Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1675 Night Ghost

The convoy left the square of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, passed through dark and winding ancient streets, and drove towards the Medici Villa Hotel.

Just like when they arrived, there were three police cars from the Florence Police Department at the front and back of the convoy, and the lights were flashing non-stop, adding to the tense atmosphere.

As soon as he left the square in front of Notre Dame Cathedral, Ye Tian said through the wireless invisible headset:

"Cole, inform all the guys, raise the alert level to the highest, and be ready to fight at any time. The outer legion of the Casamonica family and the gypsy gang will launch revenge tonight.

According to Kenny's monitoring, those scumbags are going to sneak into the hotel to launch an attack in the early hours of the morning, but just in case, we must be vigilant on the way back to the hotel, especially when we return to the hotel.

Inform all the armed security personnel hiding in the dark, find a way to gather around the Medici Villa Hotel, and then find a place to hide, wait for those scum to come to the hotel, and then send them to hell"

"Understood, Steven, I'll let the guys know right away"

Cole replied in a deep voice, and immediately took action.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly began to arrange through the walkie-talkie, and notified the security personnel staying in the hotel, as well as the armed security personnel hiding in the dark.

After receiving the news, all security personnel immediately raised their vigilance and entered a wartime state in an instant, ready to go into battle at any time.

At the same time, Ye Tian was also making preparations, and Betty, who was sitting next to him, watched his every move in amazement.

In less than two minutes, Ye Tian completely changed.

While talking to Cole, he had already acted, and the probe took out a black backpack from under the car seat, which contained a lot of camouflage supplies that had been prepared earlier.

Next, he quickly took off his coat and shoes, took out a waterproof black sportswear and a pair of black soft-soled boots from his backpack, and put them on himself.

Then he took out another exquisite box, took out a bionic human skin mask, put it on his face, and instantly turned into a white man in his twenties and thirties with a beard.

Next, he took out a black waterproof fisherman hat from his backpack and put it on his head, then put on a pair of black full-finger gloves to protect his hands.

done this,

He put all the things he replaced into the black backpack, and stuffed two pistols, a G36C short assault rifle, and a lot of magazines into it.

Of course, there was also an extremely sharp German combat knife, which he tied around his calf and covered it with the hem of his trousers, so he could pull it out with his hand and use it for killing.

Underneath his water-resistant black sport coat, in holsters under his left and right armpit, he carried an M9 pistol with a suppressor.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian turned into a night walker, like a god of death wandering in the dark world, with a murderous aura emanating from all over him.

Seeing all that happened before her eyes, Betty was completely dumbfounded, she stared at the strange Ye Tian dumbfoundedly, her eyes were filled with disbelief.

If she hadn't witnessed the whole process with her own eyes, she would never have believed that the murderous white man in front of her was actually her husband.

After changing up, Ye Tian quickly checked his image and the equipment on his body, and made sure there were no flaws, so he whispered to Betty:

"Honey, I'm going to leave the convoy alone to do some business later, the reason why I'm changing up like this is to make it easier to move, not to show any flaws, and to avoid trouble.

Don't worry, I won't have any problems, and I will be back in a short time. Maybe I have already returned to the convoy before you return to the Medici Villa Hotel"

"Ok darling, stay safe, you're a crazy guy, it's all just amazing, it's like magic"

Betty nodded in response, her eyes still full of shock.

She more or less guessed some of the purpose of Ye Tian's disguise and what he was going to do, but she was not worried about Ye Tian's personal safety at all.

In Betty's view, her husband is omnipotent, there is nothing he can't do in this world, and no one can hurt him.

Next, Ye Tian said through the invisible wireless headset:

"Cole, go ahead and increase the distance between the vehicles a little bit, and take advantage of the winding streets of Florence to effectively avoid the sight of the policemen in front and behind.

Find a suitable time and place, I will get out of the car alone to do some errands, do not want to be seen by those Florence police, and I will be back before you return to the Medici Hotel.

After I get out of the car and leave, you continue to move forward. After driving for a certain distance, find a street with better lighting conditions. You can stop and delay for a while.

Excuses are very easy to find, just say that one of the cars broke down, and when I finish my work, I will notify you to start again, and then come back to meet you and go back to the hotel together."

"Understood, Steven, I'll let the guys know"

Cole responded without asking any more questions.

In fact, Cole knew what Ye Tian was going to do when he quietly got out of the car, those scumbags who were going to take revenge in the dark were going to be in trouble!

Needless to say, those scumbags will never see the sun again tomorrow morning, each of them will go to hell tonight!

While speaking, the distance between the vehicles was quietly widened, and the entire convoy also became longer.

Naturally, the distance between the police car leading the way in front of the convoy and the police car following behind, and the bulletproof SUV that Ye Tian and Betty were riding in the middle of the convoy was even further.

Coupled with the cover of night and the winding streets of the old city, the Florence policemen in the front and back would never have been able to detect Ye Tian's actions without doing mental calculations.

The convoy continued to drive forward for a certain distance, and everything was as usual.

When the convoy entered a curved street and passed a one-way fork, the rear door of the bulletproof SUV that Ye Tian was riding in suddenly opened a gap silently.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian, ​​who was wearing night clothes, jumped out of the car extremely lightly and quickly, then rushed into the empty one-way street, and disappeared into the night.

His movements were swift, like a ghost walking in the dark night, flashing past the intersection, and then completely disappeared without a trace!


With a soft sound, the door was closed again, and the convoy continued to drive forward, as if nothing had happened.

Soon, the entire convoy drove past the fork, followed closely by three police cars, and the police lights were still flashing.

When passing through this fork, the Florence police in the police cars behind also looked into the one-way street, but saw nothing, not even a ghost.

While these policemen were looking into the street, Ye Tianzheng was squatting behind a trash can seven or eight meters inside the intersection, waiting for the convoy and police cars to leave the intersection, and then started to act.

While waiting, he reached out and took out the invisible wireless earphones in his ears, turned them off, put them back on, and switched his phone to silent mode.

In this way, no one can detect and track his next actions, including Kenny and the others in New York, and Cole and the others in the convoy.

As for the situation in this street, he already knew it clearly through the satellite map. When he got out of the car and entered this street, he also turned on the perspective and quickly looked through it.

Unlike other modern cities, there are not too many surveillance probes in the old city of Florence, and they are generally only distributed around famous museums, historical buildings and tourist attractions.

Such as Uffizi Museum, Santa Maria del Fiore Basilica and so on.

The street Ye Tian is in is very common in the old city of Florence. There are no surveillance cameras at the intersection and inside the street.

And this is why Ye Tian chose to jump off the car here. With the help of the terrain and the dark night here, he can quickly hide himself without being discovered by anyone.

After the convoy and police cars had all passed the intersection, Ye Tian paused for a while, then stood up and walked out from behind the trash can!

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head to look at the empty small street, and then walked towards a few scooters parked not far away, his footsteps were unusually light without a single sound.

During the march, he put his right hand into his arms.

When this hand reappeared, there was a thin steel piece in it, shining with a faint cold light.

While speaking, he had already come to the row of scooters.

While stopping in his tracks, he quickly looked through all the seven or eight scooters, chose a black scooter, and stretched out his hand to gently remove the raincloth covering it.

After identifying the target, he immediately squatted down, and with the steel sheet in his hand, he opened the iron chain that locked the car without hindrance at an astonishing speed.

Next, he disarmed the alarm silently, then picked up the rear wheel of the scooter, pushed the scooter forward for more than ten meters, and then stepped on the scooter.

A moment later, on this quiet small street, there was a sudden roar of a motorcycle engine, the sound was not loud, and it quickly disappeared from this street and quickly went away.

In Florence, there are too many scooters, and basically everyone has one.

Because of this, there is nothing strange about hearing motorcycles in the middle of the night, and people are so used to it that they don't even bother to look out the window!

As the roar of scooter engines faded away, this dimly lit street quickly returned to tranquility!

There was no other sound except the constant tick-tick of rainwater falling from the eaves and onto the flagstone floor.

It has been raining lightly for a whole day, and it still has no intention of stopping at all, and it is still falling.

The weather became colder, and there seemed to be a bloody smell in the damp air!

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