Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1669 Ending the Killing

Seeing Ye Tian and the others launch an assault, the Florence policemen immediately stopped shooting, lest they cause unnecessary misunderstanding and cause Ye Tian and the others to attack.

Those Florence policemen knew the result without thinking about it.

Although these people are the Florence police, the law enforcers and managers of the city, in the eyes of those brutal American bastards, they are nothing!

If he shot and attacked those American bastards, he would be beaten into a sieve by those guys in all likelihood, just like those scumbags from the Casamonica family.

"bang bang bang"

The deafening gunshots continued continuously, and countless hot bullets whizzed through this ancient street with the breath of death.

In the process of rushing forward, Ye Tian and the others kept shooting through the gaps in the bulletproof umbrellas to suppress the remaining two mafia scumbags.

Wave after wave of bullets poured out from the muzzles of the guns in their hands, heading straight for the hiding place of the two scumbags.

In an instant, the flower beds and the public phone booth where the two scumbags were hiding were left in a mess and riddled with holes by the bullets that hit like a torrential rain!

In this hail of bullets, the two mafia scumbags were so suppressed that they couldn't even raise their heads. They could only lie dead on the cold ground, unable to move, let alone fire and fight back.

After advancing six or seven meters, Ye Tian's three-person attack team and Cole's three-person attack team separated and went straight to their respective targets.

About eight or nine meters away is where the two mafia scumbags are hiding.

The flower bed is a little to the left in the middle of the street, and the public phone booth is on the right side of the road, within easy reach of the shops on the right side of the road.

At this time, the transparent glass windows of those shops have been completely reimbursed, and the fronts of the shops have been beaten to pieces, which is horrible, and there are bullet holes everywhere.

Perhaps it is because of the imminent threat of death, or because of a strong desire for life.

The scumbag hiding behind the public telephone booth could no longer suppress the fear in his heart, nor could he bear the huge mountain-like pressure brought by Ye Tian and the others.

Suddenly, that guy sprang up from the ground, ignoring the torrential bullets, turned around and was about to rush into the roadside shops, fighting for the last chance.

If it were someone else, his sudden desperate move might still be successful.

But unfortunately, his opponent is Ye Tian.

Ye Tian had already understood his every move clearly through clairvoyance, and made a very accurate prediction, knowing where he would rush to next.

Almost at the moment this mafia scum jumped up from the ground, the muzzle of the M9 pistol in Ye Tian's hand flashed ghostly from the edge of the bulletproof umbrella, spraying out deadly flames.

"bang bang bang"

At the sound of the gunshot, three 9mm pistol bullets rushed out from the muzzle at high speed, and went straight to the mafia scumbag.

In the next instant, three coquettish blood flowers bloomed suddenly on the back of the head and back of the heart of the mafia scum who had just sprung up, almost in no particular order of time.

Immediately afterwards, his forehead was blasted by the high-speed rotating and deformed pistol bullet, directly blasting a hole the size of a fist. The situation was very tragic.

Under the impact of the pistol bullet, the mafia scum slammed to the ground with a muffled sound and a splash of water.

The bright red blood flowing from his body instantly mixed with the rainwater on the ground, completely dyeing the street red!

Another life ended, another scum in hell.

Ye Tian stopped in his tracks, as did the two subordinates following him, they stopped quickly.

There is no need to go there anymore, the result is very obvious. As for cleaning the battlefield, it is the job of the Italian police, and it is not easy to do it for them.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and the others turned around and looked towards the flower bed, preparing to watch a good show.

The battle over there is also coming to an end, without any suspense.

The scum lying behind the flower bed still wanted to resist, but just as he poked his pistol out of the edge of the flower bed, before he could shoot, Cole broke his wrist with a short assault rifle.


An incomparably shrill scream sounded suddenly, which made people feel very painful.

Soon, the screams stopped abruptly and completely disappeared from people's ears.

"Bang bang bang"

After a burst of intense gunshots, the last mafia scumbag was directly shot into a sieve by random gunshots. He was completely dead in an instant and went to hell to report.

The gunfire finally stopped, like an extremely violent tornado, coming and going fast!

Calchaioli Road, which was ravaged by this tornado, was devastated at this time, and the situation was terrible, like a war zone.

At the same time as the gunshot fell, Ye Tian immediately scanned the scene, and then said in a low voice:

"Good job, guys, now everyone retreats to Betty and Anderson and the others, and continues to maintain a high level of vigilance. There may be hidden gunmen around, so don't be careless.

Cleaning up the battlefield is the job of the Italian police. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, they probably don't dare to play any tricks. Let Anderson handle the next thing! "

"Got it, Steven"

There was a burst of response from the earphones, each voice was full of confidence, exuding excitement, as if the meaning was still unfinished.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and the others quickly retreated to Betty and the others.

During the retreat, they still maintained their battle formation. The two groups of people covered each other and were always on high alert, ready to fire again at any time.

Seeing their performance, those Florence policemen in plain clothes gasped again, each of them secretly shocked!

It wasn't until Ye Tian and the others retreated to their original positions that the Italian police breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up and began to clean the battlefield.

At this moment, the screams of sirens suddenly came from all directions, and the sound of helicopters whistled in the sky.

Obviously, a large number of Florence police are gathering here.

Like the police in other places, the Italian police are always late to arrive. When they arrive here, they only have to clean up the battlefield.

It wasn't that their reaction was too slow, but that Ye Tian and the others were too strong. Dealing with those mafia scumbags was like chopping melons and vegetables.

After returning to the original position and standing still, Ye Tian immediately inquired about Betty's situation in a low voice, lest she be frightened.

However, for today's situation, Betty has seen and experienced it more than once, and she has long been used to it, and her nerves have become extremely strong, without any uncomfortable reaction.

Immediately afterwards, Anderson began to report the situation in a low voice.

"Steven, I have already contacted Leonardo and the others to report the situation here. They live in the annex building of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Flowers ahead, and they will be here soon.

The bishop of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and the cardinal of Florence also came here together. This cardinal knew the purpose of our visit to Italy, so he came to help.

In addition, Leonardo also contacted the top lawyer in Florence, asking the other party to come here as soon as possible. As long as Leonardo and the others arrive here, it is believed to be enough to deter the Florence police.

I also contacted the office of the US embassy in Florence and informed the situation here. The person in charge of this office and his assistant have already set off and will be here soon.

In addition to them, I also posted the news on the Internet, and notified the major news media to build public opinion, rushing ahead of the Florence police and the mafia, and grasping the right to speak in the news"

After the words fell, Ye Tian immediately said jokingly:

"Good job, Anderson, next, let's deal with the Florence police together. Don't even think about it, those guys will definitely be furious and mad!"

"ha ha clam"

There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and Anderson and Cole all laughed.

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