Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1648 Amazing Investment Plan

The welcome ceremony ended quickly, and everyone dispersed immediately, and went to their respective jobs.

The same goes for Ye Tian and Betty, they walked into their respective offices and began to deal with the affairs accumulated during this period.

The time soon came to 10:30 in the morning, Betty knocked on the door and walked into Ye Tian's office, and sat down on the sofa.

Immediately afterwards, Jason and several company employees walked into the office one after another, preparing to report on the company's operations for nearly a month.

When everyone arrived and sat down, Ye Tian immediately said with a smile:

"Guys, let's get started, Jason, you start, tell me what you're doing"

"Okay, Steven"

Jason nodded in response, and then began to introduce the work he was in charge of, and the results he had achieved during this period of time, without any details, and the introduction was very detailed.

About ten minutes later, Jason just finished his introduction.

Both Ye Tian and Betty were very satisfied with the work he was in charge of, and nodded their approval in affirmation.

Next, it's time for another company employee to introduce the work of their department.

In this way, the first morning after returning to the company passed quickly.

By listening to the reports from the company's employees and combining relevant documents, Ye Tian and Betty had a clear understanding of the company's operations in the past period of time, and everything went very smoothly.

After the report, several other company employees got up and left Ye Tian's office, except Jason stayed.

After the door was closed, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Jason, I have a special task for you. You go and inquire about the current situation of Belmont Park. I want to buy Belmont Park and make it Jueying's home in New York.

In this way, next year's last leg of the American Triple Crown, the Bemont Race, will become the home of Jueying. At the same time, I can also have a certain right to speak in the American horse racing world.

When inquiring about the situation of Belmont Park, one thing must be kept secret. If the information leaks out, the other party will definitely raise the price and prepare to make a fortune from me. I don’t want to be taken advantage of! "

Hearing this, Jason immediately exclaimed in a low voice.

"Wow! Did I hear you right? Steven, you actually want to buy Belmont Park, which is the largest and most important racetrack in New York and one of the venues for the American Triple Crown.

And there are many ancillary facilities, top stables, racing tracks, large green areas and forests, etc. Given the huge area of ​​Belmont Park, this deal may be worth a billion dollars! "

Not only Jason, but Betty was also completely shocked by this grand plan, staring at Ye Tian dumbfounded, his eyes full of disbelief.

After the shock, a look of surprise appeared on her face immediately.

If this real estate transaction is successful and Belmont Park is successfully taken over, you will be able to see that cute little guy of Jueying often in the future!

As for whether this transaction will lose money, there is no need to worry at all.

With Jueying's current super popularity in the United States, as long as it comes to Belmont Park and stays there, it will immediately become the focus of countless people's attention and become a huge gold mine.

Furthermore, Belmont Park is located in Queens, not in the wilderness, but also one of the regular venues for the American Triple Crown, where countless legends in the horse racing world have been born.

The legendary battle in which the secretariat defeated the opponent with 31 positions and won the triple crown was finally completed in Belmont Park!

How could such a huge and special piece of land lose money!

There is no doubt that this is a very wise investment,

It will surely bring huge benefits.

"You heard me right, Jason, I really want to acquire Belmont Park. According to my estimation, once this real estate transaction is concluded, the total value should not be less than 2.5 billion US dollars, and may even be higher.

The reason why I want to buy Belmont Park is not only to enter the horse racing world and find a permanent residence for Jueying, but also to avoid reasonable tax, so as not to cheapen those guys from the Internal Revenue Service.

It's the end of the year now, and it's not long until the last tax day of next year. During this year, I have accumulated an astronomical amount of cash in my bank account, and I have to find a way to spend it.

Before the final tax filing date on April 15 next year, if there is still a large amount of cash lying in my bank account, I will definitely be slaughtered and robbed by the greedy guys from the IRS.

Buying Belmont Park is just one of my investment plans, and the money I can spend only accounts for a very small part of my bank account balance. I have more investment plans to implement in the future! "

"Okay, Steven, I'll go check out Belmont Park later, you're such a crazy guy, you've opened my eyes again!"

Jason nodded with emotion and said, his eyes still full of shock.

Afterwards, Ye Tian gave Jason a few more instructions, and the boy left the office and went out to get busy.

At this point, it was already noon, and it was lunch time.

After tidying up and arranging their clothes, Ye Tian and Betty took the elevator to the restaurant on the top floor of Rockefeller Center, enjoying a sumptuous lunch while overlooking the beautiful scenery of New York City.

Like the lobby on the first floor, everyone I met here greeted Ye Tian and Betty warmly, and they all praised Jueying's outstanding performance in the Breeders' Cup!

With Jueying as the link, Ye Tian and Betty quickly became friends with the diners in the restaurant, and the whole lunch time was spent in laughter.

After having lunch and returning to the company to rest for a while, Ye Tian left the company and went straight to the Metropolitan Museum by car.

It's time to improve your own strength and prepare for the next exploration. By the way, you can also appreciate the many antique artworks displayed in the Metropolitan Museum.

Ye Tian had just arrived at the museum and entered the European Painting Gallery on the second floor. Before admiring a few paintings, Thomas heard the news and came to his side.

"Good afternoon, Steven, our Metropolitan Museum is almost becoming your back garden, and you are too diligent to come here. I think you are more familiar with the situation in our museum than I am!"

"Isn't it! Let alone you, no one in your museum, or even all the people combined, is probably not as familiar with this museum as I am with the antique artworks displayed here!

In the eyes of my buddies, this world's top museum has no secrets at all. Every corner and every piece of antique artwork in the museum is clearly and thoroughly seen by my buddies! "

Ye Tian said to himself, a smug look flashed across his eyes.

Of course, what he said was another set of words.

"Good afternoon, Thomas, nice to meet you, your news is really well-informed, I just arrived here, I haven't got my footing yet, you just rushed over, I admire you!

The reason why I came to the Metropolitan Museum is of course for the top antiques here. Don't forget, I am an expert in antique art appraisal and a professional treasure hunter.

Only by appreciating these top-level antique works of art and trying to figure them out carefully can I improve my own strength and discover more treasures and more antique works of art in the future! "

"Wow! You guys still want to improve your own strength, and let others live? As far as I know, your trip to the south of France, you guys, almost ransacked the south of France.

The antique market on Place Sarea in Nice, the antique shops and galleries in Cannes, the antique market in Marseille, the antique market and antique shops in Monaco and other places, etc., I heard that they are all mourned!

In the antique market in these places, you have swept countless antique works of art, many of which are top-notch. I don’t know how many you brought back this time. Can you tell me the specific situation? "

Thomas joked, eyes full of anticipation.

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and gave an answer that disappointed him.

"That's right, Thomas, during this trip to the south of France, I did find a lot of antique artworks, and I gained a lot, including many top-notch items, such as paintings by Kandinsky and Picasso.

However, I did not bring any of those antique works of art back to New York, and disposed of them all on the spot. Half of them were entrusted to major auction houses in France, and the other half were entrusted to major auction houses in Switzerland.

There are also some antique works of art from China, which I sent someone to transport back to Beijing and prepare to display them in my personal exhibition hall. So, this time, I will disappoint the Metropolitan Museum of Art! "

Hearing this, Thomas' face immediately flashed a look of disappointment.

"That's such a pity. There have been many regrets recently. The golden mask of the ancient Egyptian cat god Best that you sent for auction was originally intended to be won, but in the end we missed it!

On the day of the auction, Nassef of Egypt seemed to be crazy, and directly pushed the price to 280 million US dollars, beating all competitors, and took the top antique,..."

After chatting for a few more words, Thomas said goodbye and left.

Ye Tian stayed in the European Painting Museum, continued to appreciate the paintings displayed here, and secretly absorbed spiritual energy secretly to strengthen his own strength!

When the closing time came in the evening and he left the Metropolitan Museum, his strength went up to a higher level and he became even stronger!

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