Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1647 The Influence of Jueying

After the scene became a little quieter, Ye Tian continued to speak loudly:

"With regard to Jueying's career, there is no clear plan for the time being, but I can tell you that in the future, Jueying will only participate in the top-level competitions and will not waste energy on other competitions.

At the same time, I am very sure that Jueying must have dominated the entire horse racing world, dominated the first-class events, and galloped on the track for a long time. He may be the American horse king with the longest competitive life in history.

There are two reasons here, one is the strength of Jueying itself, and the other reason is that I am not short of money, I don’t need him to retire prematurely, enter the stud world, and sell expensive breeding rights to accumulate wealth for me.”


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

While laughing loudly, everyone couldn't help but nodded in appreciation, and they were also very excited.

If Jueying's competitive lifespan is evergreen, it means that everyone can see more games of Jueying, which is definitely a great enjoyment.

In addition, everyone can continue to bet on Jueying to make more windfall.

Of course, for other thoroughbred racehorses and horse owners of the same age, this is not good news, and darkness will hang over the entire horse racing world for a long time!

The laughter fell slightly, and Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again immediately.

"At some point in the future, I will let Jue Ying withdraw from the track and enter the stud world. At that time, Jue Ying will definitely become the greatest stallion in history and change the entire horse racing world with his bloodline!

New York is indeed an important town for horse racing, and there are many top stables. The famous Belmont Championship is held here, but the winter in New York is long and very cold, which is obviously not suitable for raising and training horses.

In the future, I may bring Jueying to New York, but not now, nor will I let Jueying stay here in winter. In comparison, Lexington, Kentucky has a better climate.

Just now a reporter friend mentioned the American Triple Crown. There is no doubt that Jueying will of course participate in the American Triple Crown. If it wants to become the greatest horse race in history, it must win the Triple Crown.

In addition to winning the Triple Crown, I am also very sure that Jueying will be able to break the tournament record set by its great-grandfather, the great Secretariat, and create a great dynasty of its own.

In addition, Jueying will also participate in a series of important competitions. In March next year, it will go to Dubai to participate in the Dubai Horse Racing World Cup and compete with champion horses from all over the world.

Jueying will definitely defeat all opponents, win the Dubai World Cup, and climb to the top of the world. After returning to the United States, it will be ready to compete in the American Triple Crown, and it will win the Triple Crown like a broken bamboo.”

Before the words fell, a reporter immediately asked loudly:

"Steven, isn't there a condition to participate in the Dubai World Cup? All horse owners must have two racehorses worth more than 800,000 US dollars to participate. Do you still have a racehorse?

If you still have a thoroughbred racehorse worth over $800,000, what's the name of that racehorse? Is it also in Lexington, Kentucky? What is the relationship with Jueying? "

Ye Tian looked at the media reporter who asked the question, then smiled and said loudly:

"So far, I only have a purebred racehorse, Jueying, and I don't like other racehorses at all. Of course, I know the regulations of the Dubai World Cup. The reason why Jueying can participate is another story.

In this year's Breeders' Cup, a prince from the United Arab Emirates also came to participate with his horse, but unfortunately lost to Jueying. After the competition, the prince wanted to buy Jueying, but I refused.

Afterwards, the UAE prince sent an invitation to Jueying, hoping that it could participate in the Horse Racing World Cup to be held in Dubai next March and compete with other champion horses from all over the world.

Of course, I will not refuse this invitation, and Jueying is the same. Its goal is not just to be the best horse in the United States, but to stand on the top of the world and become the most powerful thoroughbred horse in the world."

"Whoa! What an ambitious goal"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was shocked by Ye Tian's words.

Next, Ye Tian answered a few more questions related to Jueying, and then under the escort of Mathis and the others, he squeezed out of the crowd and left the terminal of Kennedy Airport.

After boarding the car and leaving JFK, the convoy quickly entered Queens and sped straight to Manhattan.

As usual, the convoy attracted countless attentions as it passed through the streets in the urban area.

In addition, many people on these streets gave Ye Tian and Betty warm applause, shouted Jueying's name loudly, and waved their fists.

In the past, this kind of situation was rarely seen, obviously because of Jueying.

When the convoy entered Manhattan, passed through the Upper East Side, and headed for Ye Tian and Betty's home on 110th Street, there were even more people applauding and shouting Jueying's name on both sides of the street.

The Upper East Side of Manhattan is the top richest district in New York and even in the United States. The people living here are either rich or expensive. In comparison, there are many people who like horse racing, raising horses and participating in horse racing.

In particular, the annual Bemont Championship can be regarded as the most grand gathering of New York's high society. Most of these high society people are from the Upper East Side of New York.

Because of this, people on the street shouted Jueying's name, and they also liked Jueying very much. Everyone wished that Jueying belonged to them, that would be too revealing!

Amid bursts of enthusiastic applause and cheers, the motorcade that Ye Tian and the others rode galloped through the streets of the Upper East Side, getting closer and closer to home!

When the convoy arrived in front of the apartment building on 110th Street, everyone could see from a distance that there were also a large number of media reporters gathered here, and the scene was very lively.

At this time, many media reporters had already received the news from those colleagues at the airport, and set up long guns and short cannons, waiting for Ye Tian and Betty to come back.

After the motorcade stopped and got off in front of the apartment building, Ye Tian accepted some interviews before getting rid of these media reporters and taking Betty back to his home.


In the blink of an eye, two days have passed.

Because of the sudden appearance of Jue Ying, the media storm that was set off has gradually subsided, and people's attention has quickly shifted to other things.

After resting at home for two days and adjusting their condition, Ye Tian and Betty's life was back on track.

Just after nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian and Betty arrived at Rockefeller Center by car, ready to start their day's work.

Ye Tian and the others did not directly enter the building from the basement, but chose to get off at the side of Fifth Avenue, and then walked towards the Rockefeller Center building while laughing and chatting.

In New York at the beginning of November, the weather was already very cold, people had already put on thick winter clothes, Ye Tian and the others were the same, everyone was wearing coats to keep out the cold.

Of course, there are deadly weapons hidden under Ye Tian and Matisse's coats.

While speaking, the group of them had come to the edge of the Rockefeller Center Plaza, and the situation on the square was also taken into their eyes.

As in the past, many protesters and demonstrators gathered in the Rockefeller Center Plaza, and the number seemed to be even more than before. They all stood on the square trembling with white gas in their mouths.

Obviously, these guys have received news that Ye Tian has returned to New York, so they came to protest and demonstrate, attracting the attention of the media and the public!

Seeing Ye Tian and the others coming, these guys immediately shouted loudly and waved the banners and slogans in their hands like chicken blood.

The protest slogans they chanted, and what was written on the banners and slogans were the same as before, without any new ideas, and everyone's ears were almost worn out.

For these guys, Ye Tian didn't bother to talk to them at all. Under the strict protection of Mathis and the others, he and Betty walked straight through the central square, and soon walked into the Rockefeller Center building.

After entering the building, the noise was immediately isolated from the outside, and everyone's ears were immediately cleared up.

The people working in the Rockefeller Building are another expression.

"clap clap"

As soon as they entered the Rockefeller Center building, Ye Tian and the others were greeted with warm applause from the people coming and going on the first floor of the building.

At the same time, there were still many people greeting Ye Tian.

"Good morning, Steven, and welcome back to New York, the performance of Juying in the Breeders' Cup was unbelievable, it was fantastic!"

"Steven, good morning, Jueying is such a lovely angel, it would be perfect if you could bring him to New York"

Obviously, because of Jueying, people's perception of Ye Tian has been greatly improved, and they are willing to take the initiative to greet and make friends with him, instead of keeping a respectful distance like before, even with a little fear.

In European and American high society, thoroughbred horse racing is a gold-plated business card with extraordinary influence.

What's more, Jueying is an unprecedented and almost invincible top racehorse. Its influence is simply immeasurable.

To these warm applause and those people who greeted warmly, Ye Tianyi nodded with a smile on his face, and was polite, showing an impeccable performance.

A few minutes later, a group of them [UUReading 00kxs] took the elevator to the floor where the company is located.

"clap clap"

As soon as everyone entered the company, there was another thunderous applause from many company employees.

What followed was a short but very enthusiastic welcome ceremony, welcoming Ye Tian and Betty back from their honeymoon.

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