Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1722 Crazy Impact

"Oh my god! The bastard Steven is not crazy, is he? It's too exaggerated to let his men drive a heavy truck directly into the container truck in front of him!"

"I'm going! These American bastards are a bunch of lunatics, they are so ruthless!"

Seeing the two heavy-duty trucks rushing towards the intersection, about to forcibly smash into a passage, and those guys following Ye Tian and his convoy, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

Without exception, everyone in the back, regardless of the cultural relics military police, the Piacenza special police, and the greedy scum who followed, were all frightened by Ye Tian's vicious actions.

Not to mention those scumbags who set up an ambush at the crossroads ahead.

All of them were stunned and stared at the two heavy trucks approaching at high speed with wide eyes, full of disbelief and fear!

For a moment, they even forgot to shoot to stop the crazy collision of the two heavy trucks.

The most unlucky ones are those scumbags hidden in the container trucks.

They had just opened the modified iron plate on the side of the container, looked out from the shooting window cut out, and saw two heavy trucks rushing at high speed at a glance, and they were close at hand!

Seeing this scene, many of them immediately rushed to both sides in panic, trying to escape from this death cage made of iron sheets as soon as possible!

A moment ago, they were still complacent about the perfect ambush plan, thinking that the ambush would be sure, and that they would catch Steven and his bastards by surprise and successfully achieve their goal!

At this moment, they are extremely regretful, why put themselves in such an iron cage, in such a desperate situation of mortal death, isn't this a grave!

In desperation, some guys didn't even have the strength to escape, their legs were trembling, and their eyes were full of despair.

They could only muster the last bit of strength remaining in their bodies and pull the trigger of the automatic rifles in their hands, trying to stop the two crazy heavy trucks.

"bang bang bang"

The gunshot rang out suddenly, officially announcing the beginning of this bloody killing.

However, these few gunshots did not help at all, and it was too late.

In a blink of an eye, the sound of automatic rifle fire was completely covered by another louder sound.


The deafening crash of cars suddenly came from the intersection, resounding through the entire highway, and even the ground trembled.

Almost in no particular order, the protruding fronts of two Volvo heavy-duty trucks slammed into the side of the container truck in front, making a loud noise.

In an instant, the side of the container truck was hit with two large craters, which were deeply sunken, and the entire vehicle body also slid out along the expressway in the direction of the impact.

After only sliding out for less than five meters, the huge body of this container truck rolled over to the ground, and under the action of the huge impact force, it continued to slide forward against the ground.

If it weren't for the boxy body of the container truck, any other car would probably have rolled over by now, and would have turned into a pile of scrap iron in an instant.

And look at those scumbags who were hiding in the container and tried to hit Ye Tian and the others head-on. Under such a violent impact, the dead, the disabled, and the disabled completely lost their combat effectiveness and lost their threat!

When the container truck slid out, the blood gushing out from those scumbags quickly flowed out of the car, leaving a bright red bloodstain on the highway road!


Before the deafening crash disappeared, there was an extremely shrill scream,

It's heartbreaking to hear!

As for the two Volvo heavy-duty trucks, although the hoods had been raised and the protruding fronts had been bumped beyond recognition, they did not lose power.

The two security personnel who drove the two heavy trucks suffered only a little bit of minor injury under the premise of early preparations, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Most of the huge force generated by the crazy impact was absorbed by the long front of the Volvo heavy truck. Coupled with the seat belts and other security measures, the current result is the result of multiple effects.

And this is why Cole and the others chose long-headed heavy-duty trucks and Volvo as a brand, which not only has a strong impact, but also is very reliable in safety.

As for the bullets fired by those scumbags in the container truck, even the front windshield of the Volvo heavy-duty truck was not smashed, only some bullet craters were left.

Before leaving Milan, these four heavy-duty trucks were refitted. Not only were they equipped with a lot of anti-collision buffer equipment, but they also replaced all the windows with high-energy bulletproof glass!

After the first wave of crazy collisions, the two Volvo heavy-duty trucks did not stop attacking. They quickly started again and slammed into the overturned container truck.

The scene in front of me scared the scum who had set up an ambush on the east and west sides of the intersection, and they ran away one by one, fearing that the two crazy heavy trucks would crash into their side!

The door and the back door of another container truck on the reverse lane were opened in an instant, and a large group of terrified scum escaped from it, rushing directly to the woods on the side of the road.

Without exception, these guys are all carrying automatic rifles or submachine guns in their hands, and the firepower is quite powerful!

But at this time, they only hated their parents for giving them two missing legs, and they couldn't run fast enough. How could they even care about attacking Ye Tian's convoy? It's important to run for their lives first!

Those guys following the convoy, whether they were cultural relics military police, special police from Piacenza, or greedy scum from all walks of life, were completely stunned by the scene ahead!

Steven and these bastards are simply too cruel. Are these guys really human? They are simply a group of devils from the depths of hell, okay!

Faced with such a crisp, extremely bloody and cruel killing scene, some scumbags secretly regretted it, and even completely despaired!

I was absolutely deceived by the lard, and I thought of robbing the bastard Steven, I was just asking for my own death, I couldn't be more stupid, wouldn't it be good to be alive?

Not only them, some people on the Internet who just turned on the live broadcast and saw this scene were also shocked and dumbfounded. They even wondered if this was the trailer for the latest Hollywood action blockbuster!

These impact scenes are so wonderful, exciting, cruel and bloody, it will definitely make people's blood swell and go completely crazy!

But they quickly figured out that it was Steven, that crazy guy fighting someone, and it was live, on a highway in Italy!

The introduction of this bloody fight is said to be the priceless "Lisa Gherardini", which Steven found in Milan, which is comparable to the "Mona Lisa" and is a masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci. do!

These guys who ambushed in the middle of the road are obviously all coming for the top-level artwork worth billions of euros, and they are going to rob that guy, Steven, and I don't know what they think?

And that guy Steven's counterattack method is extremely decisive and fierce, as brutal as ever, enough to make everyone terrified!

In the twinkling of an eye, the news about this fight was like a hurricane, quickly spreading throughout the entire network and the real world, attracting countless attentions.

On the expressway side, Ye Tian and his convoy did not show any sign of slowing down. They followed the two heavy trucks and continued to rush forward.

"Cole, hit that overturned container truck to the side of the road, the convoy quickly crosses the intersection, and then go back to pick up these scumbags:"

Ye Tian said coldly, his words and eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Understood, Steven, look at ours"

Cole responded aloud, his voice decisive.

Before he finished speaking, the two Volvo heavy-duty trucks attacked at high speed and slammed into the overturned container truck again, pushing it directly to the side of the road.

"Bang—! Squeak—!"

After the deafening impact, there was another extremely piercing sound from the scene.

It was the sound of metal rubbing against each other, and metal rubbing against the ground. It was creepy, and I felt goosebumps all over my body. It was extremely uncomfortable!

Those ambushers who were about to be frightened and stunned, and the scum from all walks of life who followed, finally came to their senses at this time.

Immediately afterwards, almost all the scumbags raised their guns and started shooting wildly.

Although the ambush at the crossroads was just one of the gangs, it was probably designed by the mafia, but the other scumbags were not stupid enough to let this opportunity go, so they shot together.

"Bang bang bang"

The gunshots sounded suddenly, like rain.

Almost at the same time as the gunshot rang out, Ye Tian had already stuck the muzzle of the G36C short assault rifle out of the car window, and locked on several guys on the east side of the intersection.

In the next moment, he pulled the trigger mercilessly and started a merciless and bloody killing.

"Bang bang bang..."

In the sound of bursting with a strong sense of rhythm, nine rifle bullets spewed out from the muzzle of the G36C short assault rifle at high speed, carrying an endless breath of death, and went straight to the scum on the east side of the intersection!

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