Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1664 City of Flowers in the Rain

After visiting the Municipal Square, Ye Tian and the others walked into the Palazzo Vecchio, also known as the Vecchio Palace, and began to visit this ancient palace built in the early fourteenth century.

This is an ancient palace with complete defenses. It was once the residence of the Medici family and later became the Florence City Hall, the political center of Florence.

In modern times, this ancient palace is still in use, but it has become a fully open museum for tourists to visit.

The facade of this ancient palace with a long history still maintains the medieval style, giving people a sense of vicissitudes after wind and rain, just like an old medieval castle.

And its interior decoration and decoration also maintain the appearance of the Renaissance. It is the famous late Renaissance architect Vasari who is responsible for decorating this ancient palace.

He integrated the exaggerated murals depicting the achievements of the Florentines with the whole building, and made the interior decoration of this ancient palace beautiful and breathtaking.

As far as the palace itself is concerned, it is a rare top-level antique artwork, which is invaluable and of great research value, and is famous in the history of architecture.

Inside this ancient palace, there are also many top-level antique works of art on display, each of which is of great value, radiating bright light and charming artistic charm.

The most famous of these is Michelangelo's large mural, 'Victory', which is located on the walls on both sides of the Great Hall of the Republic on the second floor of the palace, adding a bit of elegance to the hall of five hundred people.

In addition, there are Bronzino's frescoes, Donatello's sculptures, Ghirlandaio's series of frescoes of Roman heroes, etc. All kinds of top antique artworks can be seen everywhere!

Every name that appears here is like a thunderbolt, radiating dazzling light in the history of Western art, and they are all well-known top art masters in the Renaissance period.

After visiting the Palazzo Vecchio, it was nearly eleven in the morning, and Ye Tian and his group went to visit the Ponte Vecchio, also known as the famous Ponte Vecchio.

This is the oldest bridge in Florence, built in 1345. The bridge is a two-story building, which used to be the corridor from the Uffizi Palace to the Pitti Palace on the other side.

The Ponte Vecchio spans the banks of the Arno River. The early Renaissance-style buildings on the bridge are quite interesting, and it can be called a beautiful and romantic ancient bridge.

Unlike other bridges covered with buildings, the buildings on the Ponte Vecchio are arranged on both sides and stretch out above the Arno River.

The sky over the main passage in the middle of the bridge is unobstructed.

In this way, people walking on the bridge can see the sky when they look up, and the raindrops falling from the sky can naturally fall on the stone road on the bridge deck, and then flow into the Arno River.

When Ye Tian and the others set foot on the Ponte Vecchio, it was still raining lightly, pattering, hitting the umbrella cover, the roof of the building on the bridge, and the calm surface of the Arno River under the bridge.

At this moment, when they walk on this ancient bridge with umbrellas, they can't help but have the illusion of walking through the Renaissance period, which is very interesting.

However, this good feeling quickly disappeared.

After walking a few steps on the bridge, they saw a large number of shops standing on both sides of the middle passage, completely occupying the ancient early Renaissance style buildings on both sides.

Like most tourist areas, those are specialty shops selling specialties from Florence and the surrounding area, as well as jewelry and luxury shops, and they're all doing well and full of people!

But for Ye Tian and the others, seeing such a scene on such a beautiful and romantic ancient bridge was somewhat unpleasant and ruined the mood.

This is not over, there are even more unpleasant things. Among the tourists on the old bridge, there are many thieves who are waiting for the opportunity to steal.

For these thieves, the narrow and crowded Ponte Vecchio is undoubtedly the most ideal place for them to commit crimes and a treasure land for them to make a fortune.

The numerous specialty shops, as well as jewelry stores and luxury stores on the bridge, make it easy for them to judge that those tourists have a lot of cash in their pockets and are fat sheep to kill.

From the moment he stepped onto the Ponte Vecchio until he walked across the old bridge with a short span, during this period of time, Ye Tian witnessed at least eight or nine thefts.

As for the thefts targeting Chinese tourists, as long as he saw them, he would remind those ignorant Chinese tourists and stop those thieves from stealing, without exception.

As for other thefts, he didn't bother to answer them, and chose to turn a blind eye. He didn't care whether the other foreigners were unlucky or not.

Although the famous Uffizi Gallery is just next to the Ponte Vecchio, it is within easy reach.

However, after visiting the Ponte Vecchio, Ye Tian and the others did not immediately enter the Uffizi Gallery for a tour, but went to the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and Giotto's Bell Tower not far away.

The Uffizi Gallery is a sanctuary of art, displaying countless outstanding works of many Renaissance art masters, as well as outstanding paintings of representatives of various other schools of painting.

In addition, there are many sculptures of ancient Rome and ancient Greece. For art lovers, the Uffizi Gallery is the most magnificent flower in Florence, the "City of Flowers".

As a top expert in antique art appraisal and a professional treasure hunter, for Ye Tian, ​​the Uffizi Art Museum cannot be missed. This is the main purpose of his coming to Florence!

Moreover, such a top art palace must take a lot of time to visit and savor carefully, so that the trip is worthwhile.

That's exactly what Ye Tian planned. He planned to visit the Uffizi Gallery tomorrow, enjoy the top-level antique artworks displayed here, and feel the charm of many Renaissance art masters.

In his plan, he intends to stay in the Uffizi Gallery for one or two days, and appreciate all the top antique artworks on display as much as possible.

Even so, it was only a fleeting glimpse, and he would normally see only a small portion of the Uffizi's collection.

Like the famous museums with rich collections such as the Metropolitan and the Louvre, most of the top antiques collected by the Uffizi Gallery are not displayed, but are stored in warehouses.

More importantly, Ye Tian and the others stayed in Florence for a limited time, and they will leave here soon.

You know, the Uffizi Gallery has a total of 45 exhibition halls, with a collection of up to 100,000 pieces. Where can I see it in a day or two, I can only choose some of the most essential parts to appreciate.

Fortunately, Ye Tian possesses the ability of perspective and can see through everything. Those top-level antique artworks in the Uffizi Art Museum that are not publicly exhibited cannot escape his eyes.

As long as he wants, he can secretly open the clairvoyance, and have a panoramic view of the collections of the Uffizi Museum, and maybe there will be surprising windfalls!

The Pitti Palace, which is across the river from the Uffizi Museum, is in the same situation. Although it is close at hand, Ye Tian and the others did not immediately go to visit it.

It is also a museum open to the public. It has many works of top art masters such as Raphael, Rubens, and Van Dyck. He plans to visit there again on the last day.

After visiting Pitti Palace, you can leave Florence and go to Milan.

Of course, there is a premise here, that is, no unexpected time will occur and the established arrangements will be disrupted.

However, things often backfire.

After leaving Ponte Vecchio, Ye Tian and the others held umbrellas, chatting and laughing, while strolling along the ancient streets of Florence, walking towards the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore not far away.

When they crossed the Piazza della Signoria again, just stepped on the elegant Calchaioli Road, and walked forward for about thirty or forty meters, Cole's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Steven, those scumbags from the Casamonica family are following up, just 20 meters behind, mixed in twos and threes in the crowd, led by Tony, a total of seven people, obviously with malicious intentions.

How to deal with those mafia scum? Leave it to the plainclothes Italian police in the back, or do we deal with it ourselves? The snipers we deployed have locked those idiots! "

Hearing this, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Ye Tian's mouth immediately.

Since you idiots don't care about life and death and insist on coming here to seek death, then don't blame me for being cruel, wash your necks and prepare to go to hell!

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