Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1706 Public Appeal to the Super Rich

Rome, Palazzo Chigi, Office of the Prime Minister of Italy.

At this time, the Italian Prime Minister, the Minister of Culture, and several other people, who had just finished lunch, were gathering to watch the webcast, paying attention to what was happening at the Milan Canal Antique Fair.

When they saw that Ye Tian put down "Lisa Gherardini" and was about to reseal that masterpiece of Da Vinci, these guys who controlled the power of the Italian state couldn't sit still anymore.

"Tiano, you immediately organize the top experts in antique art appraisal in China to rush to Milan to appraise this "Lisa Gherardini".

If this oil painting is indeed an authentic Leonardo da Vinci, we must keep this priceless treasure in Italy, and we must not let that bastard Steven bring it back to the United States! "

The Italian Prime Minister said categorically, and directly issued an order to the Minister of Culture around him.

"Okay, I will organize experts and scholars to rush to Milan to appraise this oil painting. Although that bastard Steven is very hateful, his eyes are extremely sharp, and he has never looked past it!

Since he gave a very clear appraisal conclusion, confirming that this is the authentic work of Leonardo da Vinci, and the artistry is no less than the "Mona Lisa" in the Louvre, it is basically impossible to make mistakes.

However, the bastard Steven is notoriously greedy and extremely cunning. If we want to get this masterpiece from him, I am afraid we will have to pay a very huge price."

Culture Minister Tiano nodded excitedly, but also worried.

As soon as the words fell, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a staff member of the Prime Minister's Office came in and said:

"Mr. Prime Minister, the American ambassador called and said he wanted to talk to you about "Lisa Gherardini""

Hearing this, the Italian Prime Minister immediately gritted his teeth and cursed:

"These goddamn American bastards, none of them are good people, they are all shameless robbers, especially that greedy bastard Steven"

Go back to the Milan Canal Antique Market.

The place is still very lively, everyone is staring at Ye Tian's movements and the painting "Lisa Gherardini" by Leonardo da Vinci.

"Steven, is this necessary? I need to talk to you about something"

exclaimed Giovanni,

There was a bit of anger in the voice, but more of helplessness.

This buddy was blocked a few meters away by Cole and the others, and he was not allowed to enter. He could only shout to Ye Tian from the air, this is Italy, and being stopped by others on his own territory, how can he not feel depressed and angry!

Ye Tian turned to look at this old friend, then smiled and said:

"Cole, let him come here, we are old friends, and he is also an Italian cultural relics gendarme, there is no threat!"

"Okay, Steven"

Cole nodded in response, and then stepped out of the way.

In two or three steps, Giovanni had already approached.

Before he could stand still, the buddy couldn't wait to whisper:

"Steven, this "Lisa Gherardini" is so important. It is a national treasure of Italy. It belongs to Italy and all the people of Italy. It must stay in this country!

I hope you can agree to my request, and I can tell you very clearly that from now on, this "Lisa Gherardini" will be included in the list of artworks that are restricted from leaving the country.

No one can leave Italy with this "Lisa Gherardini", including you, we Italian cultural relics gendarme absolutely cannot agree, this is our duty! "

Ye Tian looked at this anxious old friend, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"Don't get angry, Giovanni, now is the time to rejoice and celebrate, the discovery of this oil painting is definitely one of the greatest discoveries in the history of art.

I do not deny that this painting is indeed a national treasure of Italy, priceless, even as important as the "Mona Lisa", but it belongs to me now, and everyone in the world knows it.

To put it bluntly, this is my private property. As for how to dispose of this oil painting, that is my right and freedom, and no one has the right to interfere, including you Italian cultural relics gendarmes!

Besides, you probably don't have much say in whether this oil painting can be kept in Italy. The importance of this oil painting is likely to involve a contest at the national level.

You also met the diplomats from the American embassy next to you just now, so there is no need to deny that the reason why I invited them over is because of the importance of this painting, maybe they can be used"

Hearing this, Giovanni immediately turned his head to look at the guys from the American embassy and the four excited Milan lawyers, his eyes full of fear.

Steven, the bloody bastard, is so thorough, so invulnerable, what a monster!

After pondering for a while, Giovanni gritted his back molars and said in a low voice:

"Steven, what if our Italian Cultural Relics Gendarmerie forcibly seizes this "Lisa Gherardini" and keeps it in Italy? You know, it's not hard to find an excuse"

"Then we have no choice but to break up. I don't mind burning this masterpiece of Da Vinci. Everyone in the world knows that this oil painting belongs to me, and I have the right and freedom to dispose of it.

Just like you, I have very easy excuses for destroying this oil painting, such as accidentally catching fire and burning this masterpiece to ashes, etc. Everyone knows that fire and water are ruthless!

For me, destroying this oil painting is just an instant effort. I believe that no one can stop it, and destroying it will have no effect on me.

Discovering this "Lisa Gherardini" was originally an unexpected surprise. I can completely pretend that this surprise has never happened, but you must bear all the consequences and responsibilities that follow."

When he said these words, Ye Tian always had a charming smile on his face, but his tone was extremely cold and full of murderous intent.

Although he didn't explain what consequences and responsibilities Giovanni and the Italian cultural relics gendarme would bear, the meaning revealed in his words couldn't be more obvious, even a fool can hear it!

There is no doubt that it will be an extremely cruel, bloody and bloody revenge, and everyone involved in this matter will go to hell, whether he is a cultural relic gendarme or anyone else!

"Fack! This guy is a complete lunatic, a devil from the depths of hell!"

Giovanni gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, feeling a chill in his heart, and even shivered uncontrollably.

After calming down a little, he was about to say something.

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly, and it was the Italian Minister of Culture.

Giovanni took out his mobile phone to look at the display, and then immediately walked aside with the mobile phone to report the latest situation to his immediate superior.

Ye Tian looked at this buddy with disdain, and then continued his work, nailing the piece of primary-colored linen covering "Lisa Gherardini".

In a blink of an eye, he nailed the piece of primary-colored linen, and then took the black walnut drawing board with "Lisa Gherardini" in his hand.

At the same time, many media reporters at the scene finally seized the opportunity and began to ask questions loudly.

"Steven, I'm a reporter for The Washington Post in Milan. What do you plan to do with this "Lisa Gherardini"? Do you want to collect it yourself or put it up for auction?

There is a more important question, will you keep this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci in Italy? Or take it back to New York, as an American journalist, I hope it's the latter! "

"Hello, Steven, I am a reporter from La Repubblica, there is no doubt that this "Lisa Gherardini" is a priceless treasure and a national treasure of Italy.

Although this da Vinci painting now belongs to you, I very much hope and implore you to keep this priceless treasure in Italy, we Italians will be very grateful.

One more thing, what do we Italians need to do to preserve this priceless treasure? How much do you value this "Lisa Gherardini"? We'd love to hear"

The Italian reporter's question immediately aroused enthusiastic responses from all the Italians present, and in an instant, the drumming sounded one after another!

"That's right, this "Lisa Gherardini" is an Italian national treasure and must stay in Italy, Steven, you can't bring it back to the United States"

"Steven, please give me an accurate quotation. Even if all Italians crowdfund, we must leave this masterpiece of Da Vinci, which is the spiritual wealth shared by all Italians!"

Ye Tian couldn't help laughing when he heard the drum noise and watched the lively scene.

After the sound of the scene subsided, he said loudly:

"How to dispose of this "Lisa Gherardini", whether to stay in Italy or bring it back to the United States, I haven't made up my mind yet, after I study this painting carefully, I will make a decision!

This time will not be very long, just within a few days, you just have to wait patiently for a few days, then I will announce my decision and some research results about this oil painting.

But I can explain in advance that I will not collect this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci. I am undoubtedly asking for trouble for myself. Such a precious oil painting will definitely attract countless coveted eyes!

I don't want my home to be frequented by countless art thieves, I'm known to be a professional treasure hunter, and this is my commodity, and I'm going to put this painting up for sale.

As for the valuation of this oil painting, I can't give it for the time being, just like I can't value the "Mona Lisa", no matter what kind of sky-high price this painting sells, it is possible!

I fully understand how you Italians want to keep this painting. Crowdfunding and selling paintings is also a very good idea, but I am not sure that all Italians are willing.

Here, I would like to make a public appeal to some of the super rich in Italy, Marie, Berlusconi, and some other super rich, it is up to you to make a move, don't miss this opportunity!

I’m sure that buying this da Vinci’s masterpiece is definitely more fulfilling and meaningful than you making countless delicious Ferrero chocolates and AC Milan winning the Champions League.”

Before the words fell, thunderous applause erupted at the scene.

"clap clap"

Everyone on the live and live broadcast applauded for Ye Tian's words, for Da Vinci's "Lisa Gherardini", and for those famous Italian super rich.

Especially Mary and Berlusconi, who were named by Ye Tian, ​​were framed up by people in an instant, and a moral kidnapping came.

Before the applause fell, suddenly, there was another roar of a huge engine in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, two medium-sized helicopters with smooth lines whizzed from the sky and appeared above the antique market on the Milan Canal!

The moment the two helicopters appeared, Ye Tian immediately burst into a bright smile.

It's time to leave and return in triumph!

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