Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1687 500 Years of Secret

As far as he could see, this legendary painting by Leonardo da Vinci, "The Advent of the Three Magi", was instantly seen through by Ye Tian, ​​from the outside to the inside.

On the surface of the painting, he saw many traces of poor modification and paints that did not match the original painting's creation period, with a difference of nearly 140 years.

The paint was applied crudely and amateurishly, a far cry from Leonardo da Vinci's reputation for masterful brushstrokes, and traces of this smearing are all over the painting.

If you don't observe and identify it carefully, people will easily think that this is a fake work, not the real work of Da Vinci himself.

In fact, in the history of Western art, many people think so.

Fortunately, after entering the modern era, through a series of high-tech detection methods, these doubts were eliminated, and it was confirmed that this painting is indeed the authentic work of Leonardo da Vinci.

It is these traces of poor modification that just confirm some important research conclusions.

When creating this painting "The Advent of the Three Magi", Leonardo da Vinci made some revolutionary changes in his creative techniques, which differentiated him from all other paintings of the same name and made him unique.

This also includes the "Adventure of the Three Magi" created by Botticelli in 1475, which is also collected in the Uffizi Gallery and displayed in the exhibition hall of the Florentine School in the fifteenth century.

However, Da Vinci's revolutionary changes were not accepted by conservative priests.

The priests who commissioned him to create this painting expected Leonardo da Vinci to wonderfully display the traditional picture celebrating the birth of Jesus, but Da Vinci ran counter to the expectations of the priests.

The chaotic and ugly figures around the Madonna and Child are already unsettling, and it is even more unheard of for Leonardo da Vinci to paint a scene of a fierce battle in this painting.

Seeing the manuscript drawn by Da Vinci, how could the priests accept such a rebellious painting "The Advent of the Three Magi"?

So, the rebellious Da Vinci gave up the creation of this painting, and this unfinished work was also discarded in a leaky warehouse, and no one cared about it.

Many years later, when da Vinci's work became popular in the art market and became a valuable bestseller, it was remembered again and cleaned up.

An anonymous botched artist tampered with the draft and painted it to turn it into a better-selling classic religious painting, while Da Vinci's true vision was hidden under layers of paint.

While seeing through in the dark,

Ye Tianqing's clear voice still echoed in the exhibition hall and reached the ears of everyone present.

"...Speaking of the self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci in the painting, the way and technique in which Leonardo da Vinci presents his self-image here is almost exactly the same as that of Botticelli in the painting of the same name.

Since you have come to the Uffizi Gallery, you must have visited the "Advent of the Three Magi" created by Botticelli in 1475 and displayed in the exhibition hall of the Florentine School in the fifteenth century.

In that painting, a young man with his body turned away from the painting is considered to be Botticelli's self-portrait, which is almost exactly the same as Leonardo da Vinci's position in this painting.

Because the tempera painting was earlier, obviously, da Vinci had seen that painting and borrowed it from it, why would he do that? It is still a mystery.

Next, let's analyze this painting from the aspect of religion. First of all, I want to declare that I am an atheist, and I am just discussing the facts. Don't make random associations! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene couldn't help but nodded slightly, and there was no objection.

At the same time, everyone secretly admired him.

This guy Steven is extremely cautious, there is no loophole to catch at all, no wonder he can get along so well, it's not for nothing.

After a short pause, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again.

"Presumably everyone has noticed that in Da Vinci's "Adventure of the Magi", the image of Joseph, the father of Jesus, cannot be seen. This is a huge question that has troubled people for more than 500 years.

In the story of "The Adoration of the Three Magi", Joseph is a very basic element, and other elements basically appear in this painting, but the image of Joseph is missing, which is puzzling.

This has never happened in other paintings of the same name by other artists, except Leonardo, who always excluded Joseph from the Holy Family, and the same is true of "Madonna of the Rocks"!

What exactly is this for? No one knows the answer, maybe only Da Vinci himself knows, here, I will not speculate wildly, maybe one day, someone will be able to unlock this secret.

In Leonardo da Vinci's "The Advent of the Three Magi", there are a few details, with a bit of religious meaning, which are worth pondering carefully. One of them is the tree in the center of the painting.

The roots of the tree meander down as if to touch Christ's head, an allusion to Isaiah's prophecy that 'a branch shall grow from the trunk of Jesse, and a branch shall grow from his root'

The dilapidated stone building in the painting has been overgrown with bushes, and the dilapidated house is a symbol that often appears in paintings, alluding to the destroyed "David's house", and the birth of Christ will restore it,..."

During the process of explaining, Ye Tian's eyes had already penetrated the surface of the painting and saw the deeper secrets.

He almost cheered when his eyes pierced the surface of the painting to see what was hidden beneath.

Beneath the layer of inferior paint applied later on the surface of the painting is a smeared layer of leaden white, evidence of a second draft.

Under this white layer of lead is Leonardo da Vinci's original draft, which is also the initial appearance of this painting "The Three Magi Come to Court".

On the original draft, Ye Tian clearly saw Da Vinci's self-portrait at the age of twenty-nine, which was much clearer than the surface of the painting, with fuller, more vivid characters and smoother lines.

In the painting visible to the naked eye, the two fierce horses are fighting. Under the perspective, there are two medieval knights on the horses, and the two sides are fighting fiercely.

This scene of fighting is one of the main reasons why Da Vinci's "The Advent of the Magi" was cast aside by conservative priests and regarded as treasonous.

Compared with the surface of the painting visible to the naked eye, under the perspective, Ye Tian saw more characters, and 30 brand new characters appeared around Jesus and the Virgin Mary.

A group of masons among them, appearing to be renovating a church, seems to symbolize the reconstruction of post-war homes.

Moreover, there is a painting within a painting in this work. On the far side of the painting, on the distant horizon, there is a lonely and leisurely elephant. This is another puzzling riddle left by Da Vinci!

These findings, while surprising, are not new.

Just less than ten years ago, someone used infrared scanning technology to discover these secrets, which caused a huge sensation at the time.

The discoveries that really surprised Ye Tian and almost cheered him up were certainly not these.

On Da Vinci's original sketches, he again saw several mysterious characters, and a set of Fibonacci numbers, which were different from what he saw in the "Mona Lisa" and "Madonna of the Rocks" .

These mysterious characters and the Fibonacci sequence are hidden in different places and are extremely difficult to be discovered.

There are a total of four mysterious characters, two of which are Leonardo da Vinci's initials, and the meaning of the other two characters is unknown. They are hidden between the bricks at the bottom of the church.

The newly emerged Fibonacci sequence is hidden in different positions of the painting, and each position is very hidden.

After quickly browsing these mysterious characters and the Fibonacci sequence and keeping them firmly in his mind, Ye Tian began to secretly think about their meanings.

Combining the previous discoveries on the two Da Vinci paintings of "Mona Lisa" and "Our Lady of the Rocks", he boldly gave a guess.

The combination of those mysterious characters may be a place name, or it may be a clue pointing to a certain treasure, and those Fibonacci numbers are likely to be a string of passwords to open the treasure.

As for what is in this treasure, whether it was buried by Leonardo da Vinci himself is temporarily unknown. Only when the treasure is found can the riddle with a history of 500 years be solved.

While seeing Da Vinci's original manuscript, as well as the mysterious characters and the Fibonacci sequence, Ye Tian also saw the poplar boards under the manuscript, the partition behind it, and so on.

Even the wall behind this painting, and the exhibition hall on the other side of the wall, he has seen through and seen everything at a glance!

His clear voice still kept echoing in the exhibition hall.

"After Leonardo da Vinci left Florence, the "Advent of the Magi" disappeared from people's field of vision. It was not until the beginning of the seventeenth century that it reappeared in the collection list of the Medici family..."

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