definitely a trap dug by that bastard Steven, with the purpose of slamming the tails behind him and teaching those guys a deep lesson!

It seems that the rumors are true, this bastard Steven is not only ruthless, but also extremely insidious. Along the way, he has deceived countless colleagues in the industry, as well as blind idiots!

If you want to follow this bastard to pick up a bargain, that is definitely a suicide attempt. This idiot from Japan in front of you is another ghost of this bastard Steven!

Thinking of this, these insiders in the antique industry couldn't help but feel a chill and chills down their backs.

In the future, it's best to stay away from this bastard, Steven, the farther the better. This bastard is too vicious and insidious, and he can easily ruin people's lives. Who can resist him?

Not only the few insiders in the antique industry, but also the antique stall owner also recalled it, and he was also terrified!

It turns out that this bastard Steven has been using me, acting here, using this gilt copper clock to set up a trap, and tricking those guys who followed him, which made him very unhappy, and it was a big success!

In addition to these insiders, the many onlookers at the scene also saw some meaning, but they still didn't understand it very well.

This included the rich man from Germany. Although he failed in the bidding, he didn't feel any sense of loss in his heart. Instead, he felt a sense of getting out of the catastrophe, which made him feel much more relaxed.

After shaking hands to conclude the deal, the Japanese immediately turned to look at Ye Tian.

However, Ye Tian's performance was still the same as before, standing there with a smile on his face, neither sad nor happy.

Seeing this scene, the Japanese man's heart sank suddenly, and he felt a bad feeling.

He was just about to say something, but was interrupted by the antique stall owner, urging him to complete the last step of the transaction, transfer the money and take away the gilt copper clock.

The antique stall owner knew in his heart that he must cut through the mess quickly and complete the transaction as soon as possible, so as to secure the 185,000 euros in his pocket. If there is any delay, accidents may happen!

In full view, even if the Japanese wanted to repent, the situation would not allow it.

In desperation, he could only transfer money on the spot, and transferred 185,000 euros to the antique stall owner, completing the transaction.

Just as they completed the transaction, Ye Tian smiled and whispered to the people around him:

"The show here is over, it's very exciting, let's go, go to the next booth to see, maybe there will be surprising discoveries"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left the booth with Betty, without any regrets.

But what no one knew was that the moment he turned around, the peripheral vision from the corner of Ye Tian's eyes swept across the two items placed in the corner of the booth, and stayed there for about half a second.

Fortunately, it was covered by light-colored sunglasses, so no one noticed the subtle changes in his eyes!

In his eyes, those two items radiate beautiful light, extremely dazzling, and there are more than ten layers of charming halos on them, full of temptation!

Obviously, those are two valuable antique works of art, the most valuable treasures in this stall, and completely ignored by the stall owner!

The reason why he stopped in front of this booth was because of the two antique works of art, not because of the gilt copper clock!

The Baroque-style gold-plated copper clock and the traps set up with it were just Ye Tian's impromptu actions, using local materials, but the result was incomparably perfect!

In the current situation, Ye Tian clearly knew that he must not act rashly, as that would only lead to bad things.

If he wanted to successfully get those two valuable antique works of art, he had to let that kid Bowie do the job. I believe there would be no problem!

Ye Tian and the others had just turned around and left before they had taken a few steps, when suddenly an uneasy voice came from behind.

"Mr. Steven, please stop by. Can you help me identify this baroque style gilt copper clock? I am a layman and know nothing about antique works of art."

Needless to say, it was of course that idiot from Japan who made this request.

Hearing this, Ye Tian stopped immediately, turned around and looked at the Japanese.

"I'm very sorry, but I can't promise you. Although I am an expert in the identification of antique works of art, I think I have good eyesight, but I can't help others identify antique works of art at will. That would break the rules of the industry.

Although I can't help you identify this gilt copper clock, I can give you a piece of advice. If you are not a professional, you must be extremely cautious when shopping in the antique market. There are traps everywhere! "

At the end, Ye Tian deliberately glanced at the crowd.

Although through the light-colored sunglasses, everyone felt that his eyes were like knives, and his back felt cold, as if they were in the cold winter!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and the others turned around and left, walking towards the next antique stall.

As for the unlucky Japanese, he could only get close to the Baroque-style gilt-bronze clock and use his poor knowledge of antiques for identification.

A moment later, a shrill roar suddenly sounded in Sarea Square.

"How is it possible? This is a modern handicraft produced in Guangzhou, China, isn't it a Baroque-style gilt copper antique clock?"

With the roar that resounded through the Sarea Square, everyone in the square understood that another idiot was shaved by that bastard Steven and became the ghost of his knife!

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