Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1688 Swimming in the Ocean of Art

After appreciating "The Advent of the Magi", Ye Tian and the others soon came to another painting also by Da Vinci, "Annunciation", and began to appreciate this famous top-level artwork.

To be precise, the painting "Annunciation" is not the work of Da Vinci alone, but a painting he completed in collaboration with the master artist Verrocchio when he was young.

Verrocchio was a famous Italian Renaissance painter and one of the most influential artists in the second half of the fifteenth century.

He also had another more important and famous identity, he was the teacher of famous painters such as Leonardo da Vinci and Botticelli.

Among his students, there is also a famous painter named Perugino, who is one of the three masters of fine arts and Raphael's teacher.

In addition, Verrocchio had a great influence on Michelangelo.

It can be said that as long as it talks about the Renaissance movement and the three masters of Renaissance art, Verrocchio cannot be avoided.

In the history of Western art, this is a very special and very important top artist.

When appreciating "The Annunciation", Ye Tian did not forget to turn on the perspective secretly to explore the secrets hidden behind this painting.

It is a pity that he did not find mysterious characters and Fibonacci numbers on this famous painting, unlike the other Da Vinci paintings he had seen before.

But he discovered that da Vinci used a lead-free paint while Verrocchio used a lead-based paint.

At first glance, there is nothing extraordinary about this painting other than it is a top-notch work of art that is priceless.

However, if this famous painting is scanned under a modern X-ray machine, people will find that Da Vinci's painting of the Archangel Gabriel has disappeared and become invisible.

This is just a little trick or cleverness played by Da Vinci. It seems not surprising now, but it is an incredible miracle in the era he lived in.

It can be seen from this point that Da Vinci is worthy of the reputation of a genius in all fields and the title of a scientist.

Through the perspective of the painting "The Annunciation", Ye Tian was also able to confirm that Da Vinci was not an alien like some mythical legends.

At least in this painting,

Ye Tian didn't find evidence that Da Vinci was an alien, he was just a talented and intelligent top artist, or a genius in all fields.

After appreciating this "Annunciation", Ye Tian and the others admired other top artworks also displayed in this exhibition hall, and continued to swim in the ocean of art to their heart's content.

These include the works of the famous painter Mantegna of the Padua school, the works of the famous painters of the Venetian school Bellini and Giorgione, the works of the famous innovative painter Correggio and so on.

Without exception, every piece of art displayed in this exhibition hall is beautiful and priceless, and they are all well-deserved top-level works of art, which are pleasing to the eye and fascinating!

By the time Ye Tian and the others walked out of the northern painters' showroom, it was already past six o'clock in the afternoon.

Due to time constraints, they can only take a quick look at the next visit and greatly increase the speed of the visit, otherwise it is impossible to visit the remaining exhibition halls of the Uffizi Gallery.

In the showroom of German painters, they saw outstanding works of top art masters such as Dürer and Cranach, each of which can be called a German national treasure.

Then in the late Renaissance showroom, they saw two other treasures of the Uffizi Gallery, Raphael's "Madonna of the Goldfinch" and Michelangelo's "Holy Family".

Through perspective, Ye Tian also discovered two hidden secrets in Raphael's "Virgin of the Goldfinch", which have never been discovered before!

However, these two secrets are related to this painting, and they don't point to a treasure somewhere. For Ye Tian, ​​it doesn't matter whether he finds it or not, and he doesn't do art research.

In addition to these two treasures of the town hall, in this exhibition hall, there are also outstanding works of famous Tuscan painters such as Magnierist.

The next Venetian School showroom displays a series of outstanding works by famous Venetian School painters such as Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto.

Among them, "Flora" and "Venus of Urbino" by art master Titian are the most outstanding and precious. These two top works of art are also the treasures of the Uffizi Gallery. .

Even if they took a quick look at the flowers, by the time Ye Tian and the others finished browsing the remaining exhibition halls and admiring the top artworks displayed in these exhibition halls, it would already be nine o'clock in the evening.

At this time, it was completely dark outside.

Because he knew the curator of the Uffizi Art Museum, and Ye Tian had great influence in the field of antique art collection, the Uffizi Art Museum made a special case and postponed the closing time for more than two hours.

It wasn't until Ye Tian and the others finished visiting all the exhibition halls and appreciating most of the top artworks on display that the Uffizi Art Museum was closed, ending today's exhibition activities.

If not, Ye Tian and the others can only leave today with regrets, and come here to visit again when they have a chance in the future.

When Ye Tian and the others walked out of the last exhibition hall full of enthusiasm and were about to leave the Uffizi Art Museum, they saw at a glance that several old and new friends were waiting at the entrance of the exhibition hall.

Among them are Filippo, director of the Uffizi Gallery, director of the Renaissance Art Department of the Uffizi Gallery, and Mario, president of the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.

Seeing these old and new friends, Ye Tian immediately put on a bright smile and walked over quickly.

"Good evening, gentlemen, I did not expect to see you again so soon, it is a pleasure to meet you, Filippo, and I would like to thank you especially, the Uffizi Gallery.

Thank you for your generosity and time, allowing us to enjoy the top art on display in this prestigious gallery, rather than leave with regret"

Filippo shook hands with Ye Tian with a smile on his face, and said politely:

"Good evening, Steven, you're such an energetic guy, full of enthusiasm, and even a bit of a sleepless night, it's no wonder you've achieved so much.

At this time, I also understand a little bit, why your eyes are so sharp, why you have such profound knowledge about antiques and artworks, your learning style is really scary.

Since you have come to Florence and visited the Uffizi Gallery, it is our honor, and it should be closed later, so there is no need to thank you. To be honest, we also want to make a good relationship! "

Next, Ye Tian greeted and shook hands with the others one by one, and said a few polite words.

After a while of pleasantries, Mario asked curiously:

"Steven, how do you arrange your next itinerary? I read the news report before, saying that you will go to Rome next"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"Tomorrow we are going to visit the Palazzo Pitti on the other side of the Arno River, and then we will leave Florence, go to Milan, the fashion capital, and then go to Rome.

I have long admired the Milan Canal Antique Market, Milan Cathedral, Da Vinci's masterpiece "The Last Supper", etc., of course I can't miss it! "

Hearing this, the Italians in front of them couldn't help but shudder secretly, and their backs felt cold.

Don't ask! The antique dealers in Milan are going to be in bad luck, and they cannot escape the tragic fate of being ransacked by Steven, just like the antique dealers in Florence!

While talking, everyone has already walked out of the Uffizi Gallery.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and the others bid farewell and left, and returned to the Medici Villa Hotel by car.

At this time, the atmosphere in the old city of Florence shrouded in darkness was still very tense. There were policemen patrolling with armed guns and live ammunition everywhere on the streets, all on high alert, as if facing an enemy.

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