Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1655 You Are A Robber

For the next five or six stalls, Ye Tian used the same method to grab the medicine according to the prescription.

After walking in front of these stalls, he first stood still and glanced at the goods on the stalls, and then pointed to one or two of the good-looking goods to inquire with the stall owner, looking very interested.

Once the stall owner asked for a price, made a staggering offer, and tried to make a lot of money, he immediately walked away without the slightest hesitation, and directly left the stall owner where he was.

When he left these stalls, he did not forget to sneer at those stall owners, making their teeth itch with anger, but they were helpless, all of them were extremely embarrassed!

Of course, this also caused bursts of laughter in Michelangelo Square, and many people onlookers laughed.

Especially Betty and the others, everyone was laughing and laughing.

After such an operation, these guys who set up stalls and do business in Piazza Michelangelo finally understood.

I was absolutely delusional before, and I wanted to kill the bastard Steven and make a lot of money from him. That's impossible at all!

The result was already in front of our eyes, those guys who wanted to kill this bastard Steven, not only failed, but were severely humiliated by this bastard, and became the laughing stock and idiots in the eyes of people in the square!

Thinking of this, the remaining stall owners in the square immediately gave up their unreasonable thoughts, and could only be more vigilant and face Ye Tian and the others cautiously.

When Ye Tian came to the seventh booth and pointed to a pair of bronze candlesticks to inquire again, the stall owner finally stopped asking for prices, but quoted a very realistic price.

"Steven, this pair of bronze candlesticks is worth 580 euros, if you really like them, you can have them for this price"

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help taking a deep look at the stall owner, and then jokingly said:

"Wow! The price has finally dropped from the clouds to the ground. It seems that Florence is not full of priceless top antiques, otherwise I will return empty-handed, and I dare not even buy a tourist souvenir!"


There was laughter again at the scene, and Betty and the others, as well as many onlookers, all laughed.

As for the stall owner, he could only helplessly smile a few times, without saying anything, with an extremely embarrassed expression.

Wait until the laughter dies down,

Ye Tian nodded and said:

"Dude, although this offer is a bit high, it's not outrageous. Obviously, you didn't take me for a slap in the face, just for this. I want this pair of bronze candlesticks. It's only 580 euros."

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian looked at the stall owner with a smile on his face, waiting for the other party to make a decision.

There are two kinds of results. The stall owner nodded and agreed to complete the transaction, or go back on his word and take back the pair of bronze candlesticks, and then find someone to appraise the pair of candlesticks.

If he really dared to break his words, Ye Tian could definitely sue him, and he would not even think about doing antique business in Piazza Michelangelo, or even the whole of Florence!

The stall owner looked at Ye Tian, ​​as if he wanted to read something from Ye Tian's face, but unfortunately, he found nothing!

In desperation, he can only make his own decision and bear the consequences that follow.

After thinking for a while, the stall owner nodded anxiously and said:

"Okay, Steven, for 580 euros, this pair of bronze candlesticks is yours"

"OK! Deal!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and shook hands with the stall owner, the deal was concluded.

Next, Ye Tian took out his wallet from his pocket, took out 580 euros and handed it to the stall owner, and brought over the pair of bronze candlesticks.

Then, he glanced at the other items on the booth, and was about to turn around and leave.

At this moment, the stall owner suddenly said eagerly:

"Steven, the pair of bronze candlesticks are now yours, can you explain? Why did you buy the pair of bronze candlesticks and what is so special about them?

Although this pair of bronze candlesticks once belonged to me, I don't know much about it. You are a top expert in antique art appraisal, and you must have seen more things than me! "

Not only the stall owner, Betty and the others, as well as many onlookers at the scene, also wanted to know the answer to this question, why did Ye Tian buy this pair of bronze candlesticks? Are they valuable antiques?

Everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting him to give an answer.

The two Italian cultural relics gendarmes who had been following Ye Tian and the others also stepped forward at this time, looking at the pair of bronze candlesticks and Ye Tian with piercing eyes!

Ye Tian looked at the pair of bronze candlesticks in his hand, then smiled and said loudly:

"Why did I buy this pair of bronze candle holders? The reason is simple, they are a decent imitation, they have a certain history, they are a beautiful pair of decorations, nothing more.

Everyone should know that I have a company called Discovery in Manhattan, New York. I bought this pair of bronze candlesticks to decorate the company, change the office environment, and add a little newness!

According to my judgment, this pair of rococo-style bronze candlesticks, cast in the 1930s, is a pair of replicas, and does not have much artistic value, and the market value is limited! "

"I see, Steven, I have no problem"

The stall owner heaved a sigh of relief, his expression relaxed a lot, and there was even a little joy in his eyes.

As for Betty and the others, as well as the many onlookers nearby, while their questions were answered, they were somewhat disappointed.

After answering everyone's doubts, Ye Tian and the others continued to move forward and walked to another booth not far away.

Those who watched the excitement also followed, but the number of people was much smaller.

When he came to this booth and stood still, Ye Tian repeated his old tricks, pointing to a classical oil painting that looked quite old, mottled in color, and very old, and began to inquire about the price of the stall owner.

The stall owner saw everything that happened at that stall before.

He also knew in his heart that he should never try to trick this guy in front of him. Steven has always been the one who cheated others. It would be wishful thinking if he wanted to kill this guy!

With this realization, the stall owner's asking price was much more realistic, and he didn't charge too much. As a result, he would definitely be humiliated, so why bother!

The transaction went very smoothly. After some haggling, Ye Tian won the classical oil painting at a price of 1800 euros.

After paying the cash and getting the oil painting, Ye Tian took the classical oil painting and was about to leave.

At this moment, among the many onlookers at the scene, someone suddenly said loudly:

"Steven, tell everyone about this classical oil painting? Why did you buy this painting? What is its origin? And most importantly, how much is this classical oil painting worth?"

As before, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting him to give answers to these questions.

The same was true for the two Italian cultural relics gendarmes, they both looked at the classical oil painting suspiciously, their eyes full of curiosity.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then looked at the classical oil painting in his hand, and said loudly with a smile:

"Since everyone is interested and wants to know more about this classical oil painting, I will tell you about this painting so as not to spoil everyone's interest.

As you can see, this is a portrait of a person. I don't know who the elegant and dignified lady in the painting is, so I can only verify it later.

But from the style and painting techniques of this painting, I can see some clues. This classical oil painting has a very obvious Florentine style.

There are many paintings of the same style in the Uffizi Museum, you must be familiar with them, and there are some colors of Dutch portraits on them, the two are mixed together.

More importantly, the pigments and oil paints used in this classical oil painting are not stable in nature. Some parts of the painting have already faded or changed color, and the state of maintenance is poor.

Inferred from this point, the artist who painted this painting did not know much about the properties of paints, and the blending and matching skills of the paints seemed to be very incompetent!

These are the basic skills of a painter. If you can't even do these things well, then it's hard to say that the painter is an excellent artist, or even qualified!

Perhaps it is precisely because of the above reasons that this classical oil painting is left on the street, unattended, and the price is so low that I finally bought it for 1,800 euros"

Hearing this, many onlookers couldn't help but nodded slightly, obviously agreeing with Ye Tian's explanation and analysis.

However, the stall owner who sold this painting felt a little bit in his heart, feeling that something was wrong.

It is very likely that I lost my treasure and was ransacked by Steven, a bastard, and became another unlucky guy under this bastard!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"However, what you see is only a superficial phenomenon. Here, I can say with certainty that this is a very important and priceless top-level artwork, which is rare in the world!

Because it is the last painter of the Florentine School in the early Renaissance, the work of the famous art master Sandro Botticelli, and it is an experimental work, which has a very special meaning! "

Before the words fell, the scene was completely fried.

"Oh my god! Did I hear you right? This is actually the work of Sandro Botticelli. It's unbelievable. If Steven's identification is correct, it is definitely a priceless top-level work of art!"

"I understand. This guy Steven has been acting before, confusing everyone in the square. His ultimate goal is this Botticelli's classical oil painting. It's really cunning!"

Just as people were exclaiming, suddenly there was an incomparably shrill and heart-wrenching frantic scream in Michelangelo Square.

"Steven, what the hell are you a vicious robber, a devil from hell!"

No need to ask, the screams of pain, of course, came from the extremely pitiful and sad stall owner.

At this time, he was already in pain, and regretted that he wished he could bump his head to death on the scene.

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