Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1707 Air Evacuation

Seeing the two medium-sized helicopters whistling in the sky, Giovanni, who was on the phone with the Minister of Culture, changed his face suddenly, and cursed angrily.

"Fack! Those guys at the Milan Police Department are such a bunch of idiots. How can they issue a flight permit to Steven's bastard's helicopter at this moment? It's so stupid!"

Cursing a few words angrily, the buddy hurriedly ended the call and walked towards Ye Tian quickly.

At the same time, the scene and the live broadcast were completely blown up. Everyone looked at the two helicopters whizzing and circling in mid-air, and started talking about it.

"These two medium-sized helicopters belong to that guy, Steven. When they came to Milan before, these two medium-sized helicopters escorted them in the air and followed them all the way.

Obviously, these two helicopters are here to pick up Steven and Betty, and that guy Steven is going to leave from the sky with "Lisa Gherardini". This move is really brilliant! "

"There is no doubt that Steven must have made a lot of arrangements in the previous half hour. These two helicopters are just one of them, and there must be other backups.

This guy is so thorough and impeccable, no one can take advantage of him, no matter who, don't want to get this "Lisa Gherardini" easily."

Amidst the heated discussions one after another, some people with ulterior motives in the crowd couldn't help but a look of disappointment flashed in their eyes.

These guys mixed in the crowd, originally wanted to do something when Ye Tian and the others left, to see if they could snatch that priceless treasure or some other antique works of art while Ye Tian and the others were leaving.

In two or three steps, Giovanni had come to Ye Tian's side, biting his back teeth and whispering:

"Steven, are you planning to leave the sky with this "Lisa Gherardini" and return to the Four Seasons Hotel?"

Ye Tian turned to look at this old friend, then nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, Giovanni, you've also seen the situation at the scene. The place has been completely surrounded. There are at least two or three thousand people inside and outside. It is obviously not wise to leave from the ground.

If we choose to evacuate from the ground, once we enter the crowd of onlookers, who can guarantee that no one will secretly stir up trouble, and then take advantage of the chaos to snatch the "Lisa Gherardini"?

This is a truly priceless treasure, enough to drive everyone crazy,

I'm sure that among the thousands of onlookers at the scene, there must be some guys who covet this priceless treasure.

Once the chaos occurs, it is estimated that it will be out of control. In order to protect our own safety and this oil painting, we will definitely launch a counterattack. Anyone who tries to rob me will surely die!

In the process, it would be a pity if this masterpiece of Da Vinci was damaged. We don’t want to see such a result, and I believe you cultural relics gendarmes are the same!

Therefore, I chose to leave by air. This is the most sensible way. Of course, this requires the cooperation of your Italian police to maintain order on the ground and buy us time! "

While saying these words, Ye Tian also pointed to the crowd of onlookers at the scene.

Following the direction of his finger, Giovanni quickly scanned the scene.

When he saw the excited onlookers around him as if they had been injected with chicken blood, his face suddenly became more serious, and there was even a bit of fear in his eyes!

At this moment, he firmly believed in Ye Tian's words just now.

If there were really some reckless guys mixed in the crowd and planned to take advantage of the chaos to rob, it would definitely turn into a major event that caused a sensation all over the world!

At that time, a serious stampede is almost inevitable. If the thousands of people on the scene run away in panic, God knows how many people will be trampled to death and injured!

You must know that the streets on both sides of the Milan Canal were built hundreds of years ago, and they are relatively narrow, and one side is on the verge of the canal. In case of riots, people have nowhere to run and can only jump into the river!

If the situation was a little more serious and someone fired a gun, with the ruthless and ruthless style of behavior of Steven and his bastards, it is naturally impossible to sit still and shoot back.

Next, both sides of the Milan Canal will become a battlefield full of bullets and blood, and even hell, with stray bullets everywhere, and the entire Milan Canal will be stained red with blood!

If these things really happen, let alone whether Da Vinci's "Lisa Gherardini" can be preserved, people like myself will definitely be finished.

Even if he managed to escape the hail of bullets and the crazy stampede of countless big feet, and survived, he would become a scapegoat used by his boss to appease the public's anger and be ruthlessly abandoned!

Thinking of this, Giovanni felt chills in his heart, and shivered uncontrollably.

After pondering for a while, the buddy immediately nodded and said:

"Steven, it's better for you to leave from the air, it's indeed safer and it will help protect "Lisa Gherardini". Our police will maintain order on the scene and buy time for you.

One more thing, a team of experts will come from Rome tonight to identify this Da Vinci's "Lisa Gherardini", I hope you can allow them to identify"

"These top experts in antique art appraisal are very welcome to come to Milan to appraise this oil painting, and I will also provide them with the opportunity and venue for appraisal, but the time must be decided by me.

After returning to the Four Seasons Hotel later, I will carefully appraise this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci to see if I can discover any secrets. After my appraisal is completed, it will be the turn of others to appraise it."

Ye Tian nodded with a smile and said, but his tone was very firm, beyond doubt.

Before Giovanni could respond, he went on to say:

"After we return to the Four Seasons Hotel, I hope you can immediately strengthen the security inside and outside the hotel and surrounding areas to prevent accidents from happening.

If as expected, there will soon be a large number of petitioners and protesters going to the Four Seasons Hotel for petitions and protests"

"No problem, just leave the peripheral security to us, I have already thought of these things"

Giovanni nodded and replied in a low voice, his face became more dignified.

Next, Ye Tian chatted with this buddy in a low voice, then ended the topic, turned around and walked in front of the cafe owner Vittorio.

"Vittorio, we need to borrow the roof of your cafe and take a helicopter from the roof to get out of here, although rest assured, we will not damage your roof.

As for the cost of inviting the onlookers to drink coffee, you can go to the Four Seasons Hotel to settle the bill with me later, I hope you don't talk too much, I don't want to be taken advantage of! "

"No problem, Steven, you just use it, even if your helicopter collapses this building, it doesn't matter, anyway, you are not short of money, just pay me a lot of money!

Thank you very much for choosing my café, it is an honor for me to present "Lisa Gherardini" publicly here, it was a wonderful afternoon and one to remember forever! "

Vittorio nodded and said with a smile, that old face almost died of laughter.

After today's incident, his cafe has become internationally renowned and well-known, and it will become a landscape on the bank of the Milan Canal in the future, and even a tourist attraction!

What this means, Vittorio knows very well in his heart, of course it is a steady stream of guests and money pouring in like a tide!

After greeting Vittorio, Ye Tian walked over and said a few words to the American embassy team, telling them to go directly to the Four Seasons Hotel later, and there are still some things to communicate.

Then came the four Milan lawyers, Ye Tian picked two of them, followed him to evacuate by helicopter, and the other two drove to the Four Seasons Hotel.

After arranging these things, Ye Tian whispered through the wireless invisible earphone:

"Cole, tell the guys to shrink the line of defense and hand over the peripheral security to the Milan police and the Italian cultural relics gendarmerie. They will cooperate with us and buy us enough time to evacuate.

I arranged for a few guys to guard the entrance of the cafe, and other guys brought the antiques and artworks they bought, followed me to the roof of the cafe, and we evacuated from the roof by helicopter.

After all, the capacity of the two helicopters is limited. They have to carry a large number of antiques and artworks and take us away. In this way, some guys must evacuate from the ground by car.

Just like when we came to Milan, when we left the Canal Antique Market, we still had to cooperate in the open space, leave here together, and return to the Four Seasons Hotel, we can't give anyone a chance! "

"Okay, Steven, let me arrange these things, nothing will go wrong"

Cole's voice came immediately from the earphones, firm and confident.

A few seconds later, Ye Tian's security personnel began to shrink the cordon.

When everyone retreated to the cafe entrance, Cole immediately ordered six security personnel to guard the cafe entrance and not let anyone in!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took Betty, Anderson and the others, under the protection of Cole and several other armed security personnel, into the cafe one after another, and disappeared from people's sight!

What disappeared together was the "Lisa Gherardini" in Ye Tian's hand, as well as a large number of antique artworks swept from the antique fair on the Milan Canal.

At the same time, a medium-sized helicopter roaring and circling in mid-air has begun to descend slowly, approaching the roof of the cafe!

When the helicopter descended to a height of about 50 meters, gusts of hurricanes immediately rolled up at the door of the cafe, blowing people almost unable to open their eyes!

Soon, the medium-sized helicopter descended into the air less than ten meters from the roof of the building, and then hovered in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, as soon as the sling was hung, it was dropped from the helicopter and reached the roof of the cafe.

After a while, two of Ye Tian's men appeared at the end of the sling, hung their bodies with safety locks, and were quickly hoisted to the helicopter cabin by the sling.

In the blink of an eye, these two guys entered the helicopter cabin, their movements extremely agile.

The next moment, the sling hung down again with a rope net, and this time, several bulging suitcases were lifted.

Everyone at the scene knew what was in those suitcases. Of course, it was the booty that Steven that guy looted from the Milan Canal Antique Market.

Like Florence, Milan did not escape the fate of being ransacked frantically, and the losses were even heavier.

Especially that da Vinci's masterpiece, "Lisa Gherardini", also fell into the hands of that bastard Steven!

Thinking of this, almost every Italian on the live and live stream felt his heart was bleeding and painful!

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