Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1700 The Secret Behind Romantic Oil Paintings

Ye Tian put a piece of silverware in his hand back on the booth, then pointed to an oil painting on the booth and said:

"Can I have a look at that romantic oil painting? Mr. Tino, that painting looks interesting and worth studying."

When he said these words, his expression was very calm, and there was always a charming smile on his face, and nothing unusual could be seen.

But in his heart, he was extremely excited, and his heartbeat even accelerated a lot.

At this time, the antique stall he was in was the one on the side of the stone bridge, and Tino was the owner of this stall, a white Italian man in his fifties or sixties.

At this booth, Ye Tian had already looked at three or four antique works of art with a certain age and value, but he didn't take any of them.

When he felt that the groundwork was almost done, he stretched out his finger and pointed to the real target.

This is an oil painting in a romantic style. It is not large in size, about one meter high and one meter two wide. The content depicted in the painting is a battle scene of life and death.

Judging from the costumes, weapons and equipment, and military flags of the two warring parties in the painting, it is basically certain that the content reflected is a battle during the Second Italian War of Independence.

The two parties to the war were one of the three heroes of Italy, the red shirt army led by Garibaldi, and the army of the Austrian Empire.

The whole painting has strong color contrast, is passionate and unrestrained, and full of sense of movement. There is a passion from the inside out, which fits very well with the content reflected in the picture.

If you do some research on the Romantic school of painting, you can easily find that this oil painting has a bit of Delacroix's shadow, but it is not as good as the romantic lion and Delacroix.

To be precise, the artist who created this oil painting, either deliberately or inadvertently, was imitating Delacroix's style of painting, and he is probably a loyal follower of Delacroix.

Because of this, this oil painting falls into the lower category.

Even if the painter's painting skills are not bad, this oil painting does not have much artistic value, it can only be regarded as a work above the standard.

Hearing Ye Tian's question, the stall owner Tino immediately turned his head to look at the oil painting, then nodded and said:

"Of course it's okay, Steven, just go ahead"

When saying these words,

A look of disappointment flashed deep in Tino's eyes.

For this romantic oil painting, he thought he knew it very well and studied it very thoroughly, knowing that this painting was not of much value.

At the same time, he was also very clear that this guy, Steven, had an extremely sharp vision, and it was impossible for him not to see the value of this oil painting. He had nothing to take advantage of, so he felt sorry.

After getting permission, Ye Tian immediately reached out to pick up this romantic oil painting, held it up in front of his eyes and admired it.

He has no interest in appreciating the surface content of this oil painting at all. What he really cares about is the huge secret hidden behind this oil painting.

After pretending to appreciate it for a while, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Tino, tell me about this romantic painting. How did you get it? How did you see this oil painting? I'm very interested!"

"Okay, Steven"

Tino nodded in response, and then began to introduce the oil painting.

"In mid-July this summer, a middle-aged man sent this romantic oil painting to my antique shop. I thought the painting was okay, so I took it away.

After accepting the painting, some friends and I got together to study the oil painting, and it is absolutely certain that it is a Romantic style painting from the late nineteenth century.

The artist who created this oil painting was a Romantic painter in Italy at that time. In the lower right corner of this oil painting, there is the signature of this artist, and the handwriting is quite clear.

Like the vast majority of painters, this one did not make a name for himself, and was submerged in the long river of history. There are very few works handed down, and the value is relatively average, not worth much."

As he said that, Tino pointed to the lower right corner of the oil painting. There was indeed a painter's signature there, which was very clear, and the Italian name of 'Philip' was written on it.

Ye Tian looked at the artist's signature, then smiled and said:

"This painter is indeed unknown, at least I have never heard of his name, and I have no idea that there is such an Italian painter of the Romantic school named Philip.

There is no way, this is the cruel reality. If you have outstanding talent and a certain amount of luck, then it is possible to become famous all over the world and become an art master praised by everyone.

But more painters, sculptors, and artists in other fields are either insufficiently talented, or have no opportunities, and may never have a bright future in their entire lives, and are gradually being completely submerged.

In the mid-to-late nineteenth century, Romantic style art was mainly popular in France, Germany, Britain, and Spain, but there were not many Romantic style painters in Italy at that time.

Unexpectedly, here today, I came across a romantic painting created by an Italian painter, and it reflected the second Italian War of Independence, which is so rare.

Even though this painter named Philip is relatively average, I am still a little interested in this oil painting, please quote a price, Tino, if the price is right, I don't mind accepting this oil painting"

Hearing this, Dino's eyes immediately flashed with joy.

I can finally get rid of this oil painting, the opportunity is not to be missed!

Without the slightest hesitation, the buddy immediately said:

"Steven, this nineteenth-century Italian painter named Philip, although not as good as those famous masters, his painting skills are still above the standard.

You are the top expert in the identification of antique works of art, I believe you can’t fail to see this, and this oil painting has a history of more than 100 years, I will ask for 12,000 euros for it.”

After finishing speaking, Tino looked at Ye Tian with full expectation, expecting to hear the most pleasant answer.

"12,000 euros! It's a free gift!"

Ye Tian secretly cheered, almost dancing with excitement.

Although his heart was surging, his expression was very calm, showing no flaws.

After pretending to think for a while and adjusted his excitement, Ye Tian smiled and shook his head slightly and said:

"12,000 euros, the price is too high, I can't accept it, although this painting has a history of more than 100 years, it is not worth the price.

The stones of the 19th century are still stones today. For this romantic oil painting, I can only pay 8,000 euros at most. I wonder if you can accept it?

If you can accept it, we can make a deal now, pay the money and deliver the goods, if you can’t accept it, yes, forget it, you can keep this oil painting.”

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian looked at the other party leisurely, his eyes full of confidence.

But in his heart, he was still somewhat nervous, but fortunately there was Bowie, even if he couldn't take down the oil painting with his own hands, Bowie could still do it.

All in all, this romantic oil painting must not be left alone today, even if it has to use some illegal means, it will not hesitate.

The scene fell silent, and Tino began to think seriously, but the excited light from the corner of his eyes betrayed his truest thoughts.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian immediately relaxed a lot.

He is very sure that this romantic oil painting is not gone, and the huge secret hidden on the right side of this oil painting must belong to him!

"Okay, Steven, 8,000 euros, this romantic oil painting created in the late nineteenth century belongs to you!"

Tino said excitedly, and extended his right hand to Ye Tian.

At this moment, Tino didn't know what he had lost at this moment. If he knew, he would definitely raise his pistol, pull the trigger at his head, and take a shot!

"Deal, Tino, it was a pleasure doing business with you, it was a good afternoon"

With that said, Ye Tian held Tino's hand and concluded the art deal.

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