Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1665 The Stormy Street

As soon as Cole's voice fell, Ye Tian immediately said in a deep voice:

"Notify all the guys, turn on the pinhole camera that you carry with you, and take pictures of what happened afterwards. We must be cautious in our words and deeds, and we must not leave any clues to the Italian police.

Also, tell the three snipers we have arranged that if the snipers of the Casamonica family are not found, they should not take action. That would expose their positions, so there is no need for that.

We can deal with these scumbags by ourselves, there is no need to involve snipers, as that may cause unnecessary trouble and expose our power in the dark.

As before, everyone must not be the first to open fire, and must firmly occupy the grounds of legitimate defense. Once the exchange of fire starts, then don't be polite, and send those scumbags to hell directly.

After all, this is Italy. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, I still need to inform the Italian police in plain clothes behind to see how they will deal with the situation in front of me.

If they came forward to blast away those mafia scumbags, it would be great, let's continue to visit the old city of Florence, visit the famous Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and Giotto's Bell Tower.

If those Italian policemen are afraid to take action because they fear the crazy revenge of the Casamonica family, then don't blame us for doing more to clean up a little garbage for this world"

"Got it, Steven"

Cole replied in a low voice, and immediately began to arrange, everything was carried out very secretly and quickly.

Ye Tian called Taylor and Lisa to his side, and said to them:

"Taylor, Lisa, once there is a firefight, you have only one task, and that is to protect Betty's personal safety. Any scumbag who dares to threaten Betty, you will directly kill him!

In order to prevent the threat of stray bullets, once the gunshots sounded, you immediately protected Betty and rushed into these shops next to the street, looking for a relatively safe place to hide.

Just leave the battle outside to us. No matter how many scumbags from the Casamonica family come, we will send those scumbags to hell one by one, and it won't take long! "

"Understood, Steven, just don't worry, we must protect Betty, and no one will try to hurt her"

Taylor and Lisa responded in unison, both very confident and even a little excited.

Immediately afterwards,

Ye Tian whispered to Anderson again:

"Anderson, in the event of a fire, you must follow me closely, I will protect your safety and quickly find the most suitable hiding place for you.

Another point is that after the gunshots sounded, you immediately called Leonardo and asked them to bring a lawyer to the scene immediately to avoid any dirty tricks played by the Italian police!

And don’t forget to notify the office of the US embassy in Florence, let the diplomatic officials of the embassy come forward, and put some pressure on the Florence police.”

"Okay, Steven, shouldn't you also give me a pistol? It must be very exciting to let me participate in the battle. I have practiced marksmanship seriously during this period, and the results are pretty good!"

Anderson nodded excitedly and said that he also wanted to participate in the battle.

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, smiled and said in a low voice:

"You are my personal lawyer, you need to stay out of it, so that you can deal with the Italian police, if you are also involved in the firefight, the lawyer status may be useless.

Of course, if there is an extremely urgent situation, I can also give you a pistol to make you happy, but I am sure that such a situation will never happen"

"Well then, Steven, it seems that I can only enjoy myself on the shooting range"

Anderson nodded helplessly, with a little regret in his eyes.

After completing these arrangements, Ye Tian turned on the pinhole camera he carried with him, and began to record everything that happened from now on, leaving the most direct video evidence.

At the same time, the group of them did not stop moving forward, they were still strolling along Calchaioli Road, heading towards the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, no different from other tourists on the street.

However, the Italian policemen who followed them like shadows were already highly tense at this moment, and all of them looked solemn, as if they were facing a big enemy.

According to Ye Tian's instructions, Cole has already used the walkie-talkie to report the situation of the scumbags from the Casamonica family following behind to these Italian policemen in plain clothes.

Of course, it also includes the two Italian cultural relics gendarmes.

In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, Cole did not hide anything, and basically reported all the information he had to the police.

Not only did he tell the police that someone was following them with ulterior motives, but he also told the location and appearance of those scumbags, all they had to do was name them!

After learning of these circumstances, the Italian policemen in plain clothes behind couldn't help but gasped, feeling terrified, but also secretly surprised.

Those damn mafia scumbags are so insane, they dare to provoke anyone! And the strength of these American bastards is too terrifying. Before they knew it, they had completely grasped the situation on the scene.

Don't even think about it, these ruthless American bastards must be ready for a firefight, and notifying the police is just a procedure.

This is the usual practice of that bastard Steven, never leaving any loopholes and making everything flawless!

Immediately afterwards, these Italian police officers immediately notified their immediate superiors and asked for instructions on how to respond.

Both parties involved are not easy to mess with. One is a ruthless American bastard who kills without counting; the other is the largest mafia family in Italy.

The high-level Florence police who received the news felt a splitting headache instantly, and couldn't think of any good way to deal with it!

However, time waits for no one.

While they were still hesitating, the situation on Calchaioli Road had changed.

Perhaps seeing Ye Tian and the others getting closer to the Basilica of Our Lady of Hundred Flowers, the mafia scum who were twenty meters behind them suddenly accelerated and rushed forward.

During the march, several guys had even put their hands into their arms, holding the handle of the pistol, ready to draw their guns and fire at any time.

Seeing their actions, the Italian police, who had been staring at these scumbags since receiving the notification, dared to wait any longer, they immediately acted.

Of course, they were also forced to do nothing, and they were still not sure how to curse Ye Tian and the others, as well as those scumbags from the Casamonica family.

Several Italian policemen in plain clothes all stopped, turned around at the same time, and looked solemnly at the mafia scum who were getting closer!

The same was true for the two Italian cultural relics gendarmes, they turned around and looked at the mafia scumbags with nervous expressions, as if they were facing an enemy.

Without exception, when they turned around, each of them reached into his arms, held the handle of the pistol, and quickly opened the safety, ready to fire.

Immediately afterwards, the two leading Italian policemen stepped forward, and greeted Tony, who was walking fast, with apprehensive expressions, ready to negotiate with him.

At the same time, Cole and the others are on high alert and ready to fight.

At this time, Ye Tian was staring at the two gypsy men who were walking in the opposite direction from the Basilica of Our Lady of Hundred Flowers, with a disdainful smile on his lips.

It's kind of interesting to attack back and forth, and the gypsy gang is also involved, which is really more and more fun!

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