Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1633 A symbol of resistance to tyranny

“Great, Steven, what are those antique works of art? How much are they worth?”

Fraxis came back to life in an instant, exclaimed in a low voice excitedly, and quickly looked at the things on his booth!

His eyes full of despair also regained their vitality and began to shine brightly, as bright as two searchlights.

However, Ye Tian didn't respond, just looked at this guy with a smile on his face, and didn't say anything.

Fraxis froze for a moment, then reached out and patted himself on the head as if suddenly realizing.

"I'm sorry, Steven, in the past ten seconds, my emotions are like riding a roller coaster, up and down, ups and downs, the ups and downs are so great that I forgot what you just said.

I'm very sorry, I don't have a hammer here, but there are quite a few metal utensils, you can just pick one and use it, as long as it's not an antique relic."

As he spoke, Fraxis pointed to the goods on his booth.

He was right, those goods were all metal utensils, and most of them were modern handicrafts, which were quite heavy and could be used as hammers!

"Okay, Fraxis!"

Ye Tian nodded in response, then reached out and picked up the Roman dagger just now, it was just an old modern handicraft!

Immediately afterwards, he took a closer look at the Scottish buckler, and then tapped lightly on a rusty spot on the shield with the end of the hilt of the Roman dagger.

At the same time, he has turned on the perspective again, thoroughly seeing through the structure of the fine iron shield, so as to know what he knows and ensure nothing goes wrong!

Fortunately, the history of this refined iron shield is only more than 200 years, and it has been well maintained for a long period of time. It is only in the past few decades that it lacks maintenance and has grown some rust!

The rust basically floats on the surface, and part of it can be removed by tapping and vibrating without damaging the shield itself or damaging this precious national treasure antique.

Because of this, Ye Tian dared to use this simple and rude method to remove the rust, to verify his judgment in public, and to show the most powerful evidence!

However, how did the many onlookers at the scene know this! No one has ever seen this scene! They were completely stunned by Ye Tian's crazy behavior.

Everyone held their breath and looked nervously at Ye Tian's actions and the fine iron Scottish Buckler. Everyone's eyes were full of anticipation!

"Bang bang bang"

A burst of crisp metal clash sounded, reaching the ears of everyone present.

With the hilt of the Roman dagger in his hand, Ye Tian tapped lightly on the rust on the Scottish Buckler, not too hard, but very frequently.


Everyone gasped, and some guys even wrinkled their distressed faces.

That is probably Prince Charlie's Scottish Buckler, a national treasure antique worth tens of millions of euros, this bastard Steven is really willing to use such a simple and rude method to remove the rust!

The Scots at the scene were so distressed that they were about to have a heart attack, and their teeth were itching with hatred, but they had no choice but to curse secretly and pray incessantly!

The object of their cursing was naturally Ye Tian; the content of their prayer was to hope that God would bless Ye Tian not to destroy that Scottish national treasure cultural relic!

At first,

The rust on the refined iron shield did not show any signs of loosening, and it looked completely motionless.

However, after Ye Tian tapped it more than a hundred times at a very high frequency, the rust attached to the shield finally began to loosen and fell off piece by piece!

Seeing this scene, the scene immediately burst into cheers.

"Wow! It's unbelievable that such a simple and crude method actually works, but this method is only dared to be used by a bastard like Steven, who else can do it!"

"Whether this Scottish Buckler belongs to Prince Charlie? The answer will be revealed soon, so much to look forward to!"

Under the attention of everyone, Ye Tian tapped forty or fifty times quickly, and then stopped tapping, and put the Roman dagger back on the booth.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up a soft cloth from Fraxis' booth and gently wiped the part of the shield that had just been struck.

At the same time, ecstasy appeared on his face appropriately, and his performance was very realistic, definitely at the level of a movie king!

Everyone was staring at him and at the fine iron round shield, everyone's eyes were full of expectation.

Ye Tian threw the soft cloth back to the booth, and then began to appreciate the part just wiped, with a bright smile on his face!

"Steven, don't be so secretive, hurry up and announce the results!"

"That's right, hurry up and announce the results. Is that the Scottish buckler of Prince Charlie? If so, how much is it worth?"

Many onlookers at the scene couldn't bear it anymore, and they urged each other loudly, all of them couldn't wait!

Ye Tian raised his head and glanced around the scene, then said triumphantly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, my appraisal conclusion is extremely accurate. This Scottish buckler made of fine iron indeed belongs to Prince Charles the United States, and accompanied him through the most glorious years of his life.

Now I am sure that this special Scottish buckler was cast in 1745 and was made by the most outstanding craftsman in Edinburgh. It is a personal belonging of Prince Charles and a national treasure of Scotland!

Everyone knows that after the failure of the Scottish uprising, Prince Charles escaped from the British Isles and went into exile in France after the Scottish uprising failed. The Scottish Buckler followed him to France.

As he said that, Ye Tian raised the Scottish buckler again, showed the location where he had just tapped and wiped before everyone's eyes, and continued to explain triumphantly.

"There is no other reason why I am so sure, because there is the most direct evidence on this Scottish buckler. Please see, there are three English letters in cursive fonts, which are vaguely 'C.E.S.'"

Below these three cursive English letters is the year of 1745. As we all know, the full name of Prince Charlie is Charles Edward Stuart, which is exactly his abbreviation.

No need to ask about the number 1745. It is naturally the year when this Scottish buckler was cast, and it is also the year when Prince Charles secretly returned to Scotland to lead the Scottish people's uprising.

More importantly, above Prince Charlie's initials, there is an area covered with rust. Part of the rust in this area has fallen off, but most of it has not fallen off.

Judging from the outline shown after the rust has fallen off, there is likely to be a shield-shaped emblem here, which is chiseled on the shield surface with a negative engraving technique, and the carving technique is obviously very clever.

If the prediction is correct, this should be the coat of arms of the Stuart Dynasty. In Edinburgh, Scotland in 1745, only Prince Charles of the United States could use this badge and was qualified to use it.

Now I can be very sure that this Scottish fine iron buckler belongs 100% to Prince Charles of the United States. It is a very important antique and a well-deserved national treasure of Scotland! "

Not surprisingly, the scene was completely boiling.

Everyone was shocked by this result, although everyone had expected it to be such a result!

Even Scotland, far away in the British Isles, completely boiled because of Ye Tian's words.

Someone at the scene was using a mobile phone to broadcast everything that happened here, attracting countless attention.

"My God! It's actually the Scottish buckler of Prince Charles, and it was cast on the eve of the 1745 uprising. Steven is right. This is a well-deserved national treasure of Scotland!"

"There is no doubt that this is a priceless top antique. It seems that the rumors are correct. God will always stand with Steven and take care of that guy forever!"

Amidst the discussion, Ye Tian put down the Scottish buckler he was holding high, and was about to appreciate it again.

At this moment, Fraxis who was standing beside said with a wry smile:

"Congratulations, Steven, I have harvested a priceless and top-notch antique, I was so unlucky to meet you, and I was ransacked by you!

God! What am I missing? This is the Scottish buckler of Prince Charles! The well-deserved national treasure of Scotland, God really made a big joke on me.

Is it time to announce the valuation now? Steven, although knowing the value of this treasure will only make me more painful, I still want to know its exact value! "

Ye Tian turned his head and looked around, then smiled and said loudly:

"No problem, Fraxis, this fine iron round shield has a very special meaning, symbolizing the great spirit of the Scottish people to resist tyranny and strive for national independence!

Moreover, Prince Charlie of the United States has great popularity in the western world and is a well-known hero, which undoubtedly greatly increases the value of this Scottish buckler.

Combining these factors, combined with the current market conditions of the antique art market, I value this Scottish round shield between 12 million euros and 15 million euros! ..."

Before the words fell, the scene was completely detonated, and the same was true on the Internet!

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