Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1697 The Beheaded Vulcan

Ye Tian shook hands with the antique shop owner, then smiled and said:

"Edmundo, you are busy first, greet these two guests, leave us alone, let's take a look at the things in your antique shop"

"Okay, Steven, please feel free, if you need it, just call me"

Edmondo nodded in response, and then turned back to deal with the two previous guests.

Ye Tian and the others looked at the things displayed in the store, including antique artworks from various eras, regions, and styles, as well as many imitations, modern crafts, and so on.

In the process of appreciating these things, Ye Tian also explained the relevant knowledge to Betty and the others in a low voice, professional and accurate as always.

Of course, the things he introduced and explained were all antique works of art that Edmondo must know and understand their value.

If he encounters a possible leak, he will naturally jump over it, so as not to expose his flaws.

A few minutes later, two other customers in the store finally completed the transaction.

They bought an oil painting of a landscape, a landscape in the Alps, for less than a thousand euros.

Although the transaction was completed, they did not leave the antique shop immediately, but looked towards Ye Tian with curiosity and interest in their eyes.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree!

The current Ye Tian is the most concerned figure in the Milan Canal Antique Market, and even in the whole of Milan.

Moreover, he is also the world's top expert in antique art appraisal and the most outstanding professional treasure hunter, with a great reputation!

Being able to see him buying and selling antique art with his own eyes, as art collectors, the two guests would not let this opportunity go!

After dealing with the two guests, Edmondo immediately walked over to Ye Tian, ​​with apprehension in his heart and worried eyes.

When he came close, Ye Tian immediately pointed to a marble statue on the ground, and asked curiously:

"Edmundo, what's the matter with this head? If I'm not mistaken, it should be the head of Hephaestus, the god of fire. Where did the torso of this sculpture go? Why is there only one head left?"

The marble head to which he refers,

It is the remnant of a sculpture, only the head above the neck is left. The saw marks on the neck are very obvious, and it is covered with dust. It should not be cleaned for a long time!

As for the image of Hephaestus, the god of fire, anyone who has studied ancient Greek mythology should be able to recognize it, let alone Ye Tian!

Edmondo looked at the head of the marble sculpture, then took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​and then said:

"You are right, Steven, this is indeed the head of Hephaestus, the god of fire in ancient Greek mythology, and it is a sculpture I collected from the village of Milan.

When I received this sculpture, there was only the head. As for where the torso of the sculpture went, there is no way to verify it, and the original owner of the sculpture does not know.

Perhaps a long time ago, the torso of this Vulcan sculpture was lost or smashed, and only this head has survived and has been handed down to this day.

Since the torso is missing and there is no marking on the head, we have researched it but could not be sure which sculptor it was.

Judging from the creation technique of this marble head, it should be created after the Renaissance, and it is obviously different from the sculptures in ancient Greece.”

"It seems that you know this marble head very well, so I would like to ask, what price do you plan to sell? If the price is reasonable, I intend to accept this head and take it back to study it."

Ye Tian said with a smile, his tone was very relaxed.

As his voice fell, the scene immediately fell silent.

Edmondo looked at the Vulcan head again, his eyes full of doubts,

Could it be that this thing is a valuable top-level artwork? That's why Steven, a greedy guy, was tempted to take it into his pocket.

Others in the store also looked at the marble head, also puzzled, not understanding where the value of the marble head was reflected.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Edmondo said nervously:

"Honestly, Steven, this Vulcan head has been sitting in my antique shop for five years, and almost no one cares about it, and no one knows whose sculpture it is.

Since you are asking about the price, and you are the top expert in the appraisal of antique works of art in the industry, with an extremely sharp eye, I will stop playing tricks and dare not ask for prices.

The price of this avatar is 2,500 euros, if you can accept it, you can take this avatar away, but there is a premise here, I hope you can agree to my request.

After the transaction is completed, you'd better explain the situation of this head, and talk about your appraisal conclusion. The mystery of the origin of this head has puzzled me for five years! "

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian nodded and agreed very readily.

"Okay, Edmundo, the transaction is 2,500 euros. After the transaction is completed, I will state my appraisal conclusion, hoping to solve your doubts."

"Deal, Steven, congratulations, you have harvested a beautiful sculpture"

Edmund said in pain, and reluctantly shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​and the art deal was concluded.

It wasn't until this moment that he was really sure that this guy, Steven, really intended to buy this Vulcan head, instead of tentatively asking for a price and making fun of himself.

Although he regretted it in his heart, Edmondo also understood it very well.

If he repents and does not sell this Vulcan portrait to Steven, but keeps it, then the fate of this portrait is very likely to be the same as before, and it will continue to be thrown in the corner to collect ashes!

The reason is very simple, except for this guy, Steven, I am afraid that no one else can recognize the origin of this Vulcan head.

You know, in the past five years, countless people have seen this marble head, but no one can recognize it, including some top experts in antique art appraisal.

Even if someone can identify this Vulcan head, whether he is willing to bear the high appraisal fee before the conclusion of the appraisal is released is another matter.

In case of Waterloo, this marble head is not of much value, so he would be at a loss.

Besides, he had already made an offer, and this guy Steven accepted it without hesitation. There was no counter-offer at all. Is there any room for repentance?

With Steven's usual ruthless behavior, if he repents, this guy will definitely send himself to the dock of the court, ruining his reputation and even ruining his family!

In the end, I don't even want to keep this Vulcan head.

Who doesn't know, this guy, Steven, is always accompanied by a private lawyer, who seems to be ready to go to court at any time. Who the hell can provoke this kind of scrupulous bastard who is so thoughtful!

It was precisely because of this thought that Edmondo gritted his molars and shook hands with Ye Tian to conclude the deal.

Next, Ye Tian wiped off the dust on the head of the Vulcan, moved it to his feet, and paid for the goods via bank transfer, marking a successful conclusion to the transaction.

After confirming that the payment has arrived, Edmondo immediately said with great expectation:

"Steven, the transaction has been completed, and you can tell the conclusion of your appraisal. This problem has troubled me for five years. I hope you can help solve it."

After finishing speaking, this buddy stared at Ye Tian closely, expecting him to give an answer.

The same goes for everyone else at the scene, all looking at Ye Tian, ​​everyone's eyes are full of expectation.

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, smiled and said:

"Don't be impatient, Edmondo, in your antique shop, I not only fell in love with this Vulcan head, but also was very interested in another piece of art.

If the price of that work of art is right, I want to keep it in my pocket, and it will not be too late for me to explain it to you after all the transactions are completed! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene was stunned, their eyes full of disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, everyone turned their heads to look at Edmondo, everyone's eyes were full of sympathy, even pity!

This buddy is really unlucky today. He met a greedy guy like Steven, and he was going to be ransacked twice in a row. He probably wants to die!

Before Edmondo could give an answer, Ye Tian smiled again and said:

"Edmundo, in your antique shop today, I only sold twice. After the transaction is completed and the explanation is finished, I can help you identify a few antique works of art and give an accurate valuation..."

Before the words fell, Edmondo quickly turned from sadness to joy, and said excitedly:

"Did I hear you right? Steven, will you help me identify a few antique works of art later and give them a valuation? If that's the case, then I'm really grateful!"

As an antique dealer who has worked in the antique art market for many years, Edmundo knew very well how valuable Ye Tian's promise was.

The same thing happened before, and it caused quite a stir in the industry, and even became a good talk.

The guy who was lucky enough to get this promise last time, with the help of Steven, actually found several valuable top antique artworks in his booth, and dug out the treasure from the trash!

With that golden opportunity, that lucky guy became a billionaire worth tens of millions of euros in an instant, and staged a legend of a successful counterattack!

Now, such a legendary golden opportunity is in front of him, can Edmondo not be excited about it? This guy is even a little incoherent!

"You heard me right, Edmundo, I will do what I say, and you don't have to thank me. I appreciate your way and attitude of doing business, so I made this promise.

Tell me about that geometric abstract painting, where did it come from, which artist it was made by, and how much is it worth? I have some interest in that painting"

As he spoke, Ye Tian pointed to a geometric abstract painting hanging on the wall.

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