Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1668 One-sided massacre

"Bang bang bang"

The gunshots were deafening and continuous, resounding throughout Via Calchaioli and throughout Florence.

This most core and most elegant ancient street in Florence is already full of blood and bullets, and there is no safe place except for the line of defense constructed with bulletproof umbrellas in the middle of the street.

The people who had been walking on this street had all fled in all directions at this time, or found a nearby place to hide to avoid the bullets flying in all directions, and the whole street suddenly became empty.

Pedestrians and tourists who were so frightened and unable to run could only lie on the street, their whole bodies clinging to the granite ground, sobbing softly and begging for God's blessing.

In Florence in mid-November, the weather is already a bit cold. In addition, it has been raining today without stopping. There is a lot of water on the streets, and the temperature on the granite ground can be imagined.

But even if it's cold on the ground, no one's heart is cold.

Those people who were lying on the ground sobbing were extremely desperate at this moment, feeling that they were standing on the verge of death, and they might die at any time, dying here!

Even those Florence policemen in plain clothes felt the same way, all of them trembling with fear, lest they die unexpectedly.

"Oh my god! This is a one-sided massacre, Steven and these American bastards are simply a group of devils from the depths of hell!"

Seeing the extremely tragic firefight scene in front of them, those Florence policemen were completely shocked, their eyes were full of fear, and their legs were even trembling.

In the blink of an eye, the four scumbags from the Casamonica family were killed.

Without exception, those four scumbags were all smashed into sieves by random gunshots, with bullet holes all over their bodies, bleeding everywhere, and they couldn't die anymore!

Among them, the heads of two scumbags were directly blasted by bullets, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

Looking at Ye Tian and the others, the line of defense constructed by bulletproof umbrellas is still extremely strong, without a single gap, and the people hiding behind that line of defense are all unharmed.

"bang bang bang"

There was another gust of gunfire, and another mafia scumbag was killed.

Under the torrential rain of bullets,

The mafia scum was beaten so badly that he slammed to the ground, followed by those brothers who died before him, and went to hell to report!

Less than two minutes have passed since Ye Tian and the others started exchanging fire with these mafia scumbags until now.

However, five of the seven mafia scumbags who followed Ye Tian and tried to attack them had died, including their boss Tony.

The two scumbags who are still alive have gunshot wounds on their bodies and are bleeding profusely. They are just lingering on their last legs. Death is a matter of time.

At this time, they hid behind a flower bed and behind a public phone booth respectively, resisting in a corner, pouring bullets at Ye Tian and the others, cursing and roaring hysterically.

"Steven, you are a devil, if you grow up, I'm going to kill you damn bastard to avenge your dead brothers!"

"Come out, Steven, I'm going to kill you devil"

Hearing the desperate and angry curses of these two scumbags, many pedestrians and tourists on Calchaioli Road realized that it was not a terrorist attack, but Steven and his bastards fighting with each other!

There is no doubt that what has been repeated in New York, Paris and other places has been repeated in Florence.

Unfortunately, I just happened to catch up this time, and I was in the battlefield where bullets were flying.

Thinking of this, those passers-by and tourists hiding in every corner or lying on the cold street all hated their teeth and cursed Ye Tian and the others frantically in their hearts.

However, they had no choice but to continue to hide and escape the catastrophe before them.

Before the voices of the two mafia scumbags fell, Ye Tian's disdainful voice came out and reached the ears of everyone on the street.

"Idiots, the result in front of you is your own death, and you can't blame anyone. I have warned you scum from the Casamonica family before, don't take my idea.

But you don't listen! Fortunately, we still have a certain ability to protect ourselves, so we are not ransacked by you damn mafia scum, and we are not the same as those who were bullied and ransacked by you.

The strength of the Casamonica family may be powerful and frightening. You scum may be able to run rampant in Italy, Rome, and Florence, but this time you picked the wrong opponent! "

In a few words, Ye Tian made the general reason for the fire to the public, told everyone on the scene, and firmly stood on the position of legitimate defense.

And this is exactly the reason why he responded to those two mafia scumbags, otherwise why would Fei talk so much!

In fact, his words have already played their due role.

Hearing his words, everyone at the scene realized that it was the Casamonica family, the largest mafia family in Italy, who took the initiative to stir up trouble and provoked this bloody fight.

Needless to say, with the Casamonica family's unscrupulous behavior, it must be that they wanted to rob that bastard Steven, but he kicked him on a nail, completely stupid!

After confirming this point, many people immediately thought of the classical oil painting that Ye Tian found yesterday, which was a top art work by Renaissance art master Botticelli and worth 80 million euros.

The discovery of that classical oil painting has already caused a sensation in Florence, and it has been known to everyone for a long time, and it has also attracted countless eyes of envy, even jealousy and greed.

Obviously, these mafia scumbags of the Casamonica family came for that top-level artwork and wanted to make a fortune.

Who would have imagined that they, who have always been domineering and omnipotent in Italy, were beaten to shame by Steven's gang of fierce bastards, and suffered heavy casualties!

After understanding these problems, people's hatred for Ye Tian and the others immediately decreased a lot, and all the hatred was transferred to the Casamonica family in an instant.

Unlike ordinary people, the Italian policemen who were also on this street couldn't help but gasped when they heard Ye Tian's words, and were secretly shocked!

This bastard, Steven, is really ruthless. It is clear that he wants to use the Italian government and the police to deal with the Casamonica family. The methods are too ruthless!

With today's scene and his words adding fuel to the fire, if the government authorities and the police don't take concrete actions, they will be drowned by people's spittle!

While verbally attacking his opponent, the bastard Steven also put himself in the position of the victim, firmly occupying the grounds of legitimate defense, and the police have no reason to deal with them.

This is really an extremely cunning bastard, extremely cruel and merciless, who can afford to provoke him! Mess with these bastards, just like the idiots of the Casamonica family.

After announcing the reason for the merger, Ye Tian immediately issued an attack command through the wireless invisible headset.

"Guys, it's time to resolve the battle. If we delay for a while, the Florence police reinforcements will arrive here, and the remaining two scumbags may be able to escape.

I don't want to see that kind of result, hell should be their destination, just like their dead brothers, otherwise it would be too unfair and should be treated equally.

Cole, you take two guys to attack the scum hidden behind the flower bed, and I take two guys to attack the guy hidden behind the public phone booth, and quickly resolve the battle.

During the attack, everyone used bulletproof umbrellas to open the way and protect their sides. Be sure to pay attention to safety. The rest of the guys are responsible for vigilance and keeping an eye on the surrounding situation, including the police.

Especially the snipers, you must keep an eye on those Florence policemen. If those policemen attack us, just open fire, kill those policemen, and then evacuate quickly! "

"Understood, Steven"

All the security personnel responded in unison, everyone is full of confidence and high morale.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and Cole ordered two men each, and were about to launch an attack to end the battle!

Before attacking, through the canopy of the bulletproof umbrella, Ye Tian once again confirmed the location of the two mafia scumbags hiding, and looked at their ammunition stock.

"bang bang bang"

Another wave of bullets hit, hitting the opened bulletproof umbrellas.

At the same time as these bullets fell from the umbrella canopy, Ye Tian also issued an attack order in a deep voice.

"Attack, send those two scumbags to hell!"

Before the words fell, Ye Tian had already stepped out with a bulletproof umbrella, half bowed his waist, and went straight to the mafia scum who was hiding behind the public phone booth.

Cole and the others followed closely. Six people and six bulletproof umbrellas formed two arrows and went straight to their respective targets.

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