Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1674 Come and not reciprocate

After hearing what Kenny reported, Ye Tianna was still thinking about wasting time with these media reporters.

Next, he briefly answered a few more questions, and ended the interview. Then he took Betty, Leonardo, and the others to the Baptistery of San Giovanni in the center of the square.

Arriving at the entrance of the San Giovanni Baptistery, the person in charge of the octagonal church and two administrators were waiting at the entrance, and they had been notified in advance.

After the meeting, everyone introduced each other, greeted each other a few words, and then walked into this famous Roman-style classical building.

Because it was getting late and the visibility was relatively poor, and I had admired the famous golden reliefs of the "Gate of Heaven" and two other sets of golden reliefs in the Cathedral Museum before.

Therefore, Ye Tian and the others did not linger at the entrance of the San Giovanni Baptistery to appreciate the three famous bronze gates and the replica of the gold relief inlaid on the gate.

As the gate of the Baptistery of San Giovanni was closed, the eyes of many media reporters and the Florence police in the square were blocked from the door.

After entering the baptistery, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the interior of this ancient building, then retracted his gaze, and whispered to Leonardo and the person in charge of the baptistery:

"Leonardo, Alberto, I have some things to deal with. I will visit and appreciate this great building after these things are done. Please wait a moment."

"No problem, Steven, you go ahead, we'll wait here"

Alberto, the person in charge of the baptistery, nodded in response. Although he was a little curious, he didn't ask much.

Leonardo, too, nodded slightly.

Next, Ye Tian told Betty and the others a few more words, and then walked a dozen meters away alone, and stopped beside an ancient Renaissance sculpture.

Afterwards, he took out his mobile phone and started talking to Kenny in New York.

The phone was connected instantly, and Kenny's voice came over immediately.

"Steven, is it convenient to talk now?"

"Now it's convenient to talk, just now we were in the square in front of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Flowers, surrounded by many media reporters and Italian police, it is not convenient to talk.

Now we have entered the Baptistery of San Giovanni,

There's no one else around, so tell me, I'm listening, what time are those scumbags planning to attack tonight"

"Since noon, with the assistance of Raytheon intelligence technicians stationed in Italy, we have been monitoring the outlying regiment of the Casamonica family, and the gypsy gang.

In order to avoid being chased by the Italian police, except for the time at noon, everyone's mobile phone signal disappeared in the afternoon, and they were either turned off or changed their mobile phone numbers.

In this case, we can only start with the family members of those guys, monitor their family's mobile phones and landlines at home, hoping to find something through monitoring.

Sure enough, just over two hours ago, the wife of one of the guys received a call from an unfamiliar mobile phone number, asking her to take care of her family and order other things.

Through this strange mobile phone number, we followed the clues and found out several more mobile phone numbers. We had contacted this strange mobile phone number in the afternoon, and they were all located in Florence.

Following the search of these mobile phone numbers, we found many unfamiliar mobile phone numbers, all of which were activated just this afternoon, and the following monitoring operations will be logical.

We soon found out that those who used these strange cell phone numbers were the remaining scumbags of the outskirts of the Casamonica family and members of the gypsy gang.

By monitoring the mobile phone communications of several important people, we learned that the outskirts of the Casamonica family and the gypsy gang have joined forces again and are planning to seek revenge on you.

They planned to do it tonight, to be precise, those scumbags were going to do it in the early morning, when people were already in a state of deep sleep, and it was the time when their defenses were most relaxed.

Those scumbags are going to sneak into the Medici Villa Hotel in the dark, hold the hotel staff hostage, sneak into your floor without anyone noticing, and then launch a bloody revenge.

By listening to the conversation between them, we learned that those scumbags have prepared a large number of automatic weapons, including many automatic rifles, and even grenades and the like, with good firepower!

In addition to the attack plan, those scumbags have also planned the retreat route and prepared the manpower and vehicles to respond. Once they succeed, they will withdraw from Florence as soon as possible."

"Hey——! It's not a good person, it seems that tonight is destined to be another sleepless night, and another incomparably wonderful show will be staged, and there will be more scumbags in hell.

Just let those scumbags come here, I will never refuse anyone who comes, I will send them all to hell one by one, to join the scumbags who died in the morning, hell is their destination.

Can you guys pinpoint where those scumbags are hiding? It's not rude to come and go, since those scumbags are determined to seek death, if possible, I would also like to visit those scumbags in person."

Ye Tian sneered and said in a low voice, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Immediately afterwards, he got the answer he wanted.

"By monitoring the new mobile phone numbers of those scumbags and then performing GPS positioning, we have locked the hiding place of those scumbags, which is not far from the Medici Villa Hotel.

The remaining members of the outer legion of the Casamonica family and the scum of the gypsy gang have gathered in one place by night, just to catch them all in one go"

Kenny's voice came again, sounding very excited, obviously watching the excitement is not a big deal.

"That's great. Later, if you send the location information of those scumbags' hiding places and other relevant information, I may use it, and I may notify the police to take action.

Remember, this matter must be kept secret, and the news must not be leaked, it will definitely cause some unnecessary troubles, I don't want to see that happen"

Ye Tian said in a deep voice, the murderous look in his eyes became more intense.

"Don't worry, Steven, I'm not a big mouther, and I understand the stakes, and I will never leak the secret"

Kenny replied confidently, his tone much more serious.

Then he said a few more words before Ye Tian hung up the phone and ended the call.

Immediately afterwards, he called Matisse's cell phone and began to arrange other things.

"Matisse, release the news, during the period of time when I am fighting with the Casamonica family, if other people dare to take advantage of the fire and rob, then I will definitely send them all to hell when I free my hand.

Especially the major mafia families in New York, such as the Gambino family, etc., you must keep an eye on those guys. The New York mafia families are inextricably linked with the Italian mafia, so you have to be careful.

You can get someone to give the mafia families a message that they better stay out of it and watch it, and if they insist on getting involved in this war, be prepared to go to hell.

In addition, we must strengthen the security of the company and the 78th Street logistics base, ensure everyone's personal safety, and protect Betty's and me's home, and also protect Betty's parents who are far away in Boston"

"Understood, Steven, I will release the news later, as for the five major mafia families in New York, I will also ask someone to bring a message, I believe they will make the most sensible choice.

Since noon today, we have strengthened security, all security personnel are on high alert, ready to fight at any time, everything is under our control"

Mattis responded, speaking very firmly and confidently.

Afterwards, Ye Tian gave a few more instructions before ending the call.

At the same time, Kenny also sent the information on the hideout of those scumbags.

Ye Tian immediately clicked on the message and began to check the specific content.

As Kenny said before, the hiding place of those scumbags is near the Medici Villa Hotel. The straight-line distance is only three to four hundred meters, and they can rush to the hotel very quickly, which is very convenient for movement.

The hideout, a historic building built in the late eighteenth century and now a private club, belonged to a native Florentine merchant, and nothing suspicious appeared to be there.

After carefully reading the message, Ye Tian turned off the phone, put the phone in his pocket, and walked back to Betty.

Next, they began to visit the Baptistery of San Giovanni, a world-famous Romanesque ancient building.

In a blink of an eye, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening, the sky outside became darker, the light rain was still falling, and the weather became cooler!

Ye Tian and the others finally finished their visit, walked out of the Baptistery of San Giovanni talking and laughing, and prepared to drive back to the Medici Villa Hotel.

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