Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1696 Looting the Milan Canal Antique Market

After leaving the seventh booth and walking a few meters forward, Betty finally couldn't hold back her curiosity, and asked in a low voice impatiently:

"Honey, why don't you buy that Kangxi colorful mallet vase, that vase looks so beautiful, isn't it a fake?"

Ye Tian turned to look at his wife, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"That's right, my dear, that is indeed a high-quality fake, it should come from China's porcelain capital, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, the level of imitation is very good, it's almost fake.

But unfortunately, I have just seen the prototype of the multicolored vase, and I have personally admired it. It is a fine porcelain collected in the National Museum of China.

There is an old saying that is good, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but you are afraid of comparing goods. After admiring the genuine one at the National Expo, and then looking at the fake one, you can immediately see the difference between the two.

In the European and American markets, there are many such high-quality imitation porcelains, mainly aimed at tourists from China, making them think that they have encountered high-quality porcelain that has been lost overseas.”

"I see. No wonder you don't buy that Kangxi multi-color mallet bottle. What about the Danish flower coffee pot set of Royal Copenhagen ceramics? How much are they worth?"

"The Danish Flower coffee pot is genuine antique porcelain and was the first Danish Flower imperial porcelain produced by the Royal Copenhagen Ceramics Manufactory in 1790.

The first batch of lace arabesque series porcelain produced at that time, that is, the flower of Denmark, was the first official banquet tableware of Royal Copenhagen, and it was exclusively for the Danish royal family.

This batch of hand-painted Danish flower porcelain has a history of more than 200 years. Few of them have been handed down to the antique art market, and it is almost impossible to see them.

Rare things are expensive, and each of these hand-painted Danish flowers is worth a lot. In the current antique market, this set of Danish flower coffee pots is worth at least three million dollars! "

“Wow! A set of coffee pots is worth three million dollars, that’s amazing!”

Betty exclaimed in a low voice, eyes full of excitement.

While talking, they had already arrived at the next booth, then stopped the topic and looked at the goods placed on this booth.

The goods on this booth are quite miscellaneous. There are more than a dozen antique cameras, some antique clocks and pocket watches of different styles, typewriters from decades ago, and even several ancient locks.


There are also many old imitations mixed in, depending on the eyesight of the buyer.

In Ye Tian's eyes, although there are quite a few antiques in this booth, the value of these antiques is all average, and they can't move his heart at all.

He quickly glanced at the goods on this booth, and then walked forward with Betty to another booth a few meters ahead.

At the same time, not far behind them, Bowie had already walked over from the other side of the canal, came to this half of the antique market, and began to secretly sweep the goods.


Time passed quickly, and it was half past eleven in the morning, almost noon.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others, almost everyone was carrying things in their hands, all of which were valuable antique works of art, which were acquired by Ye Tian.

In Anderson's hand, he even held a huge semi-old suitcase, which was filled with all kinds of valuable antique works of art, which were also Ye Tian's spoils of war.

In the parking lot not far away, one of the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz SUVs has been filled with various antique artworks and is guarded by several armed security personnel with live ammunition.

As for Bowie who followed Ye Tian and the others, the harvest was even more astonishing. In just a few hours, that kid had already driven to and from the hotel a few times.

The reason why he returned to the hotel was to go back to store the sweeping antique art, otherwise he would have been crushed to death by the staggering amount of harvest.

Seeing what Ye Tian and the others were carrying in their hands, the people at the Canal Antique Market couldn't understand that these American bastards were madly looting this famous antique market!

Although this crazy scene was seen for the first time, it has been heard countless times. The same thing happened in New York, Paris, London, Nice, and Florence before.

It's a pity that although everyone knew that Ye Tian was madly sweeping the canal antique market, they still couldn't understand the value of the things they bought and carried in their hands.

They couldn't think of any effective way to stop Ye Tian, ​​they could only watch him wreak havoc on the antique market, but there was nothing they could do.

Many antique dealers and stall owners tried to protect themselves by charging sky-high prices to avoid being ransacked by Ye Tian, ​​and became another unlucky guy who was ridiculed by their peers.

However, Ye Tian always has a way to achieve his goal and take down the antique artwork he likes.

Those antique dealers and stall owners can't charge sky-high prices for every item. If they really dare to do that, they won't even think about doing business here.

You know, the Milan Canal Antique Fair only opens once a month, and no one wants to miss this opportunity. Once you miss it, you will have to wait until the end of next month!

For many antique dealers in this market, it is all about making money today!

If you don't do business today, you may have to tighten your belt for the next month!

Because of this, many people have to grit their molars and persevere even if they are frightened, and at the same time secretly pray for God's blessing to save themselves from catastrophe!

Of course, there are also such antique dealers and stall owners in the Canal Antique Market.

In order to avoid being ransacked, they simply stopped doing Ye Tian's business.

When Ye Tian came to their antique shop or booth, they would immediately declare that they would not accept Ye Tian or do his business!

But how did these guys know that there was a Bowie not far behind, who was secretly sweeping the treasures in this antique market madly.

For these guys who shut him out, Ye Tianxia was even more ruthless, showing no mercy at all.

When encountering such antique shops and stalls, he would secretly tell Bowie to clean up all the leaks that can be picked up in these antique shops and stalls, without leaving a single hair.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others opened the door and walked into a small antique shop on the side of the street, and began to admire the various goods displayed in the shop.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others walk into the shop, the face of the shop owner who was receiving two tourists suddenly changed, becoming quite ugly, and a look of panic flashed in his eyes.

For a moment, he really wanted to directly declare that he would not do Ye Tian's business, but he finally held back and did not say this out of his mouth.

The shopkeeper knew in his heart that he was open for business. If he was afraid of being picked up by higher-level customers and turned them away, then he would not be in this business in the future!

In the Chinese language, this is called losing the team without losing, and the necessary scenes must be maintained.

Although the scale of this antique shop is small, it can be regarded as well-equipped with a lot of things, including antique artworks from the East, as well as Western oil paintings and sculptures.

In addition, there are some antique works of art from Arabia and North Africa, which are dazzling and worth visiting.

After entering the door, Ye Tian took a quick look at the situation in the antique shop, and then greeted the owner of the antique shop with a smile on his face.

"Good morning, buddy, I'm Steven, nice to meet you, your antique shop looks good, and there are quite a lot of goods on display!"

"Mr. Steven, good morning, I'm Edmondo, the owner of this antique shop, I'm glad to meet you too, I've known you for a long time, welcome to my antique shop"

The owner of the antique shop forced a smile on his face, greeted Ye Tian, ​​and extended his right hand to him.

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