Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1676 Joint Vengeance Action

In the icy drizzle, Ye Tian rode that black scooter through the quiet streets and quickly approached his destination.

Because of the fire incident in the morning, the atmosphere in Florence shrouded in night was still very tense. There were many patrol cars and heavily armed policemen on the street, each of them seemed to be facing an enemy!

But this is an old city, and many streets are very narrow, and police cars can't get in at all. In addition, these streets extend in all directions, like spider webs, and the police can't take care of them all.

Moreover, Ye Tian has the ability of seeing through, so he can detect the situation ahead from a long distance, determine whether there is danger ahead, whether he will be bumped into by the police, so that he can avoid it in advance.

So this journey was very smooth, without any trouble, and occasionally only met a few nocturnal passers-by, passing each other.

But in the ancient building built in the late eighteenth century a few streets away, the atmosphere was extremely solemn at this time, and the air seemed to be filled with a choking smell of gunpowder.

The remaining members of the Florentine Legion of the Casamonica family, as well as many scumbags of the gypsy gang, have gathered in the living room of this private club, preparing for the night's revenge.

This living room has a large area, nearly one hundred square meters, luxuriously furnished and distinct colors, giving people a gaudy feeling, and it looks like an erotic place.

From the style and layout of many furniture in the living room, as well as the exaggerated lamps and top-level audio equipment, plus some vertical steel pipes, etc., it is absolutely certain that this place also functions as a dance hall.

Obviously, this private club is a secret erotic place, and it is quite high-end. The controller behind it is either the Casamonica family or the gypsy gang!

These guys are all real scumbags, murdering and arson, taking drugs and selling drugs, robbery and theft, etc. They do almost all kinds of evil, of course, including the porn industry.

As long as it is an illegal business that can make huge profits, these scumbags are almost involved.

In the process of doing business, these guys are sometimes allies, and sometimes they are life-and-death competitors. They wish they could kill each other directly and enjoy all the profits of a certain business to themselves.

When these two gangs of scum get together, the atmosphere in this living room becomes tense and full of gunpowder. It's no wonder that even though they are allies now, they have to deal with the same enemy!

In order to avoid attracting the attention of the police, every window in this living room was tightly sealed at this time, no light was exposed, and it looked pitch black from the outside.

Moreover, only a few lights were turned on in the living room for illumination, and the luxurious Rococo-style crystal chandeliers on the central ceiling were never turned on at all.

With the dim light, it can be seen that the remaining members of the Florentine Legion of the Casamonica family and those gypsy gangsters are clearly divided into two sides of the living room.

The place where the scumbags from the Casamonica family were located was relatively close to the gate of the clubhouse. They were sitting or standing. There were a total of twenty or so people in a very imposing manner. Everyone's eyes were full of anger and hatred.

The seven or eight guys sitting on the sofa are basically over thirty-five years old. Obviously, they have a high status in this peripheral army and have a certain right to speak. The rest of the minions can only stand behind.

Those gypsy gangsters occupied the other half of the living room, closer to the back door of the living room, and there were nearly twenty of them. Everyone had a hostile face and eyes full of anger.

Like the mafia scum across the street, the leading figures of the gypsy gang sat on the sofa in the front, and the rest of the minions sat or stood scattered behind them.

Whether it was the mafia scum of the Casamonica family or the gypsy gangsters, the table and coffee table in front of them were full of guns and ammunition, and the amount was quite astonishing.

Among them are pistols, submachine guns, assault rifles, and shotguns, as well as two full boxes of grenades and a large number of full magazines. The firepower is very powerful enough to fight a low-intensity urban war.

In addition, on a coffee table in the middle of the living room, there are five or six pieces of Kevlar body armor. Although the style is old and heavy, the protection ability is also very good.

Those minions standing behind the leading figures on both sides basically shot each other, and everyone was on high alert, staring at each other.

Obviously, the targets of these guys' alerts include not only the Florence police and Ye Tian who may come to the door at any time, but also those guys on the opposite side.

Before today, although these two gangs cooperated occasionally, they were competitors and enemies more often. God knows how many conflicts had occurred.

Except in the living room, on the second and third floors of this historical building and private club, there are people hiding behind the windows, keeping a close eye on the situation on the front and rear streets.

Moreover, each of them is carrying a loaded automatic rifle in their hands, which can be fired when they are lifted up, condescending, and suppressing enemies that suddenly appear on the front and rear streets.

As time passed, midnight was getting closer and closer, and the many gangsters gathered in this building became more and more excited, and even a little impatient.

Whether it was the gang leaders sitting on the sofa in the living room or the minions standing behind them, they were all discussing in low voices.

Don't even think about it, the topic they are discussing is of course the upcoming revenge.

Each of them was thinking about how to kill Ye Tian later, and send him and his tough security personnel to hell to vent their hatred and avenge their brothers who died in the morning.

"If you want me to say, we should take advantage of the night to do it on the street. Aren't those bastards visiting the Basilica of Our Lady of the Flowers? We just need to set up an ambush on the way to the Medici Hotel.

The streets in Florence are very narrow, as long as we block Steven and his gang of American bastards on a certain street and attack from front to back, we will definitely kill those bastards and send them to hell."

A leader of the gypsy gang gritted his teeth and said, his words and eyes were full of hatred, and he was a little disapproving, even disdainful!

The revenge action plan tonight was proposed and led by those guys from the Casamonica family, and the gypsy gang obeyed.

As old opponents, many people in this gypsy gang inevitably feel a little bit upset and look down on them, thinking that these mafia members are too cautious.

To put it bluntly, they even think that these mafia members have been frightened by Steven's gang of American bastards, so they are so cautious and timid.

As soon as the gypsy leader's words fell, a leader of the Casamonica family on the opposite side immediately sneered and said:

"Ambush Steven's gang of bastards halfway? Don't dream, those bastards drive Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUVs, which are extremely strong. In a short time, it is impossible for us to defeat those American bastards.

And there are a lot of heavily armed Florence police following those bastards. If we ambush halfway, we have to fight the police before we have fought against Steven's **** bastards.

At that time, we will face the crazy siege of all the policemen in the city, no matter whether we can succeed, kill that bastard Steven, and then want to withdraw from Florence afterwards, it will definitely be impossible."

Hearing these words, the face of the gypsy man just now changed suddenly, becoming very ugly and embarrassed, and a stern light full of hatred flashed quickly in his eyes.

However, he didn't refute the guy opposite, and for a while, he couldn't think of how to refute!

The mafia scum on the opposite side ignored him at all, and continued to speak eloquently.

"Also, the streets of the old city of Florence are like spider webs. No matter how you go, you will end up at the Medici Villa Hotel. We can't determine the return route of those American bastards at all.

Don't forget, Steven's damn bastard is known for his insidiousness and cunning. God knows what route he will choose. We can't follow those bastards all over the city with assault rifles, can we?

Once we appear on the street, I'm sure that we will be spotted by the police within a short distance, and then we will either run away or hide, or fight the police, let alone ambush!

In other words, we can't track Steven and those bastards at all. In this extraordinary period, others can't believe it. What if we are sold by those bastards, the police are hunting us all over the world.

Combining these factors, if we want to avenge the brothers who died in the morning, we can only do it at the Medici Hotel, catch Steven and those bastards by surprise, and kill them.

And you have to act fast, hit and retreat quickly, absolutely not let the Florence police get caught up, we have already arranged for the Medici Hotel, we can sneak into that hotel without anyone noticing"

Hearing this, many gypsy gangsters couldn't help but fell silent. Although they were still upset, they also agreed with the revenge action plan formulated by those mafia scumbags.

After a short pause, the boss of the gypsy gang spoke up, temporarily changing the subject.

"Antonio, should your Casamonica family fulfill their previous promise? Pay the final payment of the hired gunman. You know, the two brothers we died have family members to support them"

"Pay the balance? How is it possible? Tony made an agreement with those two guys before the action in the morning. Only by killing that bastard Steven can he receive the other half of the money!

The result is obvious, the operation failed! That bastard Steven is still alive and well, not a single hair has fallen out, why should we take advantage of it and pay the other half of the money?

Besides, seven of our fellows died, and the loss was even greater. We would definitely have to pay a large sum of pensions, and we would have to go up and down. Who do we ask for the money?

Tony hired you guys, if you want the other half of the money, you can only ask Tony for it, this account should not be counted on us"

The mafia leader named Antonio said with a sneer, his eyes were full of disdain, and he seemed to look down on the group of gypsies in front of him, even though they were allies.

In fact, how many people in general Europeans can see Gypsies? This is especially true for the Italians who claim to be inherited from the great Roman Empire!

Following Antonio's words, the atmosphere in the living room suddenly became more tense, and the eyes of every gypsy gangster present were bursting with flames of anger.

At this moment, at the corner of the street where this historical building is located, a black shadow suddenly flashed, fleeting, and disappeared into the darkness in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

The guys guarding the windows on the second and third floors of the building didn't notice the shadow at all, and they were still staring at the deserted street.

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