Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1695 Nordic Porcelain

The porcelain that Ye Tian was referring to was a Kangxi five-color mallet vase.

That piece of porcelain was painted with a farewell picture of the long pavilion, which looked very beautiful, and it was placed in the middle of the booth, giving people a feeling of standing out from the crowd.

Following the direction of Ye Tian's finger, the stall owner looked at the colorful mallet bottle, then nodded and said:

"Good morning Mr Steven, welcome to my booth, nice to meet you, of course you can get your hands dirty, just be careful"

"Okay buddy, I'll be more careful"

As he said that, Ye Tian stretched out his hand to pick up the Kangxi five-color mallet bottle, put it on the table in front of him, and leaned over to start researching.

Betty and the others also came over to admire this beautiful piece of porcelain together.

"Kangxi Five Colors has been introduced to you before, so I won't repeat it. You may not be very familiar with the shape of the porcelain in front of you. This is called a mallet bottle, which is one of the traditional Chinese porcelain shapes.

The pattern drawn on this Kangxi colorful mallet vase is a farewell picture of the long pavilion, which is derived from the stories in the four classic Chinese classics "Journey to the West", and is a relatively common theme on traditional Chinese porcelain

The story tells that when Tang Xuanzang was ordered to leave Chang'an and set off to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures, Tang Taizong Li Shimin led all civil and military officials to the Changting Pavilion to bid farewell to the scene. There are many characters on it,..."

As in the past, Ye Tian explained to Betty and the others while admiring and appraising this piece of Kangxi colorful porcelain, and did not deliberately avoid the stall owner who was close at hand.

Of course, the moment he arrived at the booth, he already knew the authenticity of this Kangxi multicolored mallet bottle, and now it was just acting.

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the stall owner's eyes immediately flashed a look of surprise, even a bit of greed.

The eyes of the rest of the people at the scene also lit up, and their sights on the porcelain immediately became much hotter.

After carefully looking at this piece of porcelain over and over again, Ye Tian raised his head to look at the stall owner, and said with a smile:

"Man, what's the price of this Kangxi multicolored mallet bottle? Tell me about it"

The stall owner looked at the porcelain again, then fell silent, as if thinking.

After a while, the buddy gritted his teeth and said:

"Mr Steven,

This beautiful piece of Chinese porcelain costs 85,000 euros, if you can accept this price, you can take this antique Chinese porcelain away”

While quoting, the stall owner also stared at Ye Tian closely, expecting to hear the most pleasant answer.

Everyone else at the scene also stared at Ye Tian, ​​to see how he would respond, whether to accept the price or reject it.

"Wow! Eighty-five thousand euros, the price is too much beyond my estimate. It seems that this Kangxi colorful mallet bottle is not destined for me, so I have to miss it!"

Ye Tian smiled lightly and shook his head, then turned to look at the other porcelain in this booth.

As for the Kangxi colorful mallet bottle, he never took another look at it.

The stall owner was completely dumbfounded and stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded.

You pay the price, if it is done, you don't even pay the price, what do you mean? Could it be that you are playing with me?

Before the stall owner could give a response, Ye Tian pointed to another piece of porcelain on the stall, and began to inquire again.

"Dude, what's the price of this vase? It looks beautiful, like French GIEN porcelain"

Following the direction of his finger, the stall owner looked at the European-style vase on the stall, and then made an offer.

"You read that right, Mr. Steven, this is indeed a piece of French GIEN ceramics, and it is a fine piece of porcelain, perfect in appearance, very beautiful, and the price is 6,200 euros"

Obviously, this buddy has a long memory, and he didn't dare to ask the price again.

Although the quotation of 6,200 euros is a little higher, it is not too outrageous, and it is within a reasonable range!

In fact, most European ceramics are also difficult to ask for prices. These porcelains are basically marked with the date of production and the factory label. The market price is clear and there is little room for human manipulation.

Chinese porcelain is not the case. From ancient times to the present, all porcelain is only marked with the emperor's year name, indicating which dynasty it was made in.

Moreover, there have been countless imitations and fakes in all dynasties, such as Ming imitating Song, Ming imitating Yuan, Qing imitating Song, Qing imitating Ming and so on.

In modern times, with the rise of the collection craze, there are so many fakes of varying levels that it is impossible to distinguish the authenticity of porcelain unless it is an expert in the industry.

After hearing the quotation, Ye Tian didn't nod immediately, accepted the price, and took the European vase.

He reached out to pick up the vase from the booth, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully, then shook his head slightly, and put the vase back in its original place.

Obviously, he is not satisfied with this European vase, and he does not plan to buy this porcelain.

Next, he pointed out several pieces of porcelain one after another and asked the boss one by one for prices.

These include traditional porcelain from China that look like antiques, as well as porcelain from Europe. He is very interested in every piece of porcelain that he points out.

However, when the stall owner quoted the price, Ye Tian would shake his head and refuse, then move on to the next target and repeat the previous process.

Just like that, after coming down three or five times, the stall owner was already full of anger and was about to explode.

The quotations he gave for related porcelain are getting closer and closer to reality, even a little lower than the normal market price.

And this is exactly what Ye Tian wanted to see.

The time is ripe for a shot.

Ye Tian pointed to a set of porcelain again, smiled and said:

"If I'm not mistaken, the set of coffee pots and coffee cups should be the Danish Flower of Royal Copenhagen Ceramics. I don't know the price of that set of ceramics?"

The stall owner turned his head to look at the set of coffee pots and coffee cups in the corner of the stall, then gritted his back teeth and offered a price.

"That's right, it is indeed the Danish flower of Royal Copenhagen Ceramics, the price is 2,200 euros, if you can accept this price, that group of porcelain is yours!"

When he said this, the stall owner thought that Ye Tian was just asking about the price casually, and didn't intend to actually buy that group of porcelain, just like the previous few times.

However, what happened next was completely beyond his expectations.

"Okay buddy, 2200 euros deal, I want the Danish flower"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and extended his right hand to the stall owner.

"Ah! You really want this set of Royal Copenhagen china?"

The stall owner exclaimed in surprise, and couldn't even believe his ears.

"Of course it's true, man, unless you want to break your promise and get fat, I don't want to see that happen, and I believe you will too!"

Ye Tian responded with a smile, and there was a hint of threat in his tone.

Even if he is a fool, he already understands at this time that Ye Tian has been acting before, and his real goal is the Danish flowers of this group of Royal Copenhagen ceramics.

As an antique dealer who made a living in the canal antique market, the stall owner didn't know that he was led into the ditch step by step by the cunning bastard in front of him.

Although he still didn't understand how much the Danish flower coffee pot was worth, he was very sure that he was definitely cheated and the loss was not small.

However, it's hard to get over the water!

Now he has no room for repentance. If he breaks his promise and loses money, then he will not be able to work in this industry, and he will have to face a lawsuit, so he will never want to keep that set of porcelain.

After a moment of silence, the buddy stretched out his right hand reluctantly, shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​and concluded the deal.

"Deal, Steven, you are such a cunning guy, I am convinced!"

"Dude, you're not losing money, I bet you won't charge more than 500 euros for this group of Danish flowers, and you've already made a lot of money!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, with a sense of complacency in his words.

Then he took out his wallet, took out 2,200 euros from it and handed it to the stall owner, and brought over the group of Danish flower coffee pots.

After receiving the payment and putting the 2,200 euros into his pocket, the stall owner immediately asked suspiciously:

"Steven, the transaction is complete. This group of porcelain already belongs to you. Now, can you explain why you bought this group of Danish flowers? I don't quite understand!"

Not only the stall owner, but everyone at the scene wanted to know the answer to this question, and all wanted to know how much the Danish flower porcelain was worth!

Without exception, everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting him to give an answer.

Ye Tian looked at the stall owner, then glanced at the crowd, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"Dude, now that things have sold, don't bother with them, you should put them behind you, forget about them, and get on with your business.

Today is still very long, and the once-a-month antique market is also rare. If I tell you the answer to this question, it will definitely make you feel bad, so why bother!

That's it, nice to meet you, have a great day, business is booming, we are leaving, there are still many stalls to visit, see you soon! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian picked up the bag containing the group of Danish flower porcelain, walked forward with Betty, and left the booth.


There was a sigh of regret at the scene, from many onlookers.

Looking at the stall owner again, his eyes were fixed on the bag in Ye Tian's hand all the time, full of doubts and reluctance.

Of course, his eyes were also full of remorse.

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