Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1667 The bullet that pierced the rain curtain

As soon as the gunshot rang out, Tony's arm raised in the air suddenly paused, and immediately after that, he made an attack gesture to all his subordinates.

Because he knew very well in his heart that there was no way for people like himself to retreat. They had to fight desperately, and maybe they could still have a chance of survival.

Next, it will be a fight to the death.

Either get rid of Steven's bloody American bastards, or get killed by those American bastards, there is no other choice.

Seeing the gesture he made and the two gypsy gunmen who had opened fire in front of them, the rest of the mafia scum would still hesitate.

They acted one after another and quickly drew out their respective firearms, most of which were pistols, and there were also several MP5 submachine guns and other weapons.

The same goes for Tony, who quickly retracts his arms raised in the air, reaches into his arms, and draws a black USP pistol, ready to fire.

The Florence policemen standing opposite them were not slow to react.

The moment the gunshots sounded, they rushed to the ground like lightning, or to the flower beds on the street, and behind the lampposts, in order to hide and avoid the bullets flying from behind.

While dodging and hiding quickly, they have also drawn out their pistols, ready to face this battle that is destined to be extremely tragic and extremely crazy.

Of course, each of them was cursing crazily in their hearts, and everyone was extremely angry and full of fear, lest they hang here and become a dead body.

They gritted their teeth and cursed the lifeless mafia scumbags, Ye Tian and the others, and the boss who assigned them this task, and they found out the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the boss.

Immediately afterwards, Tony, several of his subordinates, and these Florence policemen in plain clothes saw an extremely astonishing scene.

Steven and his gang blocked their umbrellas in front of them one after another, forming a circular line of defense, without a single gap at all, and water couldn't get in.

The crazy rain of bullets fired by the two gypsy gunmen in front with the Uzi submachine gun all hit the black umbrellas, and then were bounced off by the umbrellas and slid to the ground.

The gang of American bastards inside the umbrella defense line were not harmed at all, not even a hair was lost, and they were unscathed.

Seeing this scene, whether it is the scum of the Casamonica family,

The Italian police who were still at the scene couldn't help being stunned. Everyone's eyes were full of fear and disbelief.

These damned American bastards are too well equipped! Everyone is actually equipped with a bulletproof umbrella. Isn't this kind of thing only available in the presidential guard? When did the streets go bad?

No wonder these bastards are so confident! Who can provoke such a thoughtful, armed to the teeth, and extremely ruthless bastard, unless he is tired of work!

At this moment, Tony's heart was completely chilled, and he sank directly into the endless abyss, into the depths of hell!

At this moment, he already understood that he was likely to hang up here today, and if he escaped by chance, it must be God's blessing and bad luck!

But, will God bless you?

This seems unlikely. Everyone knows that God will always stand with that bastard Steven, and he has never cared for others!

Not only Tony, but the other mafia scumbags were also extremely desperate, and there was no hope of leaving this street alive at all.

In the next moment, everyone at the scene was awakened by the desperate screams of the two gypsy gunmen, and returned to reality!


There was a terrified scream from the innocent pedestrians and tourists on the Calchaioli road.

At the same time, there were several heart-wrenching screams.

The 9mm bullets ejected from the two Uzi submachine guns unfortunately kissed several passers-by and tourists, bringing out several coquettish blood flowers.

Fortunately, the two gypsy scumbags had a clear target and concentrated impact points, so not many passers-by were shot, and this elegant street did not turn into hell in an instant.

Amidst the gunshots, Calchaioli Road was in complete chaos, and everyone began to flee in all directions, like headless chickens, rushing in a panic to the hiding place they thought was safe.

While fleeing in a hurry, almost everyone on the street thought that Florence had suffered a terrorist attack.

But how did they know that this was just a bloody fight between Ye Tian and the largest mafia family in Italy, and a fight with the gypsy gang!

"Go to hell! Idiots, it won't be long before your brothers will go to hell too, to accompany you scum"

Ye Tian sneered and said to himself that he was about to launch a counterattack.

Although he was hiding behind the bulletproof umbrella, he kept his perspective on, looking through the Kevlar umbrella cover, staring closely at the two gypsy scumbags and the Uzi submachine gun in their hands.

He knew better than anyone how many bullets were left in the two Uzi submachine guns, including the two scumbags who were shooting wildly with the guns.

"Bang bang bang"

Another wave of crazy bullets hit the bulletproof umbrella, still in vain.

After some raging, the torrential gunfire finally stopped.


There were two consecutive sounds of hanging up the machine, and the two Uzi submachine guns almost finished firing at the same time.

At this moment, the bulletproof umbrella in Ye Tian's hand suddenly moved to the left like lightning, revealing a gap.

In the next moment, a black muzzle flashed from the gap, and then began to spray death flames, mercilessly harvesting life.

"Bang bang bang"

The gunfire sounded again, completely different from the chainsaw-like sound of the Uzi submachine gun just now.

Accompanied by the crisp gunshots, four 9mm pistol bullets spewed out from the muzzle of the M9 pistol in Ye Tian's hand one after another, hitting the two panicked gypsy scumbags with eyes full of despair and fear like lightning.

The reaction of those two scumbags was not unpleasant, but in front of Ye Tian, ​​it was not enough!

After they emptied the bullets in the submachine guns, they immediately pressed the button on the magazine compartment, quickly ejected the empty magazine, and were ready to replace it with a new magazine.

However, before the empty magazines fell to the ground and before they took out new magazines, the scythe of death had tightly hooked their necks and dragged them directly into the depths of hell!

The distance of less than ten meters is fleeting.

Four 9mm pistol bullets flew to the target in the blink of an eye, and they were impartial, spinning at high speed, and penetrated into the heads of the two gypsy scumbags like a bamboo.

And each of them shared two bullets, no more, no less, very fair.

On the elegant Calchaioli road, two coquettish blood flowers bloomed again, with a little white mixed in them, which looked like petals and stamens, extremely beautiful, but exuded an endless breath of death!

Those four 9mm pistol bullets directly blasted the heads of the two gypsy scumbags, blasting a big hole in the back of their heads, and even their brains came out!

In the blink of an eye, the eyes of the two gypsy shooters completely lost their brilliance and turned gray, without any trace of life.

Under the impact of the pistol bullets, their bodies also fell backwards, crashing to the ground.

It's not over yet, Ye Tian pulled the trigger again, continuing to release his anger.

"Bang bang bang"

Amidst the gunshots, four more 9mm bullets spewed out from the muzzle at high speed, directly hitting the two gypsy scum who had died instantly.

The target of Ye Tian's attack this time is no longer the head, but the heart of those two scumbags.

Almost as soon as the gunshots rang out this time, Tony and the rest of the Mafia scum finally came to their senses and responded.

"Guys, kill these goddamn American bastards, today you will die or I will live, fight!"

Tony screamed hysterically, and his whole body was on the verge of madness.

Before he finished speaking, he pulled the trigger and started pouring bullets from the USP pistol in his hand, shooting at Ye Tian and the others, venting his anger!

The other mafia scum followed suit, shooting wildly and cursing loudly to suppress the extreme fear in their hearts.

"Bang bang bang"

The sound of gunfire was deafening, and the bullets were like a storm.

Another wave of crazy bullets hit, all of which hit the bulletproof umbrellas in the hands of Cole and the others, causing those umbrellas to shake crazily like leaves falling in the wind.

However, not a single bullet broke through the defense line in the middle of the Calchaioli Road, only left countless white spots on the umbrellas, and no further results were achieved.

After sending the two gypsy scumbags to hell, Ye Tian immediately turned around and looked at the almost crazy mafia scumbags not far behind through the bulletproof umbrella and heavy rain curtain, his eyes filled with murderous intent!

After just one glance, he said coldly:

"Guys, since the other party has initiated an attack, you don't have to be polite, find the right time, prepare to open fire freely, and send those scumbags of the Casamonica family to hell.

During the exchange of fire, everyone must pay attention to their own safety, and try to aim as accurately as possible to reduce stray bullets as much as possible, so as not to hurt innocent people. The less stray bullets, the less troubles will happen later"

"Got it, Steven"

Many security personnel responded in unison, and everyone was very motivated, even very excited.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian whispered quickly again:

"Taylor, Lisa, protect Betty and don't let her get any harm. Anderson, you can start to act and prepare for what will happen after the battle!"

"Got it, Steven"

Taylor and Anderson responded immediately and sprang into action.

"Guys, attack, send those mafia scum to hell"

As he said that, the M9 pistol in Ye Tian's hand flashed out from the edge of the bulletproof umbrella, and once again sprayed out dazzling flames.

"bang bang"

At the sound of the gunshot, the head of one of Tony's subordinates was immediately exploded, and a bewitching blood flower bloomed again on Calchaioli Road!

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