Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1701 Could it be that God has favored me again

After completing the bank transfer, Ye Tian brought the romantic oil painting over and put it in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, he said to the stall owner Tino:

"Tino, please write a supporting document, so as not to cause trouble at the customs, I want to take this oil painting out of Italy and return to New York, and it is bound to be inspected by the customs.

In addition, there is another request, bring me a telescopic painting tube, I want to take this oil painting off the frame, put it in the painting tube and take it away, it will be more convenient.

There are still a lot of antique shops and antique stalls to visit, and we will also be in Milan and Italy for a while, so it is a bit in the way with the picture frame"

"Okay, Steven, I'll write you the supporting documents right away. As for the painting tube, it's available at the booth. You can pick one at random and count it as a gift from me."

Tino nodded in response, with a bright smile on his face, without thinking at all.

But how did he know Ye Tian's real intention for doing this.

The secret hidden under this oil painting is too important, and there must be no flaws or doubts in its discovery process. Any flaws may cause huge troubles.

Because of this, Ye Tiancai decided to open the frame of the picture in public and disclose the whole discovery process, so that everyone in the Milan Canal Antique Market could witness the miracle together.

In this way, no matter how jealous and greedy the Italian government is, it is difficult for them to play tricks and rob themselves in full view, and they cannot find any excuses.

In addition to disclosing the process of this secret discovery, Ye Tian has also prepared a lot of countermeasures, which he will use step by step to ensure that his own interests are not violated!

Tino took out the pen and paper, and began to write the supporting documents, beaming with joy.

Ye Tian reached out and took a telescopic painting tube from the booth, and placed it next to the romantic oil painting.

In a blink of an eye, Tino wrote the proof document and handed it to Ye Tian.

At the same time, he also received information that the payment has arrived.

At this point, the art transaction has been completely completed. The romantic oil painting and the secrets covered by it belong to Ye Tian, ​​and there is no doubt about it!

Ye Tian took the proof document and looked at it, then handed it to Anderson next to him,

Let him review it and put it away if there is no problem.

Then he smiled again and said:

"Tino, do you have any tools here that are suitable for dismantling the frame? Borrow it and use it. I will remove the frame of this oil painting"

"No problem, I happen to have a set of tools here, which are used for arranging booths, and can also be used to dismantle picture frames."

After speaking, Tino pulled out a small tool box from under his chair and handed it to Ye Tian.

After receiving the toolbox, Ye Tian immediately squatted down and began to disassemble the frame of this romantic painting.

Without exception, everyone at the scene looked at him and at the romantic oil painting, and everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had already opened the solid wooden picture frame made more than a hundred years ago. The movement was very skillful and neat, without any muddling.

After successively removing the borders on the four sides and a few crosspieces on the back, Ye Tian successfully took off the solid wood drawing board with the oil painting stretched on it, and held it in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up, placed the drawing board on a nearby table that had been vacated, and began to disassemble the canvas from the drawing board.

He scratched the corner of the back of the drawing board with a paper knife a few times, separated the canvas from the drawing board very skillfully and smoothly, and then removed several nails used to fix the canvas with pliers.

Next, he began to disassemble the other corner of the drawing board.

After going back and forth like this, in just two or three minutes, he dismantled all the canvases at the four corners, pulled out all the nails on the canvas that were used to fix the canvas, and threw them aside.

During the dismantling process, he also joked:

"Don't look at the unknown name of this Romantic painter, but this drawing board is full of materials, very thick and strong, and all of it is black walnut, which is dry and resistant to decay!"

To others, these words seem to have no problem, but they are actually paving the way for the next step by Ye Tian, ​​so that everything will be in order.

While speaking, Ye Tian had already finished the dismantling work, and put the tools in his hand back into the toolbox.

Then, he took out a pair of white gloves from his pocket, put them on his hands, and then gently lifted a corner of the canvas, preparing to peel the canvas off the solid wood drawing board.

Following his movements, a corner of the canvas was lifted, revealing the specially treated solid wood drawing board underneath, and everything looked normal.

However, after only raising the canvas to a height of less than ten centimeters, Ye Tian's movements suddenly stopped.

"Hey! There is still a piece of primary-colored linen stretched under the canvas. It seems to be covered with a painting. The scale does not look big. Could it be that God has favored my buddy again?"

Ye Tian pretended to be surprised and said, with an expression of surprise and surprise on his face.

Following his words, the scene immediately exploded.

"What? I heard it right. There is actually a painting hidden under this romantic oil painting. Whose work could it be? Steven's luck is too bad!"

"I'm going! It's unbelievable. Why did all the good things fall on this guy, Steven? Sure enough, just like the legend, God will always stand with this guy.

If a painting is deliberately hidden here, without even thinking about it, the painting hidden underneath must be extraordinary, and it may be a top-notch work of art that is priceless."

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, everyone looked at Ye Tian and the corner of the canvas he had just raised, everyone's eyes were extremely hot and full of curiosity.

They wished they could see through that romantic oil painting at a glance and see clearly the painting hidden underneath.

Looking at Tino, who received 8,000 euros, he was completely dumbfounded, and he was stunned, staring at Ye Tian and the drawing board in his hand.

"Steven, uncover the canvas above, let everyone appreciate the painting that has been hidden for more than a hundred years, and see if it is the work of the master artist"

Someone shouted loudly, the words were full of anticipation and endless envy.

This is undoubtedly the voice of everyone at the scene. Before the words fell, there was immediately a voice of agreement.

Ye Tian seemed to have never heard of these clamoring voices. He had already made a plan and action steps, how could it be disrupted by these clamoring voices.

He quickly scanned the crowd, and then said to Cole:

"Cole, let the lads be on their guard, I have a hunch that the painting hidden under the linen must be of some magnitude, and likely to cause a great sensation.

This is the Milan Canal Antique Market, with a huge flow of people and complicated surrounding conditions, we must be extremely careful to prevent any accidents from happening.”

"No problem, Steven, leave the security matters to us, without your permission, no one else can get close to you and Betty"

Cole nodded and replied, the answer was decisive and very excited.

Immediately afterwards, he started to act, commanding his security personnel to be more vigilant, and quickly established a solid line of defense around Ye Tian and the others.

Seeing their series of well-trained actions, many onlookers at the scene couldn't help but gasped, secretly shocked!

At the same time, everyone is even more curious about the painting that has been hidden for more than a hundred years. Which artist's painting is it? How much is it worth?

Tino, who was shocked to the point of losing his mind before, finally came to his senses at this moment.

He took a deep look at the drawing board held in Ye Tian's hands, and then said eagerly:

"Steven, can you return this romantic oil painting to me? The price is whatever you want, even if I lose everything."

Ye Tian looked at this buddy sympathetically, then shook his head firmly and said:

"I'm very sorry, Tino, this transaction has been completed, there is no problem in the transaction process, my personal lawyer and everyone at the scene are witnesses, there is absolutely no possibility of going back!

You also know that I am a billionaire, and I am not short of money. Compared with money, I hope that I can uncover that layer of linen with my own hands, and see what treasure is hidden underneath! "

After finishing speaking, he ignored Tino, who was full of regret and despair, and turned to Anderson beside him and said:

"Anderson, take out your mobile phone to shoot, take pictures of everything that happened next, keep it as video evidence, and broadcast it live on the Internet simultaneously.

I plan to disclose the process of discovering this secret. In this way, I believe that a lot of trouble can be avoided, and it can also dispel some people's coveting hearts that shouldn't be there."

"Okay, Steven, I'm going to broadcast live on the web, so that everyone in the world can witness what happens next"

Anderson nodded excitedly, and immediately took out his phone and started to get busy.

Hearing the conversation between the two of them and watching Anderson's actions, the expressions of the two Italian cultural relics gendarmes in the crowd couldn't help but change, becoming very ugly!

These damned American bastards are extremely cunning, and they are too difficult to deal with. Isn't it clear that they are guarding against our cultural relics military police!

When these two guys were cursing secretly, Ye Tian turned his head to look at them, and nodded slightly with a smile on his face, his intention was self-evident.

"I'm ready, Steven, you can lift the canvas"

Anderson held up his mobile phone and said that the camera of the mobile phone was facing the drawing board in Ye Tian's hand, and the webcast had already started.

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