Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1709 Da Vinci's Residence

Near seven o'clock in the afternoon, other unrelated people left the presidential suite.

Apart from Ye Tian and Betty, only Anderson, Cole, and Taylor and Lisa were left in the room. There were no more than six people in total.

As Ye Tian's personal lawyer, Anderson will witness the next series of discoveries, take pictures, and keep the corresponding video evidence!

As for Cole and the others, they are of course responsible for security, preventing anyone from breaking into the presidential suite without permission.

At the entrance of this presidential suite, there are four armed security personnel with live ammunition.

Other places such as the two ends of the corridor, the elevator room, the stairway, and even the hotel lobby and rooftop are also guarded.

In addition, there are security personnel watching every corner of this five-star hotel, including the facade of the hotel, through the hotel surveillance system and the temporary surveillance system installed by Cole himself!

Even the ventilation ducts on this floor of the Four Seasons Hotel are equipped with many pinhole cameras and high-sensitivity infrared sensing devices, which are under strict monitoring.

Under such circumstances, let alone a single person or a group of people, even a single fly, don't even think about hiding from the eyes of the security personnel, passing through the defense lines, and sneaking into the presidential suite where Ye Tian and Betty live.

In order to ensure everything was safe, Ye Tian immediately called Wilson from Raytheon Security Company as soon as he returned to the Four Seasons Hotel, and dispatched another group of security personnel to Milan.

Those guys are already on the road at this time, and they will arrive in Milan at night. After they arrive, they will stay in another nearby hotel and hide as a backup force.

Once something happens at the Four Seasons Hotel and military support is needed, those security personnel will rush to the hotel immediately to meet Ye Tian and the others, or attack them internally and externally to kill all opponents!

After the door of the presidential suite was closed, Ye Tian immediately said with a smile:

"Guys, let's start now, Anderson, you are in charge of shooting, Cole, the three of you are in charge of security, watching the situation outside the door and the window"

As he spoke, he took the black walnut drawing board with "Lisa Gherardini" stretched on it, and placed it on the coffee table in the living room, preparing to reveal the secret behind this masterpiece.

In fact, he knew exactly what secret was hidden in this painting when he was at the Milan Canal Antique Fair, and he could see it clearly through perspective.

Now it's just a show,

Only in this way can everything look reasonable and not arouse people's suspicion.

Seeing Ye Tian's actions, the eyes of everyone in the room lit up immediately, full of anticipation and excitement.

Anderson raised his mobile phone, pointed the camera of the mobile phone at the oil painting on the coffee table, and began to shoot.

Cole, Taylor, and Lisa, the three of them stood in a triangle, staring at the suite door and French windows respectively, maintaining a high level of vigilance at all times.

After putting "Lisa Gherardini" on the coffee table, Ye Tian didn't immediately pull out the nails on the linen cloth, but went to the side and reached out to turn off the chandelier in the living room!

With his movements, the light in the suite suddenly became much dimmer. This is to avoid strong light stimulation and unnecessary damage to the oil painting.

After all, it is winter now. In Milan near seven o'clock, the sun has already set and it is dusk.

After doing this, Ye Tian returned to the coffee table and then picked up the pliers and began to pull out the nails that were nailed to the piece of primary-colored linen, and put the pulled nails in a box, which will be used later!

In just a moment, all the nails were pulled out one by one, and the piece of primary-colored linen was gently lifted by Ye Tian, ​​revealing the "Lisa Gherardini" covered underneath.

Although everyone has already seen this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci, when they see it again at this time, they are still shocked and fascinated.

"Although Lisa Gherardini and Mona Lisa are not the same person, their smiles are so similar. I wonder if there is any special meaning? It's so mysterious!"

"Who knows, in the past five hundred years, countless people have been studying this enigmatic smile, but found nothing. Perhaps only Da Vinci himself understands the mystery!"

While admiring the "Lisa Gherardini" on the coffee table, everyone discussed and were full of curiosity.

After admiring it for a while, Ye Tian picked up the pliers again and began to remove the nails that nailed "Lisa Gherardini".

He was more careful than when removing the nails from the raw linen, lest he accidentally damage this priceless treasure.

Two or three minutes later, those nails with a history of more than a hundred years were pulled out one by one by Ye Tian and put into the box next to them.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian put the pliers in his hand aside, picked up a pair of white gloves that had been prepared, and put them on his hands.

The most important moment finally came. Everyone in the suite held their breath, staring at the painting "Lisa Gherardini" on the drawing board and Ye Tian's every move.

Looking at Ye Tian again, he stretched out his hands and gently pinched the two upper corners of the canvas of "Lisa Gherardini", and then carefully lifted the oil painting from the canvas.

He had just picked up this priceless oil painting on canvas, when Betty beside him suddenly said in surprise:

"Wow! There is actually another painting under this oil painting, which looks like the draft of "Lisa Gherardini", and it has the author's signature on it!"

Hearing this, the rest of the people in the suite immediately looked over.

I saw that under the oil painting, there was indeed a sketch, the scale was relatively small, and the one painted on it was Lisa Gherardini!

In the lower right corner of that sketch, there are two lines of cursive Latin, written quite clearly.

The first line of Latin is the name of Lisa Gherardini, which is the same as the signature in the lower right corner of the oil painting, and the bottom line is Da Vinci's personal signature. The initials of 'LV' are clear at a glance!

The moment I saw these two lines of curlicue Latin, there was an excited cheer in the suite.

"There is no doubt that this "Lisa Gherardini" is an outstanding work of Leonardo da Vinci, and the signature on the creation manuscript is enough to explain everything"

"It's really great. The discovery of this manuscript will definitely increase the value of "Lisa Gherardini" and make it more convincing!"

While Betty and the others were cheering endlessly, Ye Tian had already taken off the oil painting, held it carefully in his hand, and began to admire it over and over again.

In the next second, he suddenly pretended to be surprised and said:

"There is actually a line of Latin on the back of this oil painting. It seems that the handwriting should come from Da Vinci himself, but I don't know what it means."

As he spoke, he gently put down the oil painting in his hand, and spread it on the piece of primary-colored linen in reverse, with the back facing up.

At the same time, Betty and Anderson all looked over with curiosity.

After a few glances, Anderson suddenly said:

"This line of Latin seems to be a place name. It may be in the city of Milan. Da Vinci spent the most glorious period of his artistic career in Milan, but it is unknown where exactly!"

"It doesn't matter, we can look it up in the dictionary, I believe it is not difficult to figure out the meaning of this line of Latin, I hope it is a place name somewhere in Milan, maybe it is the residence of Leonardo da Vinci in Milan!

Undoubtedly, this "Lisa Gherardini" created a precedent, in other works of Leonardo da Vinci, there is not so much written information, and even the personal signature is hidden."

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, his eyes full of anticipation.

Afterwards, he took the Latin dictionary he had prepared and began to look up the meaning of that line of Latin.

It didn't take long for the answer to come out. That line of Latin was indeed a place name, and it was the name of a street.

Next, they searched the Internet for a city map of Milan in the early sixteenth century, and compared it with the current city map of Milan.

Soon, the answer was in front of everyone.

"From the map, this is an ancient street near the Sforza Castle. It was built in the early 14th century, very close to the Sforza Castle. It may be Da Vinci's residence in Milan.

Whether this judgment is correct still needs to be verified. If it is really where Leonardo Da Vinci once lived, it must be another major discovery, and it may bring a huge surprise.

After Leonardo da Vinci left Florence and came to Milan, he quickly established a friendship with Ludvico Sforza, Duke of Milan. The two hit it off and became the Duke's royal painter.

For eighteen years thereafter, Leonardo da Vinci lived in Milan, during which time he completed several of his most important portraits, several of which depict women related to the Duke of Milan.

At that time, Sforza Castle had replaced Milan Cathedral Square and became the political center of Milan, as well as the castle and ruling center of the Sforza family. The city defense was impenetrable!

As a close friend of the Duke of Milan and a royal painter, according to many historical records, Da Vinci lived in the Sforza Castle for a long time, and it is normal to have a residence near the castle.

This ancient street still exists today, we can go there for a visit later, if there really is Da Vinci's former residence there, I believe I will find something! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, his words were full of confidence.

Betty and Anderson nodded excitedly, both full of anticipation.

Next, Ye Tian picked up a high-power magnifying glass from the table and began to study this masterpiece of Da Vinci carefully.

Of course, this was just a pose, put on for Anderson, them, and everyone else.

Five or six minutes later, Ye Tian's voice of surprise came out again.

"Sure enough, this oil painting is the same as the "Mona Lisa". There are also hidden mysterious characters and Da Vinci's personal signature in the painting, which is in Lisa Gherardini's hair..."

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