Florence is a city located in central Italy and the capital of the Tuscany region, located in the basin at the western foot of the middle section of the Apennines.

In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Florence was the most famous art center in Europe, the birthplace and core city of the Renaissance movement, and countless great writers and artists were born.

Among them, the most famous and outstanding ones are the three masters of Renaissance literature, Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio, and the three masters of Renaissance art Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael and Michelangelo.

It was these literary masters and top art masters who, with their thoughts and works, shattered the darkness of the Middle Ages, ushered in a period of revolution in science and art, and unveiled the prelude to modern European history.

In Western history, the Renaissance movement is considered to be the dividing line between the Middle Ages and modern times, and to a certain extent, the historical dividing line between ignorance and civilization.

As the central city of the Renaissance, Florence was born and gave birth to countless great literary and artistic works, always radiating bright light of humanism.

The Renaissance also left countless precious heritages for the city. Walking through the streets of Florence, people can feel the legacy of the Renaissance everywhere, which is fascinating.

Among them are statues of Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, etc., various famous sayings carved on stones or buildings, and beautiful and moving poems, most of which come from these literary giants.

There are also Da Vinci's murals, Raphael's Madonna, and Michelangelo's architecture and sculptures, etc., all over the city, adding countless cultural flavors to the city.

It is precisely because of the Renaissance and the products left behind by the Renaissance that Florence has become a famous cultural ancient city and art paradise, full of attractions.

Even in modern times, Florence is still an extremely famous world art capital and a world-famous cultural tourist attraction, attracting countless tourists from all over the world to come here.

Ye Tian and Betty were no exception. They set the first stop of their trip to Italy in Florence instead of Rome, where the Holy See of the Vatican is located.

On this day in mid-November, a smooth silver-gray private plane roared from the northwest sky and landed steadily on the runway of Florence Peretola International Airport.

The private jet came to a complete stop on the runway of the airport, and the hatch opened. It was Ye Tian, ​​Betty, Anderson and Cole who walked out of the Bombardier Global Express 8000 private jet.

Compared with New York, which has been snowed heavily,

In Florence, which has a subtropical Mediterranean climate, the weather is much better, neither hot nor cold, which is a very good tourist season.

At this time, Ye Tian and Betty were wearing casual clothes, relaxed and freehand. They looked like they came to Florence for sightseeing, not much different from other tourists.

Coming out of the cabin, standing at the door of the cabin and quickly scanning the Peretola Airport, Ye Tian took Betty's hand, walked down the gangway, and landed on the airport runway.

Afterwards, Cole and the others began to unload the luggage from the plane.

There is not much luggage on this private jet, only seven or eight metal trolley cases, which happens to be one for each person!

In fact, a chartered plane flew from New York to Florence yesterday, and a large number of security personnel and luggage under Ye Tian, ​​including a large number of weapons and ammunition, had already arrived in Florence yesterday.

While Cole and the others were carrying their luggage, several black Mercedes-Benz SUVs, two police cars, and a shuttle bus suddenly drove out of the terminal, heading straight for the Bombardier private jet.

Soon, the vehicles drove to the side of the private jet and stopped on the runway.

As soon as the vehicle stopped, the doors of the front two Mercedes-Benz SUVs opened immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Charlie and several security personnel quickly got out of the car, raised their hands to greet Ye Tian and the others, and then joined Cole and the others, becoming vigilant.

Charlie and the others arrived in Florence yesterday and are in charge of calling the front line for everyone.

Get off from the two Mercedes-Benz SUVs behind, Leonardo and several members of the Vatican Swiss Guard, all familiar faces, have been to Boston before.

In addition, several police officers got off from the two police cars. Judging by the police ranks on their shoulders, they should be high-level members of the Florence police.

As soon as he got out of the car, Leonardo walked towards Ye Tian and Betty with a bright smile on his face.

When he got closer, the old friend immediately said politely:

"Good morning, Steven, welcome to Florence. It's a pleasure to meet you here. I also very much hope that in the next period of time, we can cooperate happily and achieve our goals smoothly."

Ye Tian shook hands with the Vatican priest, then smiled and said:

"Good morning, Leonardo, I am also very glad to meet you, the weather in Florence is really nice, the weather is sunny and sunny, much better than New York, I like this beautiful city, I have been yearning for it for a long time!

I believe that the cooperation between us will be very pleasant. As long as the information you provide is true and effective, I believe it will not be difficult for us to achieve our goal and achieve a happy and satisfactory result for both parties.”

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Leonardo greeted Betty and Anderson again.

Immediately afterwards, he turned back and asked in a low voice:

"Steven, why didn't you go directly to Rome and the Vatican, but came to Florence? During this period of time, we have opened up all kinds of relationships and eliminated most obstacles!

As soon as you arrive in Rome, we can negotiate immediately. As long as we reach an agreement, we can immediately sign a commissioned exploration agreement, and then start a joint exploration operation to achieve the goal as soon as possible! "

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, smiled leisurely and said:

"Don't worry, Leonardo. There is plenty of time. You have been waiting for more than seven hundred years. What does it matter if you wait a few more days? Nothing will be delayed.

I am an expert in antique art appraisal and a professional treasure hunter. Now that I have come to Italy, how can I miss Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance?

Next, we will stay in Florence for a few days, take a good tour of this beautiful city, and experience the great charm of this art capital!

After leaving Florence, we will go to Milan, the capital of fashion, to visit there for a few days, and verify one of my conjectures by the way, and then go to Rome"

Hearing what Ye Tian said, what else can Leonardo say?

He could only nod his head in agreement. Who would let the Vatican want anything from this guy in front of him?

"Well, Steven, I hope you can enjoy this wonderful time. During this period, we will stay in Florence. If you need help with anything, just ask!"

"That would be great, Leonardo, if there is anything that needs help, I will not be polite to you"

Ye Tian hit the snake with the stick, nodded and said with a smile.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian and the others boarded the shuttle bus with their luggage and drove straight to the airport terminal, preparing to undergo customs clearance and then go to the downtown area of ​​Florence.

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