Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1629 Ancient Weapon

In the blink of an eye, it was already noon, and Ye Tian and the others were still at the antique market in Sarea Square, sweeping through antique artworks and searching for wealth like a wind and cloud.

In the past few hours, the group of them has swept through more than one hundred antique stalls, and Ye Tian personally purchased dozens of antique works of art.

The number of these antique works of art was so large that Cole and the others had to return to the hotel in batches, send Ye Tian's harvest back to the guys who stayed in the hotel to take care of them, and then return to Sarea Square again.

Even so, Cole and the others at this time, almost everyone is dragging a trolley suitcase in their hands, and each suitcase is a moving treasure, filled with valuable antique works of art.

Bowie, who followed Ye Tian and the others and secretly swept away the goods, took down more antiques and artworks. He also returned to the hotel many times and sent back his trophies.

However, because Ye Tian and the others acted in a high-profile manner in front of them, attracting attention, and the unit price of buying antique artworks by themselves was not high, they basically bought them at the lowest price.

Therefore, Bowie's crazy sweep of antique artworks did not attract much attention!

How did people know that when they were staring at Ye Tian and feeling terrified by his frenzied sweeping up of the antique market, there was another guy quietly looting the antique market.

The number of people following Ye Tian and paying attention to his every move did not decrease at all, on the contrary, there were more and more signs.

However, no one dared to act recklessly, tried to cut him halfway, and took advantage of Ye Tian.

The Japanese who was extremely unlucky and distraught before was a bloody lesson from the past. No one wants to repeat the same mistakes and experience the painful feeling that life is worse than death.

While following Ye Tian to watch the excitement, some good-natured people secretly made a statistics.

In just one morning, this guy, Steven, crazily sprinkled nearly 300,000 euros in the Sarea Square, and harvested dozens of antique works of unknown value.

If it is at an auction, 300,000 euros may not be worth mentioning. Antique works of art with prices far exceeding 300,000 euros can be found everywhere, and it is not uncommon to see them!

But here is an open-air antique market. The 300,000 euros thrown out from one person and the purchase of dozens of antique works of art are already enough to cause a sensation!

What's more, this crazy shop-sweeping guy is a top expert in the appraisal of antique works of art. His eyes are so sharp that he has never looked past them!

Almost all the antique works of art that he can take a fancy to and win are valuable antique works of art, and his gains in this antique fair must be no exception!

As soon as the news came out, it immediately shocked the entire Sarea Square and everyone, whether it was tourists, antique dealers, or street vendors.

Hearing this news, the people in Sarea Square were very sure.

That bastard Steven is looting the Sarea Square Antiques Fair like he was looting the Saint-Ouen Antiques Market in Paris, just like he was looting the Notting Hill Antiques Market in London!

Perhaps this is the real purpose of his coming to Nice. As for the honeymoon, to enjoy the picturesque scenery of Nice, etc., they are all secondary purposes, just incidental.

Although this was confirmed, the antique dealers and street vendors doing business in Sarea Square could not find a good way to restrict Ye Tian, ​​so as to reduce possible losses.

They can only keep their eyes wide open, hold a magnifying glass, and re-examine everything on their booth, hoping to find something, so as to avoid being picked up by Ye Tian and ransacked by madness!

However, this is basically useless work and has little effect.

They didn't know those neglected antique works of art before, and it's impossible for them to suddenly recognize them all at this moment, and those who don't know still don't know!

If this method doesn't work, they have no choice but to set up various obstacles, increase the difficulty of the transaction, and try to avoid being looted by Ye Tian by means of extortionate prices!

I have to say that this method still has a certain effect. It has indeed added a lot of difficulty to Ye Tian and wasted a lot of time!

However, this still didn't stop Ye Tian from ransacking the antique market crazily. He could always think of various ways and use various conditions to achieve his goals and win related antique works of art!

There are also some antique dealers and stall owners who completely closed their doors and stopped doing Ye Tian's business directly, trying to use this method to avoid the tragic fate of being ransacked!

It doesn't matter, isn't there that boy Bowie?

Those antique dealers who refused to do business with Ye Tian could imagine that the guy who appeared in front of the booth 20, 30 minutes, or even an hour later, copying a mouthful of British English, was also Ye Tian's subordinate.

Let's put it this way, as long as there are leaks and neglected antique artworks in their booths, there is nowhere to escape, and they will definitely be included in Ye Tian's pocket, unless they pack up and leave!

In fact, there are indeed a few cautious antique dealers who would rather come here for nothing today and miss the weekly antique market than become the target of being ransacked!

They packed up their things one after another, or left Sarea Square, or stayed in the square to watch the excitement, but they also avoided the fate of being ransacked by Ye Tian, ​​and they were considered lucky and escaped!

While talking, Ye Tian and the others walked to an antique booth, stopped and began to admire the things placed in this booth.

The goods on this booth are quite special. There are many ancient cold weapons, including shields, long swords, scimitars, short spears, short swords, spear heads, battle axes, arrows, etc. There are a lot of them!

Judging from the styles of these Western cold weapons, there are cold weapons from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, medieval Europe and Arabia, ancient Rome, and even ancient Greece.

Most of these cold weapons have reddish-brown rust marks, and the rust on some weapons is even more serious. It looks a bit heavy with history, and also has a bit of murderous look!

Of course, the authenticity of these cold weapons is hard to say, and we can only rely on our own eyesight.

Stopping in front of this booth, Ye Tian looked at these ancient cold weapons with great interest, and Betty and the others were the same, admiring these cold weapons.

As for Cole and the others, they were scattered around the periphery, separating the others, and watching the surroundings vigilantly.

After quickly scanning all the cold weapons on the stall, Ye Tian looked up at the stall owner.

"Good afternoon, buddy, let's get to know each other, I'm Steven, nice to meet you, these cold weapons you collected look very good, I like it very much!"

With that said, Ye Tian stretched out his right hand to the stall owner.

The stall owner shook hands with him, smiled vigilantly and politely and said:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, my name is Fraxis, and I do some antique business in Sarea Square. It's a pleasure to meet you too. It's an honor!"

After a few pleasantries, Ye Tian immediately pointed to the cold weapons on the booth and said:

"Frexis, can I take a closer look at these cold weapons? They look very good and have a bit of flavor"

"No problem, Steven, but you have to be a little careful. Some weapons have a long history and mediocre preservation, and they can't stand bumps at all!"

Fraxis nodded and agreed to Ye Tian's request.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian picked up a round shield and a dagger from the booth, and then held the shield in his left hand and the sword in his right, taking a defensive posture!

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