Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1660 The Most Fierce Threat

In Italy, the members of the Casamonica family are used to running rampant. No matter where they are, they can almost shake their shoulders and run amok. Even the police don't pay attention to them!

How could they have been so angry? Those mafia scumbags were instantly so angry that they exploded.

"Steven, you have to understand that this is Italy, not New York. If you want to monopolize the 80 million euros, it depends on whether we agree!"

Tony sneered and said, his eyes fixed on Ye Tian's back, his eyes were full of anger, and his eyes were vicious.

As soon as the words fell, another young mafia scumbag said loudly:

"Bastard, you are too arrogant. This is Italy, our territory. Your wife is so beautiful and sexy. It would be a pity if something happened in Italy!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately stopped in his tracks and turned around, looking at these mafia scumbags, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he didn't hide it!

Immediately afterwards, he walked towards these mafia scumbags, full of anger.

Cole and the others followed closely behind, and everyone was ready to fight in an instant, ready to draw their guns and fire at any time!

Seeing Ye Tian and the others' actions, the faces of those mafia scumbags changed drastically, and cold sweat broke out on their backs. They all felt like they were being watched closely by the god of death, and they had difficulty breathing.

In fear, the guy standing behind Tony had quietly put his hand into his arms, grasped the handle of the pistol, and was about to draw it.

At this moment, Ye Tian's murderous voice suddenly came over.

"Dude, I advise you not to draw the gun, that is a stupid move to seek your own death, I can guarantee that the moment you draw the gun, you will die here and report to hell, no one can save you! "

Hearing this, several mafia scumbags couldn't help but shudder, each of them felt the imminent threat of death.

"Everyone calm down, don't be impulsive"

Tony hurriedly said that he didn't want to die under random gunshots, it was worthless.

Regarding Ye Tian's words, Tony didn't have the slightest doubt.

He clearly knew that Ye Tian always kept his word, once he did it, it would be thunderous,

When killing people, there will never be half-hearted resignation or the slightest hesitation, and he is invincible!

The guys who died in his hands in the past are the best proof.

Hearing his boss's words, the mafia scum holding the pistol had no choice but to let go of the handle of the gun and slowly withdraw his hand from his arms, lest Cole and the others misunderstand!

In two or three steps, Ye Tian had already walked in front of these mafia scumbags, glanced at them with disdain, and said with a sneer:

"Since you scumbags want to play, let your horses come here. No matter how you plan to play, I will accompany you to the end. Don't blame me for not reminding you, the gate to hell is right in front of you.

If you dare to touch my wife's idea, even if you touch her hair, I will send you to hell. Every member of your Casamonica family, prepare to go to hell!

Regardless of whether he is an old guy in his seventies or eighties, or a three-year-old child, no matter how many people, men or women, there are in your Casamonica family, I will kill them all, leaving nothing behind!

How to choose next, the initiative is in your hands, I advise you to think carefully, if you make a wrong choice, it will be like opening the gate of hell, and I will send you in with my own hands! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian stepped back to the elevator room not far behind, maintaining a high level of vigilance throughout.

The same goes for Cole and the others. While retreating to the elevator, they are always watching these mafia scumbags, ready to draw their guns and fire at any time to kill these scumbags!

Faced with this situation, these mafia scumbags from Casamonica dare not move, each of them has fear in their eyes, and can only watch Ye Tian and the others leave.

Also frightened were the Italian police in the lobby on the first floor.

At this time, everyone of them was terrified, their legs were trembling constantly, lest the sound of gunshots would suddenly sound, turning this place into a battlefield where bullets flew across.

As for Simon and the hotel lobby manager, they were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they almost collapsed on the floor.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and the others boarded the elevator and disappeared from the hotel lobby.

When the crisis was lifted, many people breathed a sigh of relief, and their tense nerves relaxed a little bit!

In the next second, those mafia scumbags roared fiercely.

"I'm going to kill Steven, the goddamn bastard. He's so crazy. Who does he think he is? Is he really the god of death?"

"How dare you threaten us, this bastard is really boring, you must give him some color"

Tony turned his head and looked at the men who bared their teeth and claws and roared angrily, and then said in a low voice with a dignified expression:

"Steven is a bastard who is known to be cruel and merciless. He never hesitates to kill people. Since he dares to say that, he dares to do it. This has been proven in the past.

This is a crazy bastard, extremely difficult to deal with! How to deal with him, or whether to deal with him, is not something we can decide. We must ask Rome for instructions. Let's get out of here first! "

After finishing speaking, Tony glanced at the elevator hall with lingering fear, then turned and walked towards the hotel gate.

The rest of the scum could only keep up, each of them was like a defeated rooster, with dejected faces and a bit of fear in their eyes.

At the same time, Ye Tian, ​​who was in the elevator, was making arrangements.

"Cole, inform the guys that starting tonight, everyone must be on high alert, keep their guns on their bodies, and be ready to go into battle at any time in case they are attacked by someone.

I really want to see if these scumbags from the Casamonica family will start a war and come to die on their own initiative. If they insist on doing so, please don't be polite."

"Understood, Steven, I'll arrange it right away!"

Cole responded with a nod, and there was even a bit of excitement in his tone, as if he was eager to start a war with the most arrogant mafia family in Italy!

In a blink of an eye, the elevator arrived at the floor where everyone lived.

After entering the presidential suite, Ye Tian immediately took out his mobile phone and called Mattis in New York.

"Matisse, immediately investigate the situation of the largest mafia in Rome, the Casamonica family, the more detailed the better, it is best to be specific about the situation of each family member.

In Rome, this should not be regarded as a secret. The police must have relevant information. You can get it from the police or other channels. The sooner the better! "

"No problem, Steven, we will act immediately, try to find out the situation as soon as possible, and then notify you as soon as possible!"

Matisse replied in a deep voice without asking further questions.

What happened in Florence, he could guess without even thinking about it.

Obviously, Steven and the others have faced off against the largest mafia family in Italy, and an extremely exciting show is about to be staged!

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