Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1686 Da Vinci's unfinished work

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, the exhibition room of the northern painters in the Uffizi Gallery.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others were standing in front of "The Arrival of the Magi" by Leonardo da Vinci, one of the three masters of Renaissance art, admiring the treasure of the Uffizi Museum.

"The Advent of the Three Magi" is an oil painting created by Da Vinci in 1481. It is very large in size, about 2.5 meters high and 2.5 meters wide. It is an unfinished work.

The reason why it is said to be unfinished is that when creating this oil painting, Da Vinci left Florence halfway, went to Milan, and left this unfinished painting in Florence.

Even so, the artistic value of this painting is extraordinary, it has a very important position in the history of Western art, and it is shrouded in many mysteries.

This has attracted countless experts and scholars in the industry, as well as art lovers, who have been studying this painting for many years, trying to uncover the mystery shrouded in this painting.

"The Adoration of the Three Magi" is based on the story of the three magi who came to worship when Jesus was born in the Bible, which has a very strong religious color.

In this unfinished work, Leonardo da Vinci did not simply list the relevant characters from a narrative perspective, but displayed his artistic innovation with a sharply contrasting composition and image expression.

The Madonna, the Holy Child, and the three oriental magi under Da Vinci's brush form a stable triangular composition, but the surrounding crowd circles around with excited gestures, like a whirlpool composed of crowds.

The architectural ruins drawn in precise perspective on the background and the galloping horse team also form a strong contrast.

When depicting the figures in the foreground, especially the onlookers, Leonardo da Vinci chose dark tones to allow the figures to emerge from the shadows, contrary to the clear and revealing characteristics of 15th-century paintings, and striving for subtlety and subtlety.

This artistic expression technique is exactly the smoky tone created by Leonardo da Vinci.

Everyone stood in front of the painting and admired it quietly for a minute or two before Anderson whispered in doubt:

"Steven, let me explain this famous painting to everyone. I know the story of the Three Magi coming to court in the Bible, but to be honest, I can't understand this painting by Leonardo da Vinci"

As soon as his words fell, Betty immediately nodded and said:

"I am the same, the story of the Three Magi coming to court is no stranger, but this painting by Leonardo da Vinci gives me a feeling of mist,

I can't see through it! "

The same goes for other people at the scene, who basically couldn't understand this famous painting. They all looked at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to his professional explanation.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at his wife, then glanced at the crowd, and then said loudly with a smile:

"It's normal that you can't see through this painting "The Advent of the Magi". If you can see through this painting and unravel the fog that hangs over it, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

In the past five hundred years, countless painters, critics, experts in the identification of antique works of art, and art lovers have studied this painting in depth, but no one dares to say that they can see it through."

Hearing these words, everyone at the scene couldn't help but be speechless.

"Wow! For more than five hundred years, people haven't studied and understood the secret hidden in this painting. Could it be that this painting is also related to the famous Da Vinci Code?"

"Da Vinci seems to like doing such things very much, hiding secrets in paintings. The famous "Mona Lisa" has many unsolved mysteries, and this "The Three Magi" is actually the same!"

Amidst the heated discussion, people became more interested in this outstanding painting by Leonardo da Vinci, and they were full of expectations for Ye Tian's next professional explanation.

When the sound of the scene subsided, Ye Tian immediately continued:

"You guessed it right, this "The Advent of the Magi" is also related to the famous Da Vinci Code, but it was created at a different time from the "Mona Lisa", and the secrets hidden on it are also different.

Next, I will explain to you this mysterious painting by Da Vinci. Based on my observation and understanding, I will try to interpret the fog that shrouds this famous painting. Let’s just listen to it.”

"clap clap"

There was a burst of warm applause at the scene, everyone was applauding Ye Tian, ​​everyone was full of interest and expectation.

After the applause fell, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out immediately.

"The Advent of the Three Magi" is an oil painting created by Da Vinci in 1481. Later, because he was going to Milan, he failed to complete this painting, so he left it in Florence.

Da Vinci was only 29 years old when he created this painting, and it was also the first important painting in his life. Among the 15 Da Vinci works extant in the world, it can be regarded as a treasure.

Although this is an unfinished work, it marks that Da Vinci's artistic style has matured, and his artistic creativity in this painting has far surpassed his teachers and peers.

His dark painting method makes the figures stand out from the shadows, breaking through the clear and revealing characteristics of traditional paintings. The emergence of this painting heralds the arrival of the Renaissance style.

Through this unfinished masterpiece, one can gain a deeper understanding of da Vinci's psychology, his working methods, and his treatment of various symbols of Christianity and traditional Florentine imagery.

In this painting, we can also see his extraordinary sensibility to dynamism and vortex movement, which is one of the major reasons why he is different from other painters of the same period, and it is his genius.

In addition, the painting also reveals other information. On the far right of the painting, there is a tall young man wearing a long robe. It is almost certain that it is a self-portrait of Da Vinci around the age of 29."

As he spoke, Ye Tian pointed to the right side of the famous painting in front of him, pointing out the not-so-clear figure on the canvas.

Following the direction of his finger, everyone on the scene looked there, and soon saw the young man on the canvas.

"Hey! Sure enough, there is a tall young man there. Da Vinci looked like this when he was young!"

"Really, this is more or less a secret, although many people know it"

There was a lot of discussion at the scene, and everyone was discussing with great interest.

After a short pause, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again, immediately covering all the voices on the scene.

"The Advent of the Magi is one of the most common themes in Renaissance paintings. The Magi came to Bethlehem to pay homage to the newborn Christ. There are many paintings on this theme.

In this painting, Leonardo Da Vinci expresses all the traditional elements of the subject, but he is bold and innovative in dealing with the group portraits, which is completely different from the paintings of the same name by other artists.

The characters in this painting are not on the road, but in a stormy vortex. There are more than 60 images of people and animals in total, each with its own characteristics and no similarities.

In its unfinished, ambiguous form, the multitude of figures bewilders, the reverent and curious pilgrims appearing to be nothing more than a mob.

The crowd surrounded the Virgin and Child. Although the Virgin and Child were the center, surrounded by the surrounding crowd, it seemed that the Virgin and Child were weak, as if something was about to swallow them up.

This threatening swirling crowd not only represents the symbolic gift from the three magi, but also heralds the child's future, which must be extraordinary,..."

Ye Tianqing's clear voice kept coming out, echoing in the northern painters' showroom, and reaching the ears of every visitor on the scene.

While admiring the famous painting in front of them, people listened to Ye Tian's explanation, everyone's minds had been brought into this painting by him unconsciously.

While introducing and explaining, Ye Tian has turned on perspective again, looking at Da Vinci's "The Three Magi Come to Court".

This is one of the main reasons why he visited the Uffizi Gallery, to see if he could find something from this famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

Previously at the Louvre in Paris, he found some mysterious characters and Fibonacci numbers on the "Mona Lisa" and "The Virgin of the Rocks". Maybe this painting can also be found.

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