Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1704 The Sister of

When Ye Tian and the others walked to the coffee shop facing the street on the north bank of the canal, there was already a sea of ​​people, surrounded by people who had already rushed to watch the excitement, and the scene was extremely noisy.

The first time he came here, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective, seeing through all the people surrounding the cafe, not letting anyone go!

As for the people looking around on tiptoe a little farther away, who couldn't get in front of the cafe at all, there was no need for perspective, and those guys didn't pose any threat.

Under the perspective, the situation of the many onlookers at the scene was immediately clearly presented in Ye Tian's eyes.

In addition to the Milan police who maintained order, the police in plain clothes, the military police of cultural relics, and the security personnel of the American embassy, ​​Ye Tian also found a few guys with guns in the crowd.

But those guys were all carrying pistols. Even if they were plotting something wrong, the snipers and Cole who were ambushing at both ends of the antique market on the canal were completely capable of dealing with it, without much threat.

As for the thieves carrying daggers and other weapons, there were more of them, and some even mixed in with the crowd, taking advantage of this rare opportunity to steal!

This has nothing to do with me, and Ye Tian didn't bother to talk about it.

After identifying a few target persons, he retracted his gaze and ended the perspective.

Immediately afterwards, under the escort of Cole and the four Milan lawyers, he and Betty walked through the crowd to the cafe inside.

Many onlookers at the scene were also very knowledgeable. When they saw their group coming, they immediately gave up a passage leading directly to the entrance of the cafe.

Soon, Ye Tian and the others passed through the crowd and came to the open-air dining area at the entrance of the cafe.

Here, the team of the American Embassy and Consulate in Milan, as well as the reporters of the world's major news media in Milan, have been waiting for a long time, and they are almost eager to see through!

Seeing Ye Tian and the others finally appear, these guys' eyes lit up immediately, and they became even more excited.

In particular, many media reporters were even more excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. Before Ye Tian and the others could stand firm, they couldn't wait to start asking questions loudly.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm the New York Times correspondent in Milan. What kind of treasure did you find in the Canal Antique Market? Can you tell us about it?"

"Mr. Steven, good afternoon. I'm a reporter from Italian National Television. What's the big secret hidden under that piece of primary-colored linen? Which artist's work is it?"

Ye Tian did not answer these surging questions,

He first shook hands with several diplomats from the US embassy, ​​greeted each other and got acquainted.

Afterwards, he turned his head to look at the media reporters who were excited and full of expectations, and said loudly with a smile:

"My friends from the media, good afternoon, I am Steven, I am very glad to meet you here, this is a wonderful afternoon, and it is also an afternoon of extraordinary significance and unforgettable!

Thank you for your kindness, for being able to come here for an interview and report, but please wait patiently for a while, the answer to the mystery will be revealed soon, and I will show the mysterious painting under the primary color linen in public! "

After finishing speaking, he turned around and shook hands with the coffee shop owner who was already waiting.

"Good afternoon buddy, sorry to bother you, without your consent, I fixed the place where I will reveal the mystery and display the painting at your coffee shop, I'm very sorry, I hope you don't mind.

I said in public just now that I want to invite everyone present to have a cup of coffee. If anyone needs it, you can open the supply and drink as much as you want, and all the expenses incurred will be paid by me! "

Hearing this, the coffee shop owner immediately showed the brightest smile on his face.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm Vittorio, the owner of this coffee shop, it's a pleasure to meet you, it's my honor that you chose my coffee shop as the venue to reveal the mystery.

I have to say, you are a very generous guy, the coffee I have here is quite good, if anyone on the scene needs it, I am very happy to provide you with fragrant coffee, drink as much as you want! "

With that said, this buddy shook hands with Ye Tian.

Next, Vittorio immediately announced loudly that the best coffee would be provided for free, and he could drink as much as he wanted, lest Ye Tian change his mind.

"clap clap"

There was a thunderous applause at the scene, resounding through the entire canal antique market.

Before the applause fell, some people couldn't wait to start ordering food, and they were not polite at all.

Vittorio was even more impolite. This buddy immediately ordered his clerk to serve coffee to all the customers who ordered food, and he could serve whatever coffee was expensive, anyway, someone would pay for it!

At the same time, Cole and the others have quickly spread out and built a solid line of defense around Ye Tian and Betty. Everyone is on high alert and ready to respond at any time.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm about to uncover this raw linen and witness the miracle together! I'm sure you'll always remember this wonderful afternoon and this moment!"

With that said, Ye Tian put the drawing board in his hand on a dining table beside him, then took out a pair of pliers he just bought from his pocket, and was about to pull out the nails on the primary-colored linen!

Lisa held up her mobile phone to take pictures, and was responsible for spreading everything that happened here to the entire network and every corner of the world!

Hearing Ye Tian's words and seeing his actions, the scene fell silent instantly.

Regardless of the many onlookers at the scene, the antique dealers doing business in the Canal Antique Fair, or the countless viewers on the live broadcast, everyone stared at the drawing board with breathless eyes, full of curiosity and expectation.

Unlike before, Ye Tian directly used pliers to pull out all the nails on the primary-colored linen this time, his movements were still skillful and smooth, but very cautious.

Immediately afterwards, he gently lifted the piece of primary-colored linen, his movements were extremely gentle, like stroking the skin of a baby.

At the same time, his face also revealed a look of ecstasy, his eyes full of fascination.

Because of the angle and distance, many onlookers around couldn't see the content of the painting under the linen immediately.

However, Betty and Anderson who were standing beside Ye Tian, ​​the Italian lawyers, and the American embassy team all saw the oil painting stretched on the drawing board!

The moment they saw the oil painting, all of them were completely shocked, and they froze in place, each of them stunned, their eyes so wide that their eyeballs almost flew out.

The shocking effect of that oil painting caused them to temporarily lose their ability to speak, and they just kept panting, without exception!

The situation in front of countless live broadcast terminals was the same, dead silence.

Everyone was completely stunned by the picture that appeared in front of them. Everyone was stunned, their eyes staring like cowbells!

Even Ye Tian, ​​who had already seen this painting many times through perspective, fell into obsession with excitement the moment he uncovered the primary-colored linen. His hands holding the primary-colored linen even trembled slightly!

Seeing them like this, the many onlookers at the scene couldn't bear it, especially those journalists from the world's major media.

"Steve, stop playing charades, show the painting quickly, don't just appreciate it for yourself, such behavior is very inhumane!"

"That's right, Steven, hurry up and show it to the public. If you continue to suffer, everyone will be driven crazy by curiosity!"

With the continuous drumming, Ye Tian and the others were all awakened, as were the lawyers in Milan, the team from the American embassy, ​​and everyone on the live broadcast end!

In the next moment, there was almost crazy exclamation on the scene and countless live broadcast terminals. Every voice was full of inconceivable, and some even had crying sounds!

“Mamma Mia! What the hell did I see? The Mona Lisa, that painting is the Mona Lisa, it’s unbelievable!”

"My God! Could it be that I am dazzled? How did Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" appear here? Isn't this priceless treasure collected in the Louvre? And it is under heavy protection!"

With these crazy exclamations, the Canal Antique Fair was immediately detonated.

"How is it possible? How could the Mona Lisa appear here? I must be hallucinating!"

"Could it be that the "Mona Lisa" in the Louvre is a fake and this one is the real one by Leonardo da Vinci? If so, this is definitely a major discovery that has caused a sensation in the world and will definitely rewrite the history of art!"

Amid the exclamation, Ye Tian suddenly picked up the oil painting on the table, raised it high above his head, and displayed it in front of all the onlookers at the scene.

At the same time, his clear voice also came out and reached the ears of everyone present.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is what I call a major discovery, which is enough to cause a sensation in the world. The publication of this oil painting will definitely rewrite the history of Western art.

But this is not Da Vinci's masterpiece, "Mona Lisa", but a sister painting of "Mona Lisa", its artistry is not inferior to "Mona Lisa".

More importantly, this oil painting is more perfectly preserved. According to my appraisal, it is definitely the authentic work of Leonardo da Vinci, a top-notch work of art and a priceless treasure! "

Following his words, the Milan Canal Antique Market and countless live broadcast terminals, like a boiling crater, began to violently spew the hottest and hottest magma!

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