What Ye Tian held in his left hand was a famous Scottish round shield with a diameter of about fifty-five centimeters. The body of the shield was made of all metal, and it was quite heavy to carry.

Unlike other shields in the history of cold weapons, the construction of the Scottish buckler is very unique.

In addition to the handle, shield body and shield nails that other shields have, the Scottish round shield also integrates the bayonet on the shield, turning it into a sharp weapon that integrates offense and defense, which is very suitable for close hand-to-hand combat.

In the shield heart of the Scottish round shield, there is a tapered bayonet about 30 centimeters long and protruding forward, which can be used for both stabbing and blocking.

Of course, the bayonet of the Scottish fine iron round shield in Ye Tian's hand was not installed in the center of the shield at this time, but was removed and put in a long pocket on the back of the round shield for safety.

In Ye Tian's right hand, he held a Roman dagger about eighty centimeters long. There were several rust marks on it, but it still exuded a cold murderous aura.

It is a pity that this antique booth does not have another famous cold weapon from Scotland, the basket-shaped glove knife, and can only use the Roman short sword to make up the number!

The Scottish round shield combined with the basket-shaped glove knife is a perfect match. It was a cold weapon ace combination that once made the British fearful!

Due to the limited environment, Ye Tian did not wave the Scottish buckler and Roman dagger at the scene, so as not to make the people in Sarea Square even more nervous.

He just picked up the Scottish round shield in front of him, pressed the Roman dagger in his right hand to the edge of the round shield, made a few offensive and defensive movements, and then put them back on the stall.

Even so, the crowd of onlookers vaguely felt a fierce murderous aura, and they were all secretly startled.

After putting the Scottish buckler and Roman short sword back to their original positions, Ye Tian looked at the owner of the antique stall again, and said with a smile:

"Fracis, tell me about this Scottish buckler. What is the specific origin and how did you get this shield? There are not many Scottish bucklers made of metal. I am very interested."

Hearing his words, Fracis did not respond immediately, but turned to look at the Scottish buckler, with suspicion flashing in his eyes, and he fell into deep thought.

Many onlookers around also looked curiously at the all-metal Scottish Buckler, not understanding why the refined iron shield attracted Ye Tian's attention.

Of course, many people think so.

Wouldn't it be another sinister trap? Maybe the bastard Steven is going to cheat people again. The metal Scottish buckler in front of him is just a prop.

Fraxis's brows were furrowed, his expression changed drastically, obviously he was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

Ye Tian always looked at the stall owner with a smile on his face, his expression was so relaxed that it was impossible to understand his true thoughts.

After pondering for nearly a minute, Fraxis finally made a decision.

He raised his head and took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then said solemnly:

"Steven, I don't know if you are really interested in this all-metal Scottish buckler, and I'm not sure if you're talking about it, the real target is not this shield.

Since I am open for business, there is no reason to keep customers away. It is not in line with my business principles, and I don't bother to do it. However, I have a request, and I hope you can agree."

"What are the specific requirements? Fraxis,

Tell me, I'm all ears"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, with curiosity and admiration in his eyes.

The stall owner is not bad, he is more upright, and he didn't shut himself out from doing his own business because he was afraid of taking the treasure.

Fraxis nodded slightly, and then continued:

"Steven, no matter which items you like here, I will quote their selling prices just like other customers, and I will not ask for exorbitant prices and smash my own signboard.

In fact, I can't even guess what your real goal is. You can't charge sky-high prices for every item, right? In that case, I would never be able to do business in Plaza Sarea.

However, no matter what you buy from me in the end, after the transaction is completed, I hope you can explain the item in public and give a valuation, so that I can understand it to the death.

You are the world's top expert in the identification of antique works of art and a professional treasure hunter. You have an extremely sharp eye and you have never seen it before. You must know and master more knowledge than me.

If possible, I hope you can raise your hand, don't sweep away all the good things here, at least leave me some valuable things, this is my business to support my family.

If you can give me some pointers, indicating that there are some valuable items here, I will be grateful, this is my request, it should not be too much, I wonder if you can meet it? "

Hearing these words, Ye Tian couldn't help giving the stall owner a thumbs up and admiring him secretly.

As expected of making a living in the antique market, what a fine person!

He knew that his eyesight was not good, if there were really valuable antique works of art on the booth, it would be unavoidable to be picked up by Ye Tian and become another unlucky guy in Sarea Square.

Instead of this, it's better to retreat and sing a bitter drama in front of everyone, and find another way to avoid being ransacked by Ye Tian!

In this way, he can control the loss to a minimum.

If Ye Tian gave some pointers and pointed out the other neglected or severely undervalued antique artworks on the booth, then the bad thing could turn into a good thing, and maybe he could even make a fortune!

Not only Ye Tian, ​​but many people at the scene guessed Fraxis' intentions, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up for this guy's quick wit!

Those antique stall owners who had just been ransacked by Ye Tian beat their chests with regret, why didn't they come up with such a good idea, how stupid as a pig!

Ye Tian looked at Fraxis playfully, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Okay, Fraxis, I agree to your request, I have to admit that you are a very smart guy, you can think of using this method to deal with me, I admire you!

In your booth, if there is any valuable antique artwork that you overlooked, regardless of the quantity, I will only buy one and leave the rest to you.

After the transaction is completed, at your request, I will explain the antique artworks I purchased, give an accurate valuation, and then point out a few antique artworks that you have ignored.

However, this kind of good thing is only once, you are the first to make such a request, I can agree to you, as for other colleagues, don't even think about it, this business depends on eyesight"

Speaking of this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head and glanced at the many onlookers around, his intention was self-evident.

Fraxis's face was already full of ecstasy, and he almost jumped up with excitement, and there was no trace of fear and apprehension in his eyes.

For him, this bitter drama was a great success. Next, it depends on the quality of these things at his booth!

Unlike him, the other antique dealers and stall owners in the crowd were disappointed and regretful at this moment.


There were sighs of disappointment at the scene, from the rest of the antique dealers and stall owners.

Before the sigh fell, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Fracis, can you introduce this all-metal Scottish buckler now, and its price? I'm very interested."

Without the slightest hesitation, Fraxis immediately said:

"This is a Scottish round shield made of fine iron. It is very heavy. There are many exquisite patterns carved on the front and back. From this point of view, this should be a ceremonial item rather than an actual combat weapon.

On this Scottish round shield, there are no traces left by swords and swords, which also shows this point. Due to the long history, many places on this shield have been corroded.

According to my personal research, this refined iron Scottish buckler should have come from the middle and late eighteenth century. At that time, the European battlefield and even the world battlefield had already become the world of guns and artillery.

This also shows from another point of view that this Scottish round shield is just a ceremonial item and was not used for fighting on the battlefield. It is not known who exactly this refined iron round shield belongs to.

When I went to Lille in the north of France last year, I saw this Scotch buckler at a flea market, bought it on a whim, and brought it back to Nice, where it is here today.

This Scottish buckler has a history of more than 200 years, and it is indeed an antique, not a deliberately old fake. I will charge 6,500 euros for this fine iron buckler."

After quoting the price, Fraxis stared at Ye Tian's face closely, waiting for his response.

The same goes for many onlookers at the scene, looking at Ye Tian one after another.

Many people didn't believe that Ye Tian's goal would be this refined iron Scottish Buckler. They even thought it was just another cover.

However, what happened next shocked everyone present.

"Six thousand five hundred euros, the price is very good, deal, Fracis, I want this Scottish buckler!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and extended his right hand to Fraxis.

"Ah! Do you really want to buy this refined iron shield?"

Fraxis exclaimed and froze in place.

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