Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1651 Cultural Relic Gendarmerie

As soon as Ye Tian and the others appeared in the terminal of Peretola Airport, they immediately caused a sensation.

"Look, that guy Steven is coming to Florence. For Florence, the art capital of the world, this is not good news!"

"Wow! It's really that ruthless and extremely lucky guy. If you know this news, the antique dealers in Florence will probably tremble all over.

Not long ago, Steven ransacked almost the entire south of France frantically, sweeping away countless valuable antique works of art, and the place where he passed was full of grief.

Now he has come to Florence again. This guy has always been a thief. The antique art market in Florence is bound to encounter a hurricane. This is a good show! "

Compared with some European countries and cities that I have been to before, Italians have a much better and friendly impression of Ye Tian.

After pushing the luggage out of the VIP channel, people kept saying hello to Ye Tian, ​​including passengers who got off from other flights, and people waiting outside the guardrail to pick them up.

"Good morning, Steven, welcome to Florence, thank you for returning Raphael's Madonna and Michelangelo's Lamentation to Italy and the Vatican!"

“Hi Steven, have a wonderful time in Florence, in Italy and enjoy the trip!”

For these people who greeted warmly, Ye Tianyi responded with a smile and a slight nod, showing a very friendly attitude!

Like all other large airports, a large number of media reporters gather at the exit of the international arrival channel of Peretola Airport all year round, waiting for news here.

As soon as Ye Tian and the others appeared, they were spotted by these sharp-eyed guys.

Immediately afterwards, these media reporters raised their cameras and video cameras one after another, and they shot wildly at Ye Tian, ​​and the sound of clicking shutters instantly rang out.

When Ye Tian and the others were about to reach the exit of the guardrail, these guys couldn't wait to start asking questions loudly, one by one scrambling to be the first, extremely excited.

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from Corriere della Sera. May I ask why you came to Florence this time? Could it be that you came here to explore the treasure? Can you tell everyone?"

"Hi, Steven, I'm a reporter from an Italian TV station. What you did in the south of France before has spread throughout Europe. Will you repeat the same tricks when you come to Florence this time?"

For these questions, Ye Tian did not answer immediately, but responded with a smile.

He didn't stop until he reached the exit of the guardrail, quickly glanced at the many media reporters at the scene, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, I'm Steven, I'm very glad to meet you here, Florence is a very beautiful and artistic city, I've been looking forward to it for a long time!

We are simply here to travel. The beautiful scenery of Florence and the priceless top artworks in the Uffizi Museum deeply attracted me. This is the reason why I came to Florence! "

Hearing this, many media reporters, pedestrians and tourists coming and going, as well as airport staff all rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly.

Go to hell! I'm afraid even ghosts don't believe what you said!

In Paris, in London, in Brussels, in Nice, and in many other cities, when you first arrived, you guys seemed to say this, saying that you are here for tourism, for the beautiful scenery!

But what was the result? Which of these cities has escaped the clutches of your fellow? Which city hasn't been ransacked by you guy? A large number of valuable antique works of art and even treasures have been lost!

How could Florence be an exception! It is estimated that it is impossible to escape the tragic fate of being ransacked by you,

Those antique dealers and art dealers in the city may be in bad luck!

After a few words to the media reporters casually, Ye Tian and the others walked out of the guardrail and joined Charlie and the others who were waiting outside to greet them.

Of course, there is Leonardo and the few members of the Swiss Guard.

Although Leonardo is a close friend of the Pope and has a prominent position in the Vatican, he does not often appear in public, so not many people know him, including many media reporters.

It is also because of this that he will lead the team to participate in future joint exploration operations, so that it is easy to operate.

If many media reporters knew that he was the Pope's confidant, the scene would have already been boiling, and the joint exploration of the treasure of the Knights Templar would definitely not be able to continue to be kept secret.

After coming out of the VIP channel and standing still, chatting for a while, Ye Tian and the others were about to leave the terminal building and take a bus to downtown Florence.

At this moment, a few guys in police uniforms suddenly appeared in front of them, walking straight towards Ye Tian and the others, all of them with solemn and gloomy expressions were almost dripping water!

"Don't be nervous, Steven, these are Italian cultural relics gendarmes from Rome, let me introduce you to each other"

Leonardo whispered, obviously knowing these Italian cultural relics gendarmes.

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, smiled and said in a low voice:

"No need to introduce, Leonardo, I know all of these people. I dealt with them in Boston and New York last year, and I also dealt with them in Paris not long ago. They are all old friends."

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian took Betty, Anderson and the others, took two steps forward, and warmly greeted the leading Italian police officer.

"Good morning, Giovanni, long time no see, how are you doing recently? How did you know I'm coming to Florence? It's an honor to come here to meet you!"

While joking, Ye Tian stretched out his right hand, ready to shake hands with the other party, like an old friend whom he hasn't seen for a long time!

Made a special trip to meet him? Stop talking nonsense!

I wish you bastard would never come to Italy, the arrival of you bastard means that many people will be in bad luck!

Giovanni complained to himself angrily, not to mention how depressed he was.

Of course, this is just his mental activity, and it is impossible to say it in public.

He stretched out his hand to shake hands with Ye Tian, ​​and said in a low voice with a gloomy face:

"Good morning, Steven, it's been a long time, thank you for your concern, my work is not bad, if you guys don't come to Italy, my work will be easier.

I know Leonardo, and I also know what you are going to cooperate with, so I will appear here. In the next period of time, my people will always follow you"


There was a chuckle at the scene, and Betty and Anderson all laughed.

"Your people are always following us? That's also very good, which means that we have a few more free bodyguards, and we can definitely avoid some unnecessary troubles. I wish for it!"

Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice, his expression was very relaxed, he didn't take these Italian cultural relics gendarmes seriously at all.

Looking at his calm expression, Giovanni and the several cultural relics gendarmes behind him were itchy with hatred, but there was nothing they could do.

"Steven, you are very welcome to visit Italy and Florence, and we have no right to interfere with the cooperation between you and Leonardo, we will only supervise from the sidelines.

During this process, I hope that you will be restrained and not too publicized. When you leave Italy, I hope that you will take only good memories and photos with you, and nothing else! "

Giovanni said in a low voice, his words and eyes were full of warning.

Obviously, Ye Tian's glorious achievements in the past have frightened these guys. They were afraid that Ye Tian would loot Florence and even the whole of Italy, so they issued a warning!

Ye Tian looked at these old friends, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"Although rest assured, Giovanni, we never do anything against the law, as in New York as in Italy, you should know that.

However, I am a professional treasure hunter, and I consider myself to have a decent eye, and if I find overlooked or forgotten antique art, I will not turn a blind eye.

In Italy, the cradle of European culture, and in Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance, I believe there will be surprising discoveries, so this trip is worthwhile! "

Hearing his words, Giovanni couldn't help but clenched his fists hard, wanting to punch the hateful smiling face in front of him, and express his anger!

But he knew very well in his heart that he absolutely couldn't do that, unless he didn't want to mess around anymore!

Not to mention the terrifying force of Steven and his gang, as well as their ruthless means of revenge, these few people from the Holy See of the Vatican alone cannot afford to provoke them!

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian and the others bid farewell and left, pushing their luggage and continuing to walk towards the gate of the airport terminal.

Giovanni discussed with several of his subordinates in a low voice, and immediately followed up, step by step, planning to follow closely!

Walking out of the gate of the airport terminal, the convoy was already waiting at the gate.

Eight black Mercedes-Benz G-class SUVs parked end to end at the entrance of the terminal building, four of which are bulletproof vehicles provided by Raytheon Security Company, and the other four are ordinary SUVs with good performance and protection capabilities!

Before getting into the car, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective as usual, and thoroughly examined the eight SUVs.

After confirming that there was no danger, he took Betty to board a bulletproof SUV in the middle, and Anderson and the others boarded other vehicles one after another.

As for Leonardo and several members of the Swiss Guard, they could only continue to wait at the gate of the terminal building. Their car was at the end of the queue, and they could only drive to the gate of the terminal building later.

Soon, the convoy started with a bang, slowly left the terminal of Peretola Airport, and headed straight for the old city of Florence.

Followed by Leonardo's two SUVs, followed by Giovanni's Italian cultural relic gendarmerie vehicles and two police cars.

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