Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1699 Dazzling yellow light

By the time Ye Tian and the others left Edmondo's antique shop, it was already past twelve noon.

Similar to the lazy French, the Italians have a late lunch time, between 1pm and 4pm.

The Milan Canal Antique Market is open until four in the afternoon, and then closes.

Since you are in Milan, you have to do as the Romans do.

Ye Tian and the others had no choice but to abide by this schedule and continue to sweep the canal antique market. As for lunch, they had to wait until they returned to the hotel after four o'clock.

During this time, if you feel hungry, you have to buy some fast food to deal with it first.

The two treasures just harvested also left Edmondo's antique shop with Ye Tian and the others.

The head of Vulcan, made by the famous late Renaissance sculptor Amanadi, was packed into a metal trolley case and dragged by Taylor.

The other geometric abstract painting by Mondrian was taken off the frame by Ye Tian himself, and put into a telescopic painting tube, which he carried on his back.

After they left, Edmundo closed his antique shop and went to celebrate alone. The guy was so excited that he was going crazy!

At the same time, through the mouths of the other two customers in the antique shop, the news that Ye Tian found two top-level antique works of art quickly spread throughout the entire canal antique market like the wind.

Through the well-developed social media and the Internet, the news spread very quickly. In just a moment, it spread throughout Milan and even the entire field of antique art collections.

As soon as Ye Tian and the others walked out of Edmondo's antique shop, they immediately felt the change in the surrounding situation, and were even taken aback.

Everyone around was watching them, the trolley case they were dragging in their hands, and the painting tube they were carrying on their backs. Everyone's eyes were extremely hot, full of envy, and even jealousy.

Some guys' eyeballs were already red, and there was a greedy gleam in their eyes. They couldn't hide it at all. They wished they could snatch those top antique works of art into their own hands, but they didn't dare to take action!

For this kind of situation, Ye Tian and the others have long been accustomed to it, and they are not surprised!

Everyone quickly adjusted their emotions, and then walked forward talking and laughing, continuing to sweep the world-famous antique market.


Cole and the others secretly raised their vigilance, in case someone was completely blinded by greed, chose to take reckless risks, and openly robbed in broad daylight.

The snipers ambushing at both ends of the canal antique market also raised their vigilance, condescending, and closely watched the situation in this antique market.

After walking a few steps, Ye Tian received a call from Mario, the dean of the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, followed by a call from Giovanni, an old friend of the Cultural Relics Gendarmerie.

The purpose of these two guys calling is the same, to confirm whether the news they just heard is true or not!

Ye Tian did not intend to hide these two old friends, and gave an affirmative answer, confirming the authenticity of the rumors.

Hearing his answer, the two guys were so envious that they almost went crazy, and they were full of admiration.

At the same time, they kept hinting in their words that they hoped that Ye Tiangao would show his noble hand, stop in moderation, let the Milan Canal Antique Market go, and stop creating inhuman murders.

How could Ye Tian agree to their cryptic request, why are you here?

After hanging up the phone, the group of them came to another antique booth, stopped in front of this booth, and began to look at the goods placed on this booth.

There are a lot of things on this booth, and they are quite miscellaneous. There are small pieces of antique furniture with old styles, as well as oil paintings, porcelain, as well as globes, compasses, telescopes and other things, all placed on the floor.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others stop in front of their stall, the stall owner's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly greeted him with a very enthusiastic expression.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven. My name is Benito. Nice to meet you. Welcome to my booth. I wonder if you have taken a fancy to the treasure here?"

Saying that, the buddy took a step forward and extended his right hand to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian shook hands with the other party, quickly glanced at the things in this booth, and then said with a smile:

"Good morning, Mr. Benito, I'm also very glad to meet you. You have a lot of things here, but unfortunately, I didn't find any interesting ones."

Hearing this, the light in Benito's eyes immediately disappeared without a trace, replaced by eyes full of regret and a bit of unwillingness!

But Ye Tian doesn't care about his emotional changes, everyone has never met before!

After saying a few words of unnutritious nonsense, Ye Tian took Betty and the others away, and walked to the next adjacent booth.

Are there really no leaks to pick up at Benito's booth? No!

At this booth, Ye Tian still found something, but that discovery was not worth his own hands, just leave it to Bowie who followed up.

More importantly, he just acquired two top-level antique works of art, which are the focus of everyone's attention. It is not suitable to make another move at this time. It would be too shocking and will scare everyone!

Wait for a while, when the novelty of people gradually dissipates and the attention of the surroundings no longer stares at you, then you can shoot again.

After all, this is an antique market that only happens once a month. Both the antique dealers who sell goods and the people who come to Taobao have their own purposes, and it is impossible to focus on others all the time.

Even if this person is Ye Tian, ​​he just shocked everyone in this antique market and attracted countless envious and jealous eyes.

After walking a few steps forward, Ye Tian took out his mobile phone, and secretly and quickly sent a message to Bowie, asking him to visit Benito's booth later.

Ye Tian didn't make a move for the next seven or eight stalls.

He just glanced at the goods on these stalls, and then led Betty and the others to move on to the next stall, in a very relaxed state!

However, secretly, he sent several messages one after another, telling Bowie what he had discovered, and asked that guy to continue sweeping the antique market.

The development of the matter was just as Ye Tian expected.

Seeing that he didn't make another shot, many eyes focused on him began to fade away. Compared with when he just walked out of Edmondo's antique shop, there are fewer and fewer people paying attention to him!

After walking through the remaining seven or eight stalls, the south bank part of the Milan Canal Antique Market, even if it is completely finished, the harvest is very gratifying!

Afterwards, Ye Tian and the others crossed an ancient stone bridge on the canal, came to the north bank of the canal, and began to sweep the other half of the canal antique market.

In the blink of an eye, the time has come to about three o'clock in the afternoon, and it is only about an hour before the Canal Antique Market closes.

Ye Tian and the others have walked through two-thirds of the streets on the north bank of the canal, and they have browsed through all the antique shops, large and small antique stalls, and galleries they passed, without missing a single one.

During this period, Ye Tian discovered many valuable antique works of art, and his harvest was even greater than that on the south bank of the canal.

The number of antique artworks he bought was too much for everyone to hold, so that Cole and the others had to pull out their hands and drive back to the hotel under the protection of the police to store the trophies.

These included Ammanati's head of Vulcan and Mondrian's geometric abstract paintings, which were all sent back to the hotel and stored.

Even though the security personnel under him went back and forth to the hotel twice and took a large amount of loot back to store, Ye Tian and his hands were soon full again.

At this time, each of them has more or less antique works of art in their hands, in their backpacks, and in the trolley case they are dragging, all of which are of great value!

As for Bowie who followed behind, he made even more trips to and from the hotel. He transported the sweeping antique artworks back to the hotel again and again, just like ants moving house!

While talking, Ye Tian and the others walked out of an antique shop after visiting another one, then continued to walk along the north bank of the canal, and walked to the next booth on the side of a stone bridge in front of them.

At this moment, a dazzling yellow light suddenly flashed in front of Ye Tian's eyes, making his eyes dizzy, and he almost exclaimed!

What's more, outside the dazzling yellow light, there are more than 20 layers of charming halos, which are so beautiful!

Undoubtedly, at the booth in front of him, there was a top-notch antique artwork from 500 years ago waiting for him, it was definitely a priceless treasure!

What would that be? Ye Tian is looking forward to it!

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