Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1708 Eight Fang Yundong

As soon as the two medium-sized helicopters flew over the canal antique market, Ye Tian's cell phone rang. It was Thomas, the curator of the Metropolitan Museum.

As soon as the phone was connected, the old friend's voice came over, sounding extremely excited.

"Good afternoon, Steven, congratulations, you discovered Da Vinci's masterpiece, "Lisa Gherardini" in Milan, this discovery is so important and shocking!

You guys are so lucky that no matter where you go, you will find something, and it will be a heavyweight discovery! God always seems to be with you guy! "

"Hello, Thomas, I was very lucky during this trip to Milan, and found a lot of valuable antique works of art, especially Da Vinci's "Lisa Gherardini".

This can be regarded as fulfilling one of my long-cherished wishes. Counting Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ", the works of the three masters of Renaissance art, buddies can be considered complete! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, his tone naturally complacent.

"It's just you, if you were someone else, you might never come across a piece of work by the three masters of Renaissance art in your life. It would be a fluke to have such an opportunity once!

Can you sell this da Vinci masterpiece to us at the Metropolitan Museum? We need such a treasure of the town hall, with it, we can greatly shorten the distance with the Louvre.

As for the price of Leonardo da Vinci's "Lisa Gherardini", you can open it up as you like, even if it costs the entrance ticket revenue of the Metropolitan Museum in the next few years, we will not hesitate."

"It's too early to say this, Thomas. It may be harder than reaching the sky to bring this priceless treasure out of Italy. As long as the Italians are not idiots, they will do everything possible to keep this oil painting!"

"You're right, no matter the individual or the country, who would give up such a masterpiece whose value is comparable to that of the Mona Lisa?"

Thomas responded, with endless regret in his tone.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian hung up the phone and ended the call.

Immediately after Thomas, Julian, the director of MOMA, called, followed by the director of the National Gallery of Art and several of the most famous top collectors in the United States.

In addition, Martinez, the curator of the Louvre, Bernard, the richest man in France, the curator of the British Museum, etc.,

These heavyweights in the field of European art collections have also called in one after another.

Without exception, these guys all had the same purpose, they all wanted to acquire Leonardo da Vinci's "Lisa Gherardini", waving blank checks one by one, showing great generosity!

Just like dealing with Thomas in the Metropolitan Museum, Ye Tian prevaricated these guys one by one, without giving anyone a clear answer.

During this period, even Mr. Shan from the Forbidden City seemed to join in the fun and called over, also for the painting "Lisa Gherardini".

But the Forbidden City has no intention of buying it. It just wants to talk about the loan exhibition and see if there is such a possibility.

On the phone, Ye Tian briefly introduced the current situation, and he clearly told Mr. Shan that it is almost impossible to borrow the exhibition, and it will be difficult for this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci to leave Italy.

Hearing his explanation, Shan Lao gave up the idea of ​​borrowing the exhibition.

While Ye Tian and the others flew away from the sky over the canal, Cole led the rest of the people on the ground to pass through the crowd of onlookers, boarded the convoy waiting outside the crowd, and drove straight to the Four Seasons Hotel.

Behind their convoy, there were more than a dozen Milan police cars and vehicles of the cultural relics gendarmerie.

Afterwards, there are a large number of interview vehicles of the news media, as well as the vehicles of many onlookers of good things, and finally there are countless small and handy scooters.

All these large and small vehicles come together to form a huge convoy, which can't be seen at a glance, and the scene is extremely spectacular!

When this convoy drove across the streets of Milan like a huge torrent, it immediately caused a sensation in the whole of Milan and stunned everyone on the streets!

And this convoy is still growing rapidly, with vehicles and scooters constantly joining in along the way, the closer the convoy gets to the Four Seasons Hotel, the more spectacular the scene will be!

It didn't take long for the two medium-sized helicopters to fly over the Four Seasons Hotel, and then began to descend slowly, landing on the apron on the roof of the hotel.

The following things went very smoothly.

Half an hour later, Ye Tian and Betty were already in the presidential suite of the Four Seasons Hotel, and Anderson and Cole were the same, they had all returned to the hotel.

The four Milan lawyers who followed, as well as a group from the US embassy, ​​were arranged in several other luxury suites on the same floor of the hotel.

As for Da Vinci's "Lisa Gherardini", it was always within Ye Tian's field of vision and never left for a moment.

The rest of the antique artworks swept from the Milan Canal Antique Market were transported into several rooms and stored for later processing.

After returning to the room to wash up and take a short rest, Ye Tian and the others began to have lunch, of course in the upstairs room.

While they were enjoying their lunch and savoring the joy, the whole of Milan, and even the whole of Italy, had been completely boiled and became very lively.

Just as Ye Tian expected, the Milanese who were thoroughly shocked by "Lisa Gherardini" came to the Four Seasons Hotel immediately after waking up, like a tide, starting from all over Milan!

Among them were those who came to petition, and some who came to protest and demonstrate. Of course, there were also those who came to watch the excitement, and a large number of guys with ulterior motives!

Those volunteers and protesters have the same ultimate goal, which is to let Ye Tian keep "Lisa Gherardini" in Italy and in Milan!

As for those guys with ulterior motives, they want to come here to see if there are any bargains to be made!

Fortunately, Ye Tian reminded Giovanni in advance, and the Milan police responded very quickly. They mobilized a large number of police forces and guarded the Four Seasons Hotel very tightly, leaving almost no loopholes.

When the turbulent crowd arrived around the Four Seasons Hotel, they were immediately blocked by the Milan police's cordon, unable to approach the hotel at all.

They can only stay a little farther away from the hotel and outside the cordoned off area, shouting loudly and waving flags and slogans desperately to express their demands.

Under the pressure of the public, the super rich Italians named by Ye Tian also issued statements one after another, expressing that their families or companies intend to acquire "Lisa Gherardini" and keep it in Italy!

Ye Tian and the others received these messages when they were resting in the living room after lunch.

"Steven, just now, Maria and Berlusconi, who were named by you, issued public statements respectively. They said they would contact you as soon as possible to discuss the acquisition of "Lisa Gherardini".

Even the Italian Prime Minister's Office issued a public statement, saying that this is one of the greatest discoveries in art history, and congratulated you, and hoped that this oil painting can stay in Italy! "

Anderson said with a smile, reporting the latest situation from the outside world.

"That would be great, I'm ready, just wait for these fat Italian sheep to come to my door, and then kill them and make a lot of money!"

Ye Tian said jokingly, with a look of sharpening a knife and rushing at pigs and sheep.


There was a burst of laughter in the living room immediately, and everyone laughed.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian finally got to the point.

"Cole, tell the guys to step up your guard. From now on, everyone must put on a 120,000-point mentality, guard against death, and protect everyone here, as well as every piece of antique art.

Anderson, you go and bring those Milan lawyers and the American embassy team over, there are some things that they need to participate in next, and then I will start to study "Lisa Gherardini"

"Okay, Steven"

Cole and Anderson responded in unison, and immediately took action.

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