The geometric abstract painting that Ye Tian was referring to hung on the wall, the content is very simple and clear at a glance!

On the canvas, which is 1.2 meters high and 1.5 meters wide, there are only square and rectangular grids of different sizes, lines of uneven thickness, and color blocks of the three primary colors of red, yellow and blue.

At first glance, many people can't understand what the artist who created this painting wanted to express, and the content seems very empty, just doodling.

However, if you can calm down and savor this painting carefully, you can feel a brisk rhythm, and even feel that this abstract painting is like a moving piece of music.

Edmondo turned his head to look at this geometric abstract painting, and then said excitedly:

"This painting was picked up at a local flea market when I was on vacation in Venice. I saw that this painting had a taste of the abstract art master Mondrian, so I bought it.

After I brought this painting back to Milan, I asked someone to authenticate it, but unfortunately, it was not Mondrian's work. On the back of this painting, we found the creator's name.

It was the name of a French painter in the first half of the last century. He lived in the same era as the master of art Mondrian. He was unknown and there were not many works handed down. This is one of them.

Inferred from this, this is likely to be a study of the artist imitating the master of art Mondrian, the level of imitation is not bad, nothing more, I price this painting at 3,500 euros"

After listening to Edmondo's introduction, Ye Tian pretended to think for a moment, then smiled and said:

"3500 euros, yes, deal, Edmondo, I want this geometric abstract painting"

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand to Edmondo.

Edmundo looked suspiciously at the painting hanging on the wall again, then gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and shook hands with Ye Tian directly to conclude the art deal.

"Deal, Steven, after the transaction is completed, I hope you can also explain this abstract painting so that I don't get confused."

"No problem, I will accommodate your request"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, a look of excitement flashed across his eyes.

Next, he made another bank transfer, then took down the painting hanging on the wall, and stood it on the ground in front of him.


Edmondo received the payment information, and this art transaction came to an end.

Afterwards, everyone in the antique shop looked at Ye Tian, ​​expecting him to solve the mystery for everyone.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then pointed to the head of the Vulcan Hephaestus at his feet, and said loudly with a smile:

"I bought this Vulcan head sculpture first, so let's talk about this sculpture first, and then I will talk about the geometric abstraction painting later. Of course, these are all my family's words, which have yet to be verified."

Everyone at the scene nodded in unison without any objection.

They didn't have the slightest doubt about the appraisal conclusion that Ye Tian was going to give, and they were extremely convinced that it must be correct without the slightest deviation. This has been proven countless times in the past.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"After my identification, this Vulcan head sculpture should come from the hands of the famous sculptor Amanadi in the late Renaissance, and it was created around 1570, which was the peak period of his creation.

He is a famous sculptor and architect in the late Renaissance, and a representative of Mannerism. His most famous sculptures are the sculptures of the Neptune Fountain on the Piazza della Signoria in Florence.

It is a pity that only the head remains of this sculpture by Ammanatti, and there is no signature or mark on the head, which adds a lot of difficulties to identification and proof.

In view of this situation, we can only start with the creation technique and artistic style for identification. On this head sculpture with a long history, we can see traces of Mannerism,..."

Next, Ye Tian began to analyze the detailed features of this head portrait to support his appraisal conclusion.

At this time, Edmondo was completely dumbfounded, and he stood there dumbfounded, muttering to himself, looking devastated.

"My God! This is a sculpture by the master sculptor Ammanati, and it was created in the prime of his artistic career. What am I missing? How stupid!"

As an experienced antique dealer, Edmondo certainly understands how precious Ammanati's sculptures are, and they are top-notch works of art!

Even if there is only one head left, the Vulcan head that has been handed down by luck in front of him is worth millions of dollars, what a huge fortune that is!

I have worked hard all my life, and it is difficult to earn such a huge sum of money, but now I watched this huge wealth pass by my hand and fell into the hands of this guy, Steven.

Thinking of this, Edmondo's eyes immediately turned red, and his eyes were full of remorse. He wished he could just rush out of the store and jump into the Milan Grand Canal, which is only a short distance away!

The facts were just as he expected, Ye Tian quickly finished explaining, and then gave the valuation of the head of the Vulcan.

"Amanatti has very few sculptures handed down, and almost all of them are valuable top-level works of art, which are hard to come by, and this Vulcan head is no exception.

In the past ten years, there have been no sculptures of Ammanati in the antique art market, and there is no auction price for reference. No matter how far away, there is no reference value!

In this case, I can only give a rough estimate based on my own experience. According to my estimation, the market value of this Vulcan head should be at least around six million euros."

Before the words fell, there was already a sound of exclamation at the scene.

"Wow! About six million euros, it's too exaggerated. It's just a surviving head portrait, and the value is so amazing."

"It's just a head portrait. If the torso is included and the sculpture is complete, then its price must exceed 30 million euros, and it may even be higher!"

Amidst the exclamation, Edmondo was so distressed that he almost died. He felt that his heart had been stabbed into a hornet's nest, dripping with blood, it was too horrible to look at!

But this is just the beginning, and more serious blows are yet to come, one after another.

When the exclamation on the scene subsided, Ye Tian immediately pointed to the geometric abstract painting, smiled and said:

"After appraising Amanadi's Vulcan head sculpture, let's talk about this geometric abstract painting. I can say with certainty that this is definitely a priceless top-level artwork.

Based on this judgment, combined with the creative technique and artistic style shown in the painting, the answer is ready to come out. This painting must have come from the master of geometric abstract art, Mondrian.

Looking at the creative career of the abstract art master Mondrian and comparing his works in various periods, we can see that this painting is very similar to those of his New York period.

From this point, it can be seen that this painting should have been created in Mondrian's later years and at the peak of his artistic career. The paintings he created during this period were very limited.

As for the signature on the back of the painting, it should not be the signature of the creator, but the one signed by the French painter who lived at the same time as Mondrian to mark the ownership.

It was his inadvertent signature that misled many people and caused people to misidentify it, thinking that it was not an outstanding work of the master artist Mondrian, but an imitation.

It is not known how the French painter got this top artwork, perhaps it was a gift from Mondrian, and the two of them may be very close friends.

Based on the hot performance of Mondrian's paintings in the auction market over the years, combined with the level of the painting itself, I value this painting at about 55 million euros,..."

Before the words fell, the scene was completely fried.

"My God! 55 million euros, just such an incomprehensible painting, is so expensive, it is a bit exaggerated!"

"55 million euros, which is infinitely close to the highest transaction price of Mondrian's works. If this painting is put up for auction, it may set a new record!"

Looking at Edmondo at this time, his heart has already sunk into an endless abyss, and he almost fainted from regret.

After a while, the guy just woke up.

Immediately afterwards, he stared at his blood-red eyes and said in a trembling voice:

"Steven, congratulations, you have harvested two priceless top-level works of art. It seems that I am really blind, and my level is far too low. I have nothing to say about being ransacked by you.

Is it time for you to fulfill your promise? In this antique shop of mine, there are still those antique artworks that are valuable but ignored by me, please point out one or two for me"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"Edmundo, you don't have to feel too depressed. Although I bought two top-level antique works of art, you still have a few good treasures here, all of which are very valuable.

Among them is an unusual painting in the early stage of Picasso's art career, which is quite rare. According to the current art market, I value it at about 5 million euros,..."

"Wow! That's great, dude got rich"

Edmondo cheered directly, like crazy, which shocked everyone on the scene.

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