Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1703 The time is ripe

After finishing the arrangement, Ye Tian casually picked up two nails that had just been removed from the table, and re-nailed the two corners on the piece of primary-colored linen.

Seeing his action, many onlookers at the scene were unwilling to agree, and immediately clamored.

"Steven, what do you mean? Why did you nail that piece of linen again?"

"Since you don't plan to make this important discovery public, why bother dismantling the frame in public? It whetted everyone's appetites, but you changed your mind halfway through. Isn't that really unreasonable?"

Ye Tian didn't immediately respond to the continuous drum noise.

After nailing the unbleached linen and confirming that the nails would not fall off, he picked up the drawing board and held it in his hands.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly glanced at the many onlookers at the scene, and then said loudly:

"Please wait patiently for a while, I will later uncover this piece of primary color linen and publicly display the painting hidden for more than a hundred years under it to satisfy everyone's curiosity!

Today's discovery is too important, and it will definitely cause a huge sensation. Before the public display, I have to make some necessary arrangements. I hope everyone can understand.

My personal lawyer has started to contact the world's major news media, asking them to send people here to report on the spot, and when many media reporters arrive, it can be displayed publicly.

During this period, you can continue to visit the Canal Antique Market and shop for treasures at the antique stalls here. Maybe you can find some treasures, or enjoy the scenery.

We are the same, and we plan to continue to visit the remaining stalls and antique shops. This antique market only opens once a month, and we don’t live in Milan often, so we really don’t want to miss this opportunity.

It is only about half an hour before the Canal Antique Market closes, and it will pass soon. After half an hour, everyone will be able to see the mysterious painting.

The place will be at the cafe in front, and I will treat everyone present to drink coffee, and then I will unveil this piece of primary-colored linen in public, and publicly display the painting below"

With that said, Ye Tian raised his finger and pointed to a cafe facing the street not far ahead, and set the location for the public display there.

As soon as his words fell, someone in the crowd immediately said loudly:

"It sounds like a good arrangement.

But what if you switch packages in the middle? Replace the painting under the linen with another one, and everyone will be waiting in vain! "

Ye Tian looked at the direction the voice came from, then smiled and said loudly:

"Don't worry about this, I will do what I say, and I won't do such a bad thing. From now on, the live broadcast camera will always be facing this drawing board, and I won't leave for a moment.

In addition, there are two agents from the Italian Antiquities Gendarmerie, they have been following me, watching my every move, I believe they will not just watch me play tricks"

With that said, Ye Tian pointed to the two cultural relic military policemen, and directly identified them.

Faced with this situation, what can those two guys do? They can only take out their ID cards, show them to everyone at the scene, and reveal their identities.

At the same time as these two guys showed their IDs, the faces of some stall owners and antique dealers at the scene couldn't help but change, obviously a little guilty!

Like all antique markets in the world, the Antique Fair on the Canals of Milan is full of thieves, antiques of unknown origin and tricks.

There are even more thieves in this antique market. You know, Milan is famous for having a lot of thieves.

And because of Italy's long history and numerous antique works of art, there are also many art thieves active here, and the Canal Antique Fair is an ideal place for them to sell their stolen goods!

At this time, I heard that there are cultural relics gendarmes here, can these guys not feel nervous!

After listening to Ye Tian's explanation and seeing cultural relics military police following them, many onlookers at the scene accepted this arrangement and prepared to wait for a while to witness the miracle later.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and the others left Tino's stall and continued to visit the remaining stalls, antique shops, and galleries in the Canal Antique Market.

The Italian policemen in plain clothes and the two cultural relics gendarmes also followed closely, each on high alert, staring at Ye Tian and the others, and also at the drawing board in Ye Tian's hand.

As for Tino, he had already fallen to the ground, eyes full of despair and pain, and muttered to himself in despair, his whole body was on the verge of collapse.

In the next period of time, Ye Tian didn't make another move, but just wandered around, browsing the remaining stalls, antique shops, and galleries!

In fact, he had no chance to make another shot.

With Tino's bloody lesson learned from the past, the rest of the stall owners, antique shop and gallery owners, how dare they do his business!

Seeing Ye Tian approaching the booth, or walking into his own antique shop or gallery, those antique dealers immediately became highly vigilant, and guarded against him like a thief.

But how did they know that the guy who appeared a moment later with a London accent was the one who really ransacked them!

Time passed little by little, and it was getting closer and closer to four o'clock in the afternoon.

At the same time, the Milan canal antique market is becoming more and more lively. Although today's antique market is coming to an end, the number of tourists on both sides of the canal has not decreased, but has increased sharply!

Countless people heard the news from all over Milan and flocked to this famous antique fair.

Especially the cafe designated by Ye Tian was completely surrounded, and many people rushed there to reserve seats in advance, hoping to witness the miracle happen at the closest distance.

The owner of that cafe was probably insanely happy at this moment. He and Edmundo were probably the only two people in the Canal Antique Market who had a good impression of Ye Tian, ​​and were even grateful.

The major news media that received the notification from Anderson sent reporters stationed in Milan to rush here, and media reporters arrived at the Canal Antique Market one after another.

As soon as these guys arrived, they immediately tried to interview Ye Tian. They wanted to grab the headlines before other reporters.

However, these uncrowned kings were all stopped by Cole and the others, and they couldn't get close to Ye Tian and Betty at all.

Immediately afterwards, they were sent to the cafe designated by Ye Tian, ​​where they waited for four o'clock and Ye Tian announced the important discovery.

In addition to many media reporters, Giovanni quickly rushed to the canal antique market with several cultural relics gendarmes.

After this old friend arrived, he also wanted to find out what Ye Tian had discovered as soon as possible, so as to formulate a countermeasure.

It's a pity that he also got rejected, Ye Tian just greeted him a few words, but didn't reveal any useful information!

Not long after Giovanni arrived, the Milan lawyer team contacted by Anderson also arrived here.

Under the lure of generous remuneration, these Italians changed their laziness in the past. After receiving the call, they rushed out of the house and drove straight to here.

They all know that as long as they win this business, they will not only get a generous reward, but also get a chance to show their faces in front of people all over the world. Can they not be positive?

With the arrival of the most outstanding lawyer team in Milan, Ye Tian erected another solid line of defense in front of him, which made the Italian police and cultural relics gendarmes scratch their heads!

In view of the unexpected situation at the Canal Antique Market, the Milan police quickly responded. They deployed a large number of police forces to rush here to maintain order on the scene and avoid accidents.

Near four o'clock, the consul and cultural counselor of the American embassy in Milan, along with six embassy security personnel, arrived late at the Canal Antique Market.

After these diplomats arrived at the antique market, Anderson sent them to the coffee shop designated by Ye Tian, ​​where they waited.

Seeing the arrival of these American diplomats, the Milan police and cultural relics military police at the scene became more dignified and more headache.

Especially those cultural relic gendarmes, their faces were so ugly that they looked like their own dead fathers!

The experienced people have already realized that Ye Tian's discovery today will definitely cause a huge sensation, perhaps no less than the Napoleon's treasure that was revealed not long ago!

But no matter how hard they racked their brains, they couldn't guess what painting Ye Tian found, who's work was the painting that had been hidden for more than a hundred years.

With only five or six minutes left until four o'clock, Ye Tian and the others walked out of the last antique shop and came to the streets on the north bank of the Grand Canal in Milan again.

After standing still on the street, Ye Tian turned his head to look at the guys following him, and then said with a smile:

"Let's go back, go to that cafe, the time is ripe, it's time to reveal the answer"

After speaking, he took Betty and walked out to the cafe he had designated before.

Seeing his move, the scene immediately burst into cheers.

"Wow! I have finally waited for this moment. If I continue to delay, I will be driven crazy by curiosity!"

"I hope that what Steven is saying is true. This is a major discovery that can shock the world and rewrite the history of Western art. That will not be in vain for my buddies to suffer for a long time."

Amidst the cheers, almost everyone in the Milan Canal Antique Market rushed to the cafe on the north bank of the canal like a torrent!

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