Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1661 Undercurrents in Florence

Nothing happened overnight, and the first night after arriving in Florence was spent peacefully like this.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next morning, and the sky outside was covered with haze, and it looked as if it was going to rain.

Not long after waking up, washing up, and having breakfast, Mathis called and began to report the information they found to Ye Tian.

The phone was connected, and Matisse's voice came over immediately.

"Good morning, Steven, the situation of the Casamonica family has been basically found out. Some information comes from the Roman police, and some information is obtained from other sources. Raytheon also provided part of it.

Casamonica is the largest mafia family in Rome, mainly entrenched in the southeast of Rome. In fact, the entire Rome is their sphere of influence. They have suppressed several other mafia families for a long time.

This mafia family can be called notorious. It does all kinds of crimes, including murder, arson, drug trafficking, usury, prostitution, robbery and theft, etc., and has close ties with other gang organizations.

Including several other mafia families, Nigerian gangsters, gypsy gangs, etc. It is no exaggeration to say that they are the rulers of the Roman underground world, and the family leaders are even called the kings of Rome!

The group of idiots you met last night belonged to a peripheral legion of the Casamonica family, with a total of about 30 people. The main base is in Florence, and the leader is the guy named Tony.

There are nine legions of the same size, the Casamonica family, the largest number among the 142 mafia families in Italy, and the paramilitary organization with the strongest combat effectiveness, directly responsible to the family leader.

I will send you the information I found right away. If you are going to start a war with the Casamonica family, you must remember to inform us. I really want to fight against these Italian mafia."

"Good morning, Matisse, you have done a very good job. Although the Casamonica family is huge and sounds scary, it is a gang after all, mostly mobs.

If they had any brains, they wouldn't foolishly choose to go to war with us. They would definitely be seeking their own death. Once they go to war, they will only have a dead end. Prepare to go to hell."

Ye Tian said with a sneer, with endless murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Then they chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone and ending the call.

Immediately afterwards, Matisse sent relevant information about the Casamonica family.

The intelligence is very comprehensive, covering every member of this mafia family.

Photos, names, nicknames, ages, addresses, family members, license plate numbers, personal preferences, criminal records, etc. of these scumbags are all inclusive and very detailed!

After receiving the information, Ye Tian immediately opened it to check it, so as to know what it was.

In particular, the peripheral legion of the Casamonica family in Florence was the focus of attention. He carefully looked at the photos of every scumbag in this legion and kept them firmly in his heart.

In the next period of time, the first thing I have to guard against is the outer legion led by Tony, and the other scum of the Casamonica family second.

If you really go to war with the Casamonica family, the first opponent you will face will be the scum led by Tony, so you must be familiar with and remember the appearance of these scum!

After reading these materials, it was already around eight o'clock in the morning.

Ye Tian checked the time, and then called Cole into the presidential suite.

After asking a few words about the situation outside, Ye Tian forwarded the information just sent by Matisse to Cole's mobile phone, and said to him:

"Cole, this is information about the Casamonica family, covering every member of this mafia family, including their photos, names, nicknames and other detailed information.

You send this information to everyone's mobile phone and tell all the guys to remember the faces and names of these scumbags. These mafia scumbags are likely to become our opponents.

In particular, the outer legion of the Casamonica family in Florence is the focus of attention. Everyone must be familiar with the situation of each scum, so that they can be prepared for any danger."

"Understood, Steven, I will send the relevant information to everyone's mobile phones later, and let everyone get familiar with the situation of these mafia scumbags as soon as possible"

Cole nodded in response, his eyes flashing with excitement.

Afterwards, Ye Tian went on to say:

"Although we have to guard against these scumbags from the Casamonica family, we can't change our travel arrangements just because these scumbags ruin our mood, let alone let these scumbags ruin our good mood.

On the premise of heightened vigilance, we will continue to travel to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the ancient city of Florence, and appreciate the top antique artworks and ancient buildings all over the city.

From now on, every time we travel, the final destination must be strictly kept secret, absolutely no information should be leaked, and before travel, we must carefully check all vehicles and send someone to check the place we are going to"

"I'm already doing these things, Steven, don't worry, there will be absolutely no problems, and no one can take advantage of us!"

Cole responded in a firm tone, full of confidence.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued to say:

"Last night, I contacted that old fellow Wilson and dispatched a group of armed security personnel. They arrived in Florence at 6:00 in the morning. They are all old friends who have worked together before.

But for the Italian police and the scumbags of the Casamonica family, these Raytheon armed security personnel are unfamiliar faces, and no one knows them at all, so it is easy to act.

Like all the guys in the hotel, these armed security personnel are also under your unified command, as a force hidden in the dark, cooperating with us to prevent those scum from playing tricks.

This morning, we are going to visit the Piazza della Signoria, which is the Municipal Square, and then go to the nearby Palazzo Vecchio and Ponte Vecchio, as well as the Giotto Bell Tower. These places are not to be missed.

In the afternoon, we will visit the old city of Florence, browse the antique shops and galleries dotted in the old city, and continue to sweep the top antique artworks left in every corner of Florence.

After you establish contact with those guys who just arrived, you select a few people from them and rush to the Municipal Square. You must find out the situation in the Municipal Square before we get there.

Among them, two to three snipers should be hidden in the buildings around the square, condescending to control the entire square, and investigate the situation inside those ancient buildings to prevent being ambushed!

The other security personnel pretended to be ordinary tourists, mixed in the crowd, and stood guard on the outside. If there was no special emergency and their support was needed, they had better not be exposed!

Information about those scumbags in the Casamonica family should also be sent to the mobile phones of those guys, so that they can get acquainted as soon as possible. Those scumbags had better not show up, or they will die."

After the words fell, Cole immediately nodded and responded:

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us"

Next, Ye Tian explained some more things before ending the conversation.

Afterwards, Cole left the presidential suite and went out to arrange actions.

It was close to 9:30 in the morning, Ye Tian and the others were sitting in the living room chatting, when Cole's voice suddenly came from the invisible earphone.

"Steven, we have already set up the arrangement. The three snipers are already in position, ambushing on the old building next to the Municipal Square, controlling the entire square from a commanding height, without any dead ends.

Those old buildings around the Municipal Square, they have searched thoroughly, found no threat, and they can control every window facing the street, so there is no need to worry about an ambush.

The rest of the guys pretended to be tourists, mixed in the crowd, scattered all over the square, and secretly observed the situation on the square, and could provide us with strong support at any time.

All the vehicles we took were thoroughly inspected, and no problems were found, so you can ride with confidence. The same is true for the several ancient buildings opposite the hotel, and no ambushes were found.

At the entrance of the hotel where we are staying, there are two scumbags from the Casamonica family. They are Tony's subordinates. They should be in charge of tracking. They will definitely not attack us."

Ye Tian reached out and turned on the tiny microphone of the invisible headset, and said in a deep voice:

"Now that we're ready, let's go, go to the Municipal Square, and enjoy the famous sculptures on that square. It's one of the most beautiful squares in Italy, definitely not to be missed!"

"Okay, I'll let the guys drive the car to the door of the hotel!"

Cole responded, and immediately acted.

About ten minutes later, Ye Tian and his group walked out of the hotel gate and started today's tour itinerary.

Before boarding the Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUV, Ye Tian secretly turned on the see-through, and instantly saw through all the vehicles in the convoy without missing any corner.

By the way, he also had a quick perspective on a black BMW parked more than 60 meters away, and had a clear look.

Sitting in that black BMW were the two scumbags from the Casamonica family. Tony's subordinates had seen their photos just now!

Cole was right, those two scumbags came to watch them. Although they were carrying pistols and daggers, they didn't dare to take the initiative to attack at this time.

After confirming that it was safe, Ye Tian ended the X-ray and took Betty to board the bulletproof SUV in front of him. Anderson, Cole and the others also got into the car one after another, ready to set off.

Soon, the convoy started with a bang and drove straight to the Municipal Square not far away.

Just like yesterday, the Italian police in plain clothes and the two Italian cultural relics gendarmes also in plain clothes immediately drove up and followed them like shadows, never leaving!

Compared with yesterday, there are twice as many Italian police officers today. There are four Alfa Romeos with civilian license plates, and each of them looks quite nervous as if they are facing a big enemy!

Obviously, the appearance of those scumbags from the Casamonica family made the Italian police very nervous, so the police force was strengthened to prevent accidents from happening.

The last one to leave the entrance of the hotel was the black BMW car, which was dotted far behind the convoy.

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