Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1646 Become famous in the first dynasty and the world knows

New York, JFK International Airport.

A smooth silver-gray Bombardier Global Express 8000 roared from the northwest sky and landed steadily on the private runway of Kennedy International Airport.

For those who work at JFK Airport, and indeed for all New Yorkers, everyone is very familiar with this expensive and top-notch private jet!

No need to ask, this is Ye Tian's private jet.

This was already the third day after the Breeders' Cup ended. After a short stay in Lexington, Kentucky for a few days, Ye Tian and Betty bid farewell to Jueying and returned to New York.

So far, their beautiful honeymoon trip is over.

The plane came to a complete stop on the runway, Ye Tian and Betty just got off the gangway when they received a good blessing.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, congratulations, you have a very powerful racehorse, Jueying is really great, I love that pony full of spirituality"

The airport staff driving the shuttle bus said, eyes full of envy.

Ye Tian turned to look at this person, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Good morning, buddy, thank you. I also really like that little guy, Jueying. He is indeed extremely powerful and invincible. Who wouldn't love such an unprecedented horse?"

"Indeed, who doesn't like Jueying?"

The airport worker nodded in response, obviously a fan of Jueying.

Soon, Cole and the others loaded everyone's luggage onto the shuttle bus, and everyone left the runway and took a bus to the terminal of Kennedy Airport.

About 20 minutes later, Ye Tian and his group just finished the customs clearance inspection, and walked out of the VIP passage pushing their luggage, talking and laughing.

As soon as they came out, they saw Jason, Mathis and others who came to pick up the plane, as well as a large number of media reporters who heard the news, and everyone was very excited.

As soon as Ye Tian and the others appeared, they immediately caused a commotion at the exit of the VIP channel. Everyone looked at them and at Ye Tian!

"Look, that guy Steven is back, if only he could bring Jueying back to New York."

"This extremely lucky bastard, such a spiritual BMW like Jueying, why did it fall into the hands of this guy, and why did he get so close to him? What a waste of money!"

There was a lot of discussion at the scene, and almost everyone's topic revolved around Jueying, and everyone's tone and eyes were full of envy!

Who is the most popular star in the United States these two days? It is neither a political figure, nor a Hollywood star, nor any other sports star, etc. Of course, it is none other than Jue Ying.

On the day Jueying won the New Horse Turf Race with a huge advantage of 44 statures, it stole the limelight of all the horses and became the biggest star of this year's Breeders' Cup!

While the rest of the Breeders' Cup competitions are still going on, the rumor that Jue Ying will surely win the new American Horse King has already spread!

By the end of the evening, the last and most important race of the Breeders' Cup, the Classic Race, no one doubted whether Jue Ying could become the new American Horse King.

Although it is only a two-year-old colt, the achievements it has created and its kingly momentum are unmatched and unmatched by all other horses in the Breeders' Cup!

In the eyes of all horse racing professionals, Jue Ying is already the new king of horses, just a few steps away!

At the same time, the video of Jueying's god-like race in the Singapore Marathon also completely detonated the Internet, all TV screens and social media, attracting countless attention.

Come the next day,

This huge media storm not only did not subside, but intensified, and its influence was exponentially increasing crazily!

The beautiful picture of Jueying soaring into the air and speeding across the grass has appeared on the headlines of almost all news media, and has become the focus of almost everyone's attention and discussion.

In every news report about Jueying, it has been crowned with the title of the new horse king of the United States, and the most powerful and most anticipated horse king of all time!

Become famous all over the world! Jueying perfectly interprets the meaning of this sentence.

Although the Breeders' Cup has ended for more than two days, the media storm caused by Jueying still shows no sign of subsiding!

When they left Kentucky, Ye Tian and the others were chased and intercepted by a large number of media reporters at the Lexington Airport. When they returned to New York, the scene was still the same.

Countless media reporters who heard the news had been waiting at Kennedy Airport for a long time.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others come out at this time, these media reporters didn't have the patience to continue waiting. They immediately rushed to the exit of the VIP channel like a tide, and even almost rushed into the guardrail!

Fortunately, there were many security personnel and policemen at the scene, as well as Matisse and others, so they stopped these almost crazy media reporters.

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from The New York Times. Jueying is now the biggest star in New York and the favorite star of the people. Everyone is paying close attention to its developments.

Can you tell us about the current state of Jueying? How is its recovery? When will you play again, appear in front of the public, and win the second championship like a bamboo shoot? "

"Steven, good morning, I'm a sports reporter for cbs, and you made such a bold statement during the press conference after the Breeders' Cup New Horse Turf Race.

If I remember correctly, what you said at the time was that in the next few years, Jueying will dominate the world of horse racing, sweeping all first-class events, and winning the championship and prize money in every race.

After Jueying retires from the race and turns into a stallion, in the next 20 to 30 years, it will be the most expensive champion stallion with the best pedigree in the world. Its pedigree will completely change the horse racing world!

I have to say, this is indeed a majestic rhetoric, very amazing, I would like to ask, how do you plan for Jueying's career? Is there a specific timetable? "

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from NBC TV. Will you bring Jueying to New York? New York is the center of horse racing in the United States, and there are many top stables here!

If you can bring Jueying to New York, I think the whole city will celebrate in New York. Everyone in this city, including me, wants to witness Jueying flying on the track with their own eyes! "

"Steven, good morning, I am a reporter from The Washington Post, the great-grandfather of Jueying, Secretariat, one of the greatest horse races in history, and once won the American Triple Crown!

Especially for the Kentucky Derby and Bemont bidding, Secretariat has created a record that no horse can surpass so far. Will you let Jueying follow in the footsteps of Secretariat and participate in the US Triple Crown?

Another point, do you have enough confidence that Jueying can win the American Triple Crown, achieve its own legend, and even break the long-standing record of the Secretariat? "

Outside the guardrail, all the media reporters were asking questions loudly, like a cannonball, and the vicinity of the exit of the VIP passage suddenly became extremely noisy, as lively as a vegetable market!

Ye Tian did not immediately respond to the questions of many media reporters, but continued to walk forward with a smile on his face.

He didn't stop until he reached the exit of the guardrail, and looked at the excited and expectant media reporters.

After scanning these guys, he raised his hands and pressed down gently, signaling these media reporters to be quiet.

The scene immediately fell silent, and everyone was staring at Ye Tian, ​​expecting him to give the answers to those questions just now.

Ye Tian didn't answer right away, but took Betty out of the guardrail at the exit of the VIP passage, and came to Mathis and Jason.

Immediately afterwards, he turned to face many media reporters, and said loudly with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good morning everyone, it is a pleasure to meet you here, and thank you very much for your attention, it is a great honor.

It can be seen that everyone is very concerned about the situation of Jueying. Since this is the case, then I will introduce the situation of the little guy Jueying to satisfy everyone's curiosity.

Jueying is currently staying in Lexington, Kentucky, and is in very good condition. The Breeders Cup New Horse Grass Race has not affected him in any way, and he can race again at any time.

In fact, it won’t be long before Jueying will go out again to challenge for the championship of another competition, but let me keep the specifics of the competition a secret for now, and everyone will know by then.”

Hearing this, almost everyone at the scene showed a look of surprise on their faces, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

That is to say, it won’t be long before you can see the maroon lightning on the track again, and you can see the angel flying on the clouds, and feel the shock again!

Of course, those who like horse racing betting can also place bets on Jueying and make a small profit!

The opportunity of the Breeders' Cup New Horse Turf Competition has been missed, and it is useless to regret, but this opportunity should not be missed!

According to reliable sources, this guy Steven took advantage of the opportunity of the Breeders' Cup New Horse Contest to bet heavily on Jueying and made a fortune. I heard that he was about to close down the major bookmakers!

Although I don't have the strong strength and ruthless methods of Steven, it is still possible to make a small profit with the help of Jueying's Dongfeng!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Jueying's rhetoric that he will dominate the horse racing world is my judgment based on facts, which is irrefutable. The record created by Jueying in the New Horse Race is the best proof.

Throughout the history of horse racing, there has never been any horse that has achieved such a result. Jueying is the first and only horse, and all other horses can only come close!

Let's talk about Jueying's bloodline, as we all know, its bloodline comes from a generation of proud horse Secretariat, it can be said to be very noble, it can be called one of the top purebred racehorse bloodlines, there is no doubt about it.

The lineage of Secretariat, coupled with the strengthening of Jueying itself, I can say with certainty that, in terms of bloodlines, Jueying has surpassed blue and is better than blue, far surpassing the great Secretariat.

It is precisely because of this that I will say those bold words. In the next 20 to 30 years, Jueying will be the top and most valuable champion stallion. You can wait and see."

As soon as I said this, a reporter suddenly interrupted and asked:

"Steven, according to the news from Lexington, Kentucky, you offered at least one million dollars for the breeding rights of Jueying Future. Is this true? Or is it just a legend?"

Ye Tian looked at the reporter who asked the question, then nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, it's true. It's what I said to several horse owners. Regarding Jueying's breeding rights, one million dollars is a very conservative price. In fact, it may be higher!"

Before the words fell, the scene was already fried.

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