Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1654 The so-called top artwork

After admiring the tall statue of David, Ye Tian and the others took a few steps forward and climbed to the top of the steps of the statue's base.

After arriving here, the group of them turned around immediately, stood on the steps condescendingly, and began to appreciate Florence, an ancient city full of humanistic and artistic atmosphere.

From their position, the whole panorama of Florence can be seen.

At the foot of the nearby mountain is the quietly flowing Arno River, like a jade belt, winding from the distant mountains, passing through the city of Florence, and flowing into the distance.

What flows in this river is not only crystal clear water, but also the history of Florence, an ancient city of more than two thousand years.

Its starting point originated from the Roman Republic during the reign of Julius Caesar. During this period, it flowed through the extremely brilliant and star-studded Renaissance, and continued to modern times.

Looking across the quiet Arno River, you will see the old city of Florence that has existed for one or two thousand years.

In this ancient city, there are row upon row of ancient buildings built in various periods and styles, and each building has its own uniqueness, which is worth savoring and studying carefully.

There is the Florence Academy of Fine Arts, which is known as the world's highest art institution and originated from the Renaissance, and the magnificent Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, which is known as one of the three major domes in Europe.

There is the 82-meter-high and colorful Giotto Bell Tower, the San Giovanni Chapel built around the fifth century AD, and the Renaissance art palace, the Uffizi Gallery!

There are countless ancient bridges here, all over the old city of Florence, including the famous and picturesque Ponte Vecchio, also known as Ponte Vecchio!

Palazzo Vecchio, also known as Palazzo Vecchio, is the residence of the Medici family, the rulers of Florence during the Renaissance.

At the entrance of the Palazzo Vecchio, there is also a statue of David by Michelangelo, which echoes the one on Michelangelo Square!

Like the statue on the square, the statue of David at the entrance of the Old Palace is also a replica, but it has a longer history. It has been waiting there since 1873!

There is also another famous work of Michelangelo, "Victory", carved on the walls on both sides of the Grand Conference Hall, it is Michelangelo's authentic work!

Another famous palace where the Medici family lived, the most magnificent palace building in Florence,

Pitti Palace was also within Ye Tian's vision and they could see it clearly.

Standing on the highest point of the pedestal of the Statue of David overlooking the panorama of Florence, this ancient city is more elegant, full of historical charm, full of humanities and art, fascinating!

Standing on the steps of the base and looking out for a while, after appreciating the panoramic view of Florence, Ye Tian and the others reluctantly looked back and walked down the steps.

Next, the group of them went to San-Miniato not far behind the Statue of David, which is a breathtakingly beautiful romantic church that once belonged exclusively to the Medici family.

In front of this church, there is also a group of Michelangelo's sculptures, which are carved with an allegory.

Like the David, the original white marble sculpture has been removed by the Florentine authorities and replaced by a set of bronze replicas out of concern for the preservation of these precious sculptures.

After the Medici family chapel, Ye Tian and the others visited the neoclassical loggia designed by Giuseppe Poggi, the designer of Michelangelo Square, and admired the artworks displayed there.

And, of course, the personal monument to Giuseppe Poggi.

After appreciating these cultural landscapes, Ye Tian and the others focused on the various activities on the square and the scattered stalls.

As a popular tourist attraction, Florence Square also has many vendors doing business here to support their families, including many stalls selling antique art.

As for whether the items on the booth are antique artworks, modern handicrafts, or worthless garbage, it depends on the eyes of the buyers!

In addition, there are a few painters who set up stalls to paint, with varying levels, and some street performers who perform impromptu, or sing, dance, or perform performance art and so on.

Like almost every famous tourist attraction in Europe, there are also thieves here.

The thieves are mainly Italians, there are also Gypsies, and North African Arabs, etc., all of them have mischievous eyebrows, their eyeballs are rolling around, and their behavior is sneaky. They don't look like good people.

After appreciating an unknown performance art performance, Ye Tian and the others came to a painting booth, stopped, and started admiring the many paintings on the booth with great interest.

It fits perfectly with the temperament of the city of Florence. The paintings on this art booth are mainly classical paintings, as well as some realistic landscape paintings.

After admiring the paintings on this booth for a while, Ye Tian pointed to one of the paintings, smiled and asked the stall owner and artist:

"Dude, this painting looks interesting, what's the price?"

The painting that Ye Tian was referring to was a classical oil painting, the theme of which came from a biblical story. Judging from the appearance of the painting, it should have some history, and it was not a work painted in recent years.

Of course, it is even less likely to be the work of the stall owner and painter himself, unless he has very clever techniques that can make old ones look like real ones!

Hearing Ye Tian's question, the stall owner's eyes lit up suddenly, and a gleam of excitement flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Following Ye Tian's fingers, the stall owner looked at the painting, and carefully looked at the classical oil painting with some doubts.

After pondering for a while and making some calculations in his heart, the stall owner dared to make an astonishing offer.

"Five million euros, Steven, as long as you are willing to pay five million euros, you can take this painting away!"

After speaking, the stall owner looked at Ye Tian expectantly, expecting to hear the best answer, expecting to see Ye Tian nodding to accept the offer, and then making a fortune!

Hearing the quotation given by the stall owner, Ye Tian was stunned immediately, and stared at the stall owner dumbfounded, his eyes full of disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, he burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, five million euros, this price is really astonishing, it seems that this painting is not Da Vinci's work, or Raphael's work? Or the work of other top art masters!

Florence is worthy of being the birthplace and the most important city of the Renaissance movement. There are priceless masterpieces and top art works everywhere on the streets. This trip to Italy is really the right one.

It's a pity that I can't make an accurate judgment, and I don't have the blessing to enjoy it. I'd better leave this top-level artwork to other people who are destined. Maybe someone can recognize its origin and buy it! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian took Betty and walked forward to another booth not far ahead, without the slightest nostalgia!

The stall owner was dumbfounded this time, and stood there in a daze, staring at Ye Tian's back in a daze.

You bastard, you didn't even pay back the price, turned around and left, you were making fun of me, you didn't even pay attention to this classical oil painting, it made me waste my feelings and make a fool of myself!

Thinking of this, the stall owner's face turned red, not to mention how embarrassing his expression was!

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