Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1632 The Beautiful Prince Charlie

"This refined iron shield is very heavy, with exquisite patterns and patterns engraved on it, and there are no traces of sword chopping. Obviously, this is not a practical weapon.

According to my judgment, this should be a ceremonial item, just like the protocol gun in modern society, it only appears on some important protocol occasions, not on the battlefield of life and death.

If you know something about the Stuart Dynasty, you will know that the decorations and patterns chiseled on this shield have typical characteristics of the Stuart Dynasty.

Moreover, these decorations and patterns are of a high level, not all nobles can use them, only nobles above the earl are eligible to use these special decorations and patterns.

The same decorations and patterns can often be seen on some antique artworks of the Stuart dynasty, and those antique artworks are generally very important and have special meanings!

It was based on this judgment that I determined that this is an antique cultural relic that is closely related to the Stuart dynasty, and that is why I took down this shield."

Ye Tian continued to explain with a smile on his face, and his clear voice echoed over Sarea Square, lingering in the ears of everyone present.

While explaining, he also held up the fine iron shield in his hand from time to time to show everyone this antique cultural relic more than 200 years ago, so that everyone can see it more clearly.

Hearing that the Scottish Buckler was a relic of the Stuart Dynasty and a personal belonging of a top nobleman, Fraxis's eyes immediately flashed with regret, and his eyeballs were almost red!

At this moment, his heart was bleeding with regret, but he was helpless.

He knew very well in his heart that no matter how much this Scottish buckler was worth, it had nothing to do with him. He could only stare from the sidelines, only envious of himself!

The scene also became more lively, almost everyone was whispering and discussing.

"Wow! It turned out to be an item of a high-ranking nobleman of the Stuart Dynasty. It must be worth a lot. There is no doubt that Steven has made a fortune again. What a lucky bastard!"

"This guy Steven is too exaggerated. Not only is his vision extremely sharp, but he is also omniscient and proficient in everything. What kind of antique artwork can escape this guy's eyes!

Undoubtedly, each of the antique works of art he bought before was a valuable treasure. After all, Sarea Square did not escape the fate of being ransacked by madness! "

While there was a lot of discussion, everyone looked at Ye Tian with eyes full of envy, even jealousy, and a little bit of fear!

For those antique dealers who do business in Plaza Sarea, can they not feel fear in the face of such a ruthless and omnipotent top professional?

As for the tourists and wealthy people from Scotland in the square, everyone's eyes were extremely hot, they were all staring at the Scottish buckler in Ye Tian's hand, wishing they could keep it for themselves.

Amidst the discussion, Ye Tian raised his right hand and pressed down gently, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

Seeing his action, everyone immediately stopped discussing, and the scene immediately fell silent.

Ye Tian put down his right hand and scanned the scene, then continued to speak loudly:

"When I got this Scottish buckler just now, I judged its casting age. This Scottish buckler should have been cast between the years, and there will not be too much difference between before and after.

As for the casting location, it is better to identify,

It comes from the hands of a famous craftsman in Edinburgh, with a strong Scottish style, and these blooming thistles are the personal identity of that craftsman.

The same thistle logo can also be seen on the few other limited works of the craftsman that survive, which is the best proof that this fine iron shield comes from Scotland"

After speaking, Ye Tian pointed to a thistle flower on the edge of the shield and showed it to everyone present.

The many onlookers standing in the inner circle and at a relatively close distance all saw the thistle flower and nodded frequently!

Of course, Fraxis, who was close at hand, also saw the thistle, and the regret in his eyes was even stronger, and there was also endless admiration.

Only then did he realize that he basically knew nothing about the Scottish Buckler, and that he was not wronged at all by being picked up by Steven. Who made his level not enough, it is inevitable to take the treasure!

Even if Steven didn't show up in Sarea Square today, sooner or later this precious Scottish buckler would fall into the hands of others and be picked up by others. In short, it wouldn't belong to him!

In the end, what I can get, that is, the 6,500 euros, cannot be more!

Thinking of this, Fraxis suddenly felt a little relieved, and his blood-red eyes gradually returned to normal!

However, Ye Tian's next words made his blood pressure instantly rise again, almost directly bursting the meter.

"As we all know, Prince Bonnie, also known as Prince Charles the Beautiful, is the heir to the Stuart dynasty. Throughout his life, he has been trying to restore the Stuart dynasty and restore the glory of his ancestors.

He led the Scottish uprising in 1745, rebelled against the ruler of England, and tried to restore the Stuart dynasty. Unfortunately, the uprising failed and he had to flee Scotland and go into exile in France.

Combined with the time when he led the uprising, the identity of the heir to the Stuart dynasty, and these special decorations and patterns, I can basically confirm that this shield probably belongs to Prince Charles of the United States.

It is not difficult to prove this, and the famous craftsman who cast this shield must have left the owner's mark on this work, which is his consistent style and is also reflected in other works.

The history of this shield is not very long, only more than 200 years, and it is not an unearthed cultural relic, the rust on it is not serious, as long as the rust is removed, the truth will be revealed to the world,..."

Ye Tian was about to continue talking, the scene was completely blown up, and crazy exclamations sounded one after another, endlessly.

"My God! Did I hear you right? This turned out to be the Scottish Buckler of Prince Charlie. If it is true, then there is no doubt that this must be a priceless top-level antique relic!"

"Prince Charles the Beautiful is a legendary hero in Scotland, and legends about him are still circulating in Scotland, the British Isles, and even the entire Western world.

If this is really Prince Charlie's Scottish Buckler, it must be a national treasure-level antique cultural relic, and its value is immeasurable. It may be several million euros, or even tens of millions of euros! "

While people were discussing, their eyes became extremely hot, even a little hot. Everyone was staring at the Scottish buckler in Ye Tian's hand, not willing to look away for a moment.

Quite a few of them, their jealous eyeballs were red, their eyes gleaming with greed, wished they could rush forward, snatch the shield from Ye Tian's hand, and take it as their own!

However, the sturdy and highly vigilant Cole and the others, as well as Ye Tian's own powerful force, deter all those with evil intentions, so that these guys dare not act rashly!

While people were talking about it, Ye Tian reached out and patted Fraxis on the shoulder, and said to this dull-looking guy:

"Frexis, find me a hammer or a metal object, as long as it can be used to strike, I have a use for it"

"Okay, Steven"

Fraxis nodded numbly in response, but did not make any follow-up actions, obviously not yet recovered.

After a pause of about two or three seconds, the guy woke up.

Immediately afterwards, he lost his soul and said:

"Steven, is this really Prince Charlie's Scottish buckler? How much is it worth?"

When he said these words, Fraxis showed a hopeless expression on his face, probably even wanting to die!

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, smiled and said:

"Right now, I can only say that it is basically certain, and I still need evidence to support it, but it is estimated that it is close to ten. If it is really the Scottish buckler of Prince Charles, then its value will never be less than 10 million euros!"

"Wow! Ten million euros, God, what did I do wrong that you punished me like this?"

Fraxis said with a sad face, not to mention how ugly his expression was.

"Man, you didn't do anything wrong, but you still have to improve your level, lest you come across a valuable antique artwork in the future, but you don't know it, it would be too wronged!

In fact, you don't have to be too depressed. In your booth, there are also some very good antique works of art. I will point them out later. You will definitely get a few surprises today! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, giving Fraxis a little sweetness.

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